Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: lynn22 on October 31, 2009, 04:20:14 am
Any one coming to trick or treat tonight ??????
All modeling and texturing done in Anim8or, rendered in Vue because of the plants.
Very nice composition, texture and lightning! I like it. :D
A small question: what is the problem with the plants in Anim8or Renders? Is it due to the shadows with transparency maps?
Thank you Tof, much appreciated.
The problem with Anim8or is that indeed transparency maps throw complete shadows instead of detailed shadows, as for instance the outline of a leaf. However in this image this is not important for the trees are too far to notice the difference.
Vue is a program specially suited for outdoor scenes and comes with a range of plants which render very nicely.
In this instance I used Vue because of the masses of grass used in this image. Here's a detail.
I am sure that in time all this will become available in Anim8or it's just a matter of Steve finding the time and the energy to write the code. In the meantime we all wait patiently :)
If I had've seen this before halloween I would've used it as a wallpaper. But now it's allmost time for thanksgiving. :(