Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: johnar on October 01, 2009, 06:10:46 am

Title: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: johnar on October 01, 2009, 06:10:46 am
Hello, :)

 Morphing cartooney eyes:

Part 1:
 Making an object . (an eyeball, an eyesocket and an eyebrow).

Part 2:
Adding Morph targets. (look up, look down, look left, look  right, eye closed and eyebrow up)

Part3 is coming soon :)
Part 3.
 Anim8ing the object, using the morph targets.

ANOTHER EDIT: I've got some download links. (zip files)

Part 1  28.5mb

Part 2  23.5mb

Part 3  44.7mb
Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: johnar on January 21, 2010, 03:31:12 am
Hello again, :)

 I've finally finished part 3 of this.
 'Animating morphs in scene mode'.
 Did away with audio, replaced with text.
 I think/hope it turned out ok.  :)

Mophing cartooney eyes:

Part 3.
 Anim8ing the object, using the morph targets.

Might inspire some ideas, maybe.
 Gotta find another project............... ;)
Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: Raxx on January 21, 2010, 04:04:32 am
Nice job. This'll make a great reference for those who might have to animate for the first time in a future competition ;)
Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: Indian8or on January 21, 2010, 04:35:09 am
Good one johnar.  If it is not too much to ask, can I have the zip for the tutorial.  For some reason, I will not be able to download the youtube video.

How big is the file size?

However, if you cannot, thats perfectly fine.
Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: johnar on January 21, 2010, 05:07:35 am
 :) Cheers Raxx. Cool.

 Indian8or. Sure thing. Just gotta work out how to get it to you?.
That paticular copy is 50mb, but can get it down to half that, or even less.
 I can't email more than 10mb, and not sure if i could get it down that small, without losing too much quality. . Will give it a go, (compression),  and let you know.
 Otherwise, i guess i need somewhere to host them. I'll look into that as well.
 (will google free hosting, (or search this forumn, as i'm sure its been a topic here more than once before), ;)

 I'll get onto that in the morning, when i get home.

 Cheers 4 the comments.  :)


Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: Airedale11 on January 23, 2010, 06:42:06 am
Cool, but I can't watch youtube videos... or any videos on the internet  :-\.
Do you have a pictures and text version?
Title: Re: morphing cartooney eyes
Post by: johnar on January 23, 2010, 04:13:56 pm
Sorry Airedale11.
 Ironically, i cant watch video on the internet either, and i know it can be a real pain.

 I've signed up with filesend, who not only send files, but apparently host them as well.
 You could try this link.

 EDIT: Have put download links into my first post
 Hopefully you will be able to download from there.

 Failing that, email me, and i'll send it to your email address.
 My email is in my profile.  :)