Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: mak on October 01, 2009, 12:42:58 pm
crits and coms welcome please.
Yeah, I like it. Keep making them, maybe have a really good storyboard for the next one.
well that was pretty cool! How long have you been working on it? I mean, of course there are crits that can be had, but I think all in all that's a pretty mean accomplishment!
Massive. ;D That was so cool and it must've taken a lot! of work.
I don't get a lot of chances to watch much on the internet, but am sure glad i got to watch that one. ;)
Nice one mak. ;D
Excellent work Mak! Finished videos from Anim8or users are as rare as rocking horse poop, so it's great to see one finished. The story was great, and a real standout was the little physical comedy moments, like the wobby fence. None of the scenes seemed rushed and your "directorship" is outstanding. The only things I would point out that could be better in future projects, aside from the slightly awkward walk cycles, would be your materials, lighting and backgrounds. It looked overall a little flat, lacking in texture, but it is also clear that the cartoony look was what you were deliberately going for. Really excellent work Mak, looking forward to seeing more!
Hey! I remember those rythms and sounds from a program I had years ago. What was its name? :-)
By the way, great work. I love the cartoony style, specially the face of the thief the first time he sees the dog. Reminds me some characters from The Secret of Monkey Island :-)
I can´t give you "technical" c&c´s because I have very limited skills with Anim8or. So my only crit is that the owners of the house doesn´t look like the other characters... less "cartoony", as if they were part of another project...
Anyway, congratulations. I loved it!!!
thanks guys. how long it took is hard to answer acurately. i started it a cople of years ago, but then would drop it for a few months. then pick it up, get frustrated then drop it again.
lighting has always been a week point for me. theres something about i just dont get, in fact this was the first time i made myself realy give it a go. i followed a couple of tuts and i agree i think i need to follow some more.
the rythms; i think it was called "rock rap n roll" i wonder if theres copy right infringements here? hope not.
the owners of the house are from another project, the man i didnt model at all, he was a free download from somewhere. but i put clothes on him and rig him. she was a modified model johnar put out a long time ago. it feels like cheeting not use your own stuff but they wernt realy the main point of the story so i just didnt want to concentrait on them much.
thanks guys this very incuraging.