Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Arik_the_Red on September 19, 2009, 07:12:06 pm
Yup, here I go... haven't been on in awhile, but have yet another green guy in the works.
Modeling an ORK (no, not ORC) from WarHammer 40,000. Once the main body is done, will be equipped with Ork space battle gear in the style of the WH40K orks.
Note, the first 2 images and screenshot (last) are "pre-" subdivide, and the third "post-" subdivide faces.
Nice work so far, arik. He's very ugly :D
Personally, I dont think you even need to subdivide it, this will keep the poly count lower and maybe easier to pose etc.
It could maybe use a bit more wrinkles etc. but you could use a bumpmap to achieve that.
What kindof ork will it be? in terms of weaponry/armor etc?
Good luck on finishing it!
Thanks, Simon. The first ork is going to be geared up as a space pilot, so will be borrowing the "style" of these attached figure images, but made sort of like a fighter-pilot meets astronaut.
One key thing is his having a sort of ork-ized space helmet that shows most of his face through...
Hey, that´s great!! I had an Ork WH40K army when younger... is the funniest army to paint & play, if you´re not expecting to win every battle!
I want to model some WH40K models too, but I´m afraid I need A LOT more skills... Please post your progress!!
Thanks for the feedback, guys. To be honest, I haven't had a lot of time to look at others' works since poking about again :(
Anyway, here's a little experimenting with a small space fighter craft. A bit on the whimsical side, for better or worse...
And a glimpse of the ork, trying a space suit helmet design as I experiment with sizing for when I detail the cockpit...
Ork body in shape... starting to think in terms of what works best for joint flexing now... and making "costume".
First, work area screenshot
Second, render pre-subdivide faces
Third, render subdivided faces at 0.000
Looking good! I really like the eyes and the boots!
Just added another render there, Jdez...
Thanks, the eyes I made a long while back, and just like the effect so much I use it over and over...