Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: neodelito on October 22, 2009, 11:24:44 am
Hi i finish my firsh anim8or movie.. now i add music, sounds, voice acting etc...
here are somes screenshot.. i hope you like.. any help is welcome..
Here are one model..
That looks pretty good. When will it be available for us to see it?
I second that, looking good
for now i edit somes scenes... soon...
Yes looks very good. I want to see it moving.
Here are others screens..
Awesome work, I get excited every time I see new posts in this thread :)
Can't wait to see some clips!
This looks really good, I especially like the textures.
WICKED NICE WORK! But joo talk lik BR. :P hehe, cant wait. ^^
still left voice actors, 4 scenes and 2d media for finish the 1rst cap.