Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: anim8orblenderman on December 23, 2007, 04:28:05 pm
So i think this is a old thread.Restart.First maybe a shadow doing...raytracer.Ummmm......Maybe a new splash screen.......a......I don't need this but some others might a sample of robin objects and skeleton for them to animate.
maybe you should change the colour scheme a bit. No offense but it looks a bit unprofessional. I don't want to start a flame war, this happened before when this was mentioned.
don't get me wrong i think anim8or is a fantastic free program that is easy to use.
another idea is reference images in animation mode.
for example pictures like this could be used: (
-yeah i agreee about getting a free skeleton ,ask somebody to donate a perfect skeleton if u want,because when i was a beginner making the skeleton was time consuming,and the arms still rotate in the wrong directions,and also maybe a feature to make bones which can only rotate in one direction just say clockwise,for use on the weels of cars,the sequences could also please include a walk,run,jump and other basics
-also a feature to allow us users to add the sound in anim8or ,because doing it after requires alot of calculations
-maybe a button to turn off the feature which decelerates an object after a key frame,so that the object can immediatly stop after a key frame
-perhaps a way to put a video in the background which would be a good way to put a 3d person in the video,
-make an object continuesly spin or do the same thing
-also maybe a way in which u could edit objects during the scene on key frames by moving points like in the point editor,so that that u could perhaps make an object change form
Sorry if these things are impossible or too hard im not a programmer and would not know
-make an object continuesly spin or do the same thing
-also maybe a way in which u could edit objects during the scene on key frames by moving points like in the point editor,so that that u could perhaps make an object change form
These are already possible... Continuous spinning or other simple moves and changes can be made using script expressions (I recommend Leslie's page ( if you don't now how to use scripts)
And deforming object during the scene is also possible and very easy - try to find "Morph targets" in the manual...
oh whoops.,,I did actually know about that,just forgot,with the script expressions,sorry
well anyway thanks man ill try them out
I think there should be some special effects like in Blender.Like Halo, and etc.I think this would be a big, giant, 3,000,000 ft leap for anim8or, but how about fur? I think I'm falling into blender.everything in blenderIs amazing.I did some lighting tests,some blh blah blah.Um some way to make objects camera, a camera fly mode(download blender, hit Shift+F then use your scroll wheel),A default robin?When you start blender, there is a default cube.People ususaly just delete it.But a default robin would break the walls! ;D;DI love anim8or's simplicity.It makes it so easy.But now i' m used to Blender and not so hrd.So any critics,agreements, and comments: Right here!
I hear a lot of people rave about Blender, but a lot of other people just get put off by the difficult interface.
I mean, does it have to be that difficult?
Sure, it's complicated and hard to learn because of its amazing interface.I learned it after some time.
I need anim8or on Mac :'( :'( :'(No annoying.
This should Help!
What should help?I got no clue what your talking about.But next suggetion.Duplicate obj.
Something I wish anim8or had was mirroring bones.
I believe blender has something like that, though I haven't ventured into armatures in blender yet.
What about soft body effects? Or like a force were you bush it into an object and the object falls apart. That is some thing that I always wished it had.
What about soft body effects? Or like a force were you bush it into an object and the object falls apart. That is some thing that I always wished it had.
Sounds more like a task for a physics engine, improper for Anim8or. When I use ani8mor, I don't want the objects I create to fall apart or melt or similar. Liquid materials were proposed before. These thinks with physics are not for Anim8or. Anim8or creates models, let other software do the physics with the models created with Anim8or.
If one of these things gets implemented, I swear I won't use Anim9or v0.96 and will stick to v0.95 forever.
Why not have a physics engine? Honestly, that's the most irrational thing I've ever heard anyone say.
That's like when you put down animated textures on the old forum........................or any other good idea. :P
But really, physics=good.
You act like the moment you build a head, it will melt, or fall to the ground and break, of explode, or somthing.
It doesn't work like that.
Xalener, I do agree with you, but I you don't have to be rude.
Still, I don't think Steve intends to write a physics engine anytime soon. Though he has implemented scripts, and once they are possible in scene mode, perhaps other programs can write physics scripts to help in the program. Perhaps they could even create scripts to make things melt or explode.
I didn't mean to be rude at all, I'm just wondering what the logic is behind his though. It just doesn't make sense.