Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: $imon on September 17, 2009, 05:05:02 pm
That might be a bit overexaggerated haha but oh well..
Heres something new i started, its only a small piece of the final image.. Some people might put one and one together and figure out what im going to make haha..
L-O-V-E it ;D
I guess it will be a Japanese (or maybe Chinese) tempelish building...?
You're right haha, its part of a japanese roof I'm modeling, it will be the key stone in the top.
I wish I could give you a prize ^,^
Anyway glad you like it.. more to come!
Excellent work $imon, and I love the tricky half wireframe merge, very slick!
Thanks ensoniq.. i figured i wouldnt bother anyone with a boring wireframe, and since its only a wip i thought why not.. you can still see the shapes ;)
I'm working on the supporting decorations now.. hope to finish them soon so i can put it up here! stay tuned.
Alrighty got an update, i modeled the next ornaments for the roof.. more coming :P
I'm loving your half wire renders. How exactly are you doing that?
Deadkb - I made a regular render, then i made an AO render that i overlayed in photoshop. I then took a screenshot of the wireframe in anim8or and adjusted that in photoshop so I could overlay that as well. Then I just masked one half of the wireframe-layer et voila.
Heres a render on how these ornaments will eventually fit on the roof, as you can see I still have some modeling to do on the rest of the roof :)
Here is some sort of update, I remodeled the decorated roof tiles and I'm working on the sides now.. Hope I'll have some more time soon for some serious rooftile modeling ^^
intense! love it and lookin forward to what you make?
Hihosilver; glad you like it so far, I'm not sure where I'm going to take it yet, Ill just model the roof first i guess haha, I'll see from there!
Here is a little update, raw anim8or image sorry.
are there all seperate parts? :o
Awesome stuff
Its looking really ...............SUPER COOL. I love the detailing on the roof. I am waiting for the final render .:)
the liting is realy impresive. it looks very realistic. not that the actual subject isnt impresive. it is. looks like the begining of a martial arts flick.
Looks Awesome! Very realistic! I especially love the wood it really stands out with all the other tile. The head/face thing on the roof really adds to the model and gives it that oriental feel!
Super! I use to make Japan art & houses back in the draw-school.