Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: afromanga2 on September 02, 2009, 05:35:58 am
Hello friends
Please,there are people who make a tutorial for me(video,pdf or...) on how to make environnement map
i try it ,but it don't work :'(
Please help me is importent for me
i have v0.95 and v0.97d
Thanks ;)
There are many tutorials on Animanon as kreator is fond of pointing out ;)
so you could try searching there.
thanks Jdez for the plug! all the videos are in fact on :D, here is a quick enviro thingy ...
ENVAnim (
however, it won`t explain how it was done so here`s the .an8 file and texture used see attachment below
Verry thank my friend for this tutorial
your link is good