Anim8or Community
Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: hihosilver on August 17, 2009, 03:43:10 pm
Walk Cycle [Voting] (See entries below)
The Competition:
The goal of this competition is to create a walk cycle. That's right, animation! Either with one of the rigs provided, or with a rig of your own, animate a walk cycle for your character (from scratch). You can always give it a bit of flair! Make it happy, sad, overweight, seductive, or whatever you can think of (or just stick with a simple walk cycle).
Entries must be submitted as a rendered animation, and make sure the animation loops repeating itself at least 5 times (it's a drag to have to replay a character taking 2 steps over and over again. The more steps the better!)
The Rigs:
(available in a .zip file below)
Pose Man 3 was created by SirBonovox who gave me permission a long time ago to distribute this file.
Zigs, Storyteller and PoseableGuy were all created by Jeb. The models were downloaded and hosted by Bob_I_Ts (
figureskel and survaysequence were both created by Bob_I_Ts and hosted on his site (
Deadline: Monday, August 31 (8/31/09)
Good luck and happy Anim8ing!
Entries:[/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube) - AirAKose[/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube) - ENSONIQ5;topic=2563.0;attach=5607 (;topic=2563.0;attach=5607) - menamarco
Just playing around with the posable guy.
Trying to decide whether or not to take part :P
Be something new, HiHosilver, participating with this one, especially as you suggested it matey.... I assume its got to be done all with anim8or as opposed to other more proficient pieces of software, Bvh sequences spring to mind.
Yes, since its an anim8or forum the rules are that it should all be created in Anim8or, I'll be sure to edit my first post and include that! Thanks Kreator. As said as well, the animations must be created from scratch by the artist. Bvh sequences are not allowed.
That's a very good idea, and I think I may just give it a go!
I think I have to put other things on hold and get involved with this one, it'll be just too much fun! I haven't done a walk cycle in ages!
That's a pretty smooth walk cycle Kev on a great model (and a truly excellent tutorial BTW). Anim8or certainly isn't the easiest software to do this sort of thing in (IK would be AWESOME here... that's a gentle nudge Steve!!) and in the past I have often found the only way I could tame Anim8or's sometimes weird behaviour was to keyframe every bone on every frame of a Sequence!
I am quite sure my initial enthusiasm will evaporate to a significant extent once I start rigging my model, but I am trying not to think that far ahead. I WILL enjoy the process... I WILL enjoy the process... I WILL...etc.
hello everyone,
great texturing of your knight kreator. here is my entry, that is of a reverse-joint leg walk that i did for my short film that it is in progress.
I think all participants should post their entries as youtube link because it solves a lot of problems of format compatibility, codec problems, etc. as I think most machines can play youtube videos and it will give some uniformity in participating entries.
Of course, this is my opinion and I may be wrong if I am overlooking some other aspect.
I think all participants should post their entries as youtube link because it solves a lot of problems of format compatibility, codec problems, etc. as I think most machines can play youtube videos and it will give some uniformity in participating entries.
Here's my viewpoint on the matter:
If you post your video as something other than a youtube or vimeo link, users may have a hard time viewing your work. In fact, they may not want to take the time to download your work and watch it. Therefore, when voting comes about you may not get as many votes as less people will watch your video and therefore less people will vote for it.
So I will leave it up to the artists how they wish to submit their final video. I would recommend youtube or vimeo but I will not necessarily enforce them as the only options.
I think all participants should post their entries as youtube link because it solves a lot of problems of format compatibility, codec problems, etc. as I think most machines can play youtube videos and it will give some uniformity in participating entries.
Here's my viewpoint on the matter:
If you post your video as something other than a youtube or vimeo link, users may have a hard time viewing your work. In fact, they may not want to take the time to download your work and watch it. Therefore, when voting comes about you may not get as many votes as less people will watch your video and therefore less people will vote for it.
So I will leave it up to the artists how they wish to submit their final video. I would recommend youtube or vimeo but I will not necessarily enforce them as the only options.
This brings me right back to the point of embedding Youtube, Vimeo, playmotion etc on this site
rather than just a link out to it and AEVA an SMF mod will do it easily.
Almost finished the modelling and rigging of Robo Dog... cat... coyote...whatever. Still have to model the hydraulic "muscles" and build morphs for them, I will add them to the rig once the walk, trot, run sequence(s) are in place. Not sure about textures yet, depends on available time I think.
wow that looks pretty spick. :)
Textures? Hmm, why spoil the look? How about some environ textures to simulate some reflections?
Nice stuff so far by everyone!
I just want to put it out there that I have started on my entry. In fact, the legs are basically finished for the animation, now I need to complete the rest of the body. My computer was recently taken in by my school's tech team so that they can get it working with the internet etc. so hopefully that wont take long so I can get back into the competition!
Modelling complete, first test walk cycle, los res, no AA etc.
hiho looking forward to seeing your work!
ensonqiq5, well that's creepy :)
maybe a bit of roll in the collarbone and more in the hips, andmsome longitudinal undulation (variation in the relative heights of collarbone and hips)n ?
but as you say, a first test!
as a walk designer I am a great gardenir multilegged walking tut here for all takers could be of interest with anim8or ....?
Cheers Headwax, you are quite right, it is a bit too smooth. What makes it so difficult to achieve a really accurate cycle is that you don't have full control over every aspect of a Figure in Sequence mode. For example, you can't change the relative vertical location of the Figure's root bone, so the Figure is locked in place, which makes defining the leg action that much more difficult, if body motion is to be taken into account. I suppose it would be possible to build a pair of angled bones from the base bone, kinda like a spring, and have all other bones sprout from these. I will see if this works better, and hopefully get a bit more undulation in the spine.
I plan to have the "dog" go from a walk to a trot to a flat-out sprint, though I may be being a bit over ambitious again. Up to this point I have not used any reference images or videos in constructing this, but I might need to search for a couple of dog/cat/horse running vids to pick apart the action for the faster gaits. So far there is around 12 hours work in this, not including render time, so I am very aware of how fast the deadline approacheth.
I always add two bones Like scissors then add another bone and rename it to Newroot, and add my object to that. Manipulating the scissor bones will give the bounce effect. Johnars tut on a basic walk shows that as well.
Good luck with the challenge, I wait with baited breath for HiHoSilvers!!
good idea k
here's some stuff from anmnonanan err animanon :)
check this not bvh but very interesting
right click and choose zoom
interestin the horses tail in the slipstream is very stable (no pun intended)
Thanks for the links, interesting stuff. Also interesting how little the horse's spine curls in and out at full run compared to a dog or cat.
Test render for the "run" cycle.
very smart. benchmark stuff.
gee there goes the neighbourhood, talk about scaring off the other entries :) ho
Nuthin to do with me mate, animation just isn't as popular as still frame imaging among Anim8ors, which I have always found a bit odd really, considering the program's name. To me, a model un-animated is a project un-finished, and still frames are for test renders only... but that's just my opinion I guess. With the option of using pre-made models for this comp I am a bit stumped as to why so many anim8ors haven't taken up this challenge.
being able to get bones to follow a target object woud be a grande help
The Rig will follow a Target ...did you mean individual bones???
I agree with Ensoniq5, anim8or should really be used more for animating rather than just "STILLS" perhaps its the weak timeframe that you are allowed on these animating challenges that is the issue,,, or as it seems that most on this site have some fixation about doing Games stuff that a Shoot em up challenge would be more appropriate
Definitely just a question of time for me; don't have time to produce a respectable animation by the deadline, and don't want to just post something old as it seems object-defeating.
I don't think people come to Anim8or looking for a 3D animation tool specifically, they're just looking for a 3D package to work with (the name is incidental!). Certainly I found the program needing something to produce a very basic, still render. Still and moving renders are very different things as I'm sure you all know well; but the render time is always quite limiting in producing animations. It's feasible to wait 50 hours for a still frame, but who would wait even a quarter of that time if it was one frame out of 100? A still render can be a nice, easy, and very complete product in a comparatively short time frame.
well said Mills :)
Here is my own dog running animation from the Gallery. this is all done in Anim8or....
It's feasible to wait 50 hours for a still frame, but who would wait even a quarter of that time if it was one frame out of 100?
As you say Mills, this could well be the biggest single factor in limiting people's involvement in animation. I believe that the most important/urgent upgrade requirement for Anim8or is the speed of its renderers, which at present prevent Anim8or from being considered a serious contender in the field. I am currently rendering out the final animation for this comp, and at only 400x300px, 300 frames at 24fps, no AA, no soft shadows, the render time would have been 50 minutes per frame (ART renderer). Removing the bumpmap from the ground surface and reducing the amount of reflective materials has dropped the render time to 26 minutes per frame.
All this means that the render will not be ready before the deadline, and the currently posted links will have to stand. This is the second animation contest run in Anim8or and this is the second time my final render will have missed the deadline! My suggestion would be that animation comps need more than two weeks, as has been suggested previously. At least a week needs to be set aside for rendering, if anything resembling quality submissions is expected. I plan to re-render at 720x576 with AA and soft shadows, but only when I won't need my machine for 3 or 4 weeks (ie. never).
Here's my submission- ^^'
That is a Puppet demon of my own creation. All done in anim8or.
EDIT: Changed the link from a GIF to a YouTube video..
Wow, very nice AirAKose, very silent hill esque. what were your influences for that monstrosity!?
Awesome work, I could see that in a horror film
Wow, very nice AirAKose, very silent hill esque. what were your influences for that monstrosity!?
Awesome work, I could see that in a horror film
Thanks ^^' I don't remember what inspired it... I know part of it was from the game Jet Set Radio Future... And another part came from the need for something easily manipulated and evil for a story idea of mine.... But otherwise, I can't remember where it came from...
Anyways, I can't wait to see the other entries! To be honest, I want to see mine get blown away! :D The dog animation was awesome. ^^
All of these points will definitely be taken into consideration for upcoming animation challenges. It sounds like a lot of people don't have enough time to finish creating their entries.
I do have some advice to get around this though.
Remember that this is an animation based challenge. That means that your entry will not be judged on whether it has shadows, or whether it has nice reflections, but instead will be judged on the quality and believability of the character's movement and actions. So here's my advice:
- Render your character by itself. Perhaps give it a surface to walk/run on, but keep it a basic plane.
- Feel free to give it shadows, but if they take too long, there really is no need.
- Reflections and fancy materials are not needed for the actual entry, make a simple render that shows the characters movement well instead.
Another tip that I feel would help people judge the entries:
Show multiple angles of the cycle so people can see the motion from all sides and really see what you did. There really isn't a need for much (if any) camera motion. Sometimes it can be best to have simple side, front, top and perspective renders to show.
The animations are coming along quite well! The dog one just blew me away. Unfortuanatly I wasn't able to see yours AirAKose because for some reason my internet started blocking youtube. But I bet it was awesome so congrats on your great work everyone.
All of these points will definitely be taken into consideration for upcoming animation challenges. It sounds like a lot of people don't have enough time to finish creating their entries.
I do have some advice to get around this though.
Remember that this is an animation based challenge. That means that your entry will not be judged on whether it has shadows, or whether it has nice reflections, but instead will be judged on the quality and believability of the character's movement and actions. So here's my advice:
- Render your character by itself. Perhaps give it a surface to walk/run on, but keep it a basic plane.
- Feel free to give it shadows, but if they take too long, there really is no need.
- Reflections and fancy materials are not needed for the actual entry, make a simple render that shows the characters movement well instead.
Another tip that I feel would help people judge the entries:
Show multiple angles of the cycle so people can see the motion from all sides and really see what you did. There really isn't a need for much (if any) camera motion. Sometimes it can be best to have simple side, front, top and perspective renders to show.
Deadline: Monday, August 31 (8/31/09)
Good luck and happy Anim8ing!
Bit late in the day now as the deadline has passed !! never did see your entry HiHoSilver ( blown computers and other excuses never wash with me ) But I can now breathe easier!!!
Good points Hiho, I do tend to try to "finish" my work, which probably wasn't necessary in this comp. The deadline has passed, so this should not be considered a final entry, but since the thread has not yet been locked I'll post the link here for the sake of continuity.
Truly great work Ensoniq5 & all in Anim8or you must be very patient. :o
Hey K..... I think a few of us on hear were looking forward to having the honour to see something from Hiho.....still there’s always next time I guess. ::)
Heh, thanks guys. I just got my computer back today from the tech team at my school, so I'll be sure to show the progress I had in a new thread and finish up the walk cycle. I created an independent study for myself this year in school to force myself to produce art.
Sorry I haven't locked the topic yet, I'll get to it soon as possible. As for now I'll have to prepare for my first day back to school!
Good points Hiho, I do tend to try to "finish" my work, which probably wasn't necessary in this comp. The deadline has passed, so this should not be considered a final entry, but since the thread has not yet been locked I'll post the link here for the sake of continuity.
extraordinary 0.o, what was the rendering time...?
Good points Hiho, I do tend to try to "finish" my work, which probably wasn't necessary in this comp. The deadline has passed, so this should not be considered a final entry, but since the thread has not yet been locked I'll post the link here for the sake of continuity.
extraordinary 0.o, what was the rendering time...?
Thursday evening to the following Tuesday morning, Melbourne time. That works out to something like 108 hours, I think. That's rendered direct to AVI while I was interstate. Talk about nerve wracking!
Good points Hiho, I do tend to try to "finish" my work, which probably wasn't necessary in this comp. The deadline has passed, so this should not be considered a final entry, but since the thread has not yet been locked I'll post the link here for the sake of continuity.
extraordinary 0.o, what was the rendering time...?
Thursday evening to the following Tuesday morning, Melbourne time. That works out to something like 108 hours, I think. That's rendered direct to AVI while I was interstate. Talk about nerve wracking!
=O the rendering times keep me more and more off making detailed things... =/ it should really be improved...
Is this challenge gonna finish?......
Patience please. I don't have as much free time as I'd like, so things will happen as soon as they can happen. I'll try to get the poll up now. The challenge still finishes the date it is set, but that doesn't mean I can get the topic updated at that exact date.
The poll is now up as well as quick links to the entries in the first post. If any entries are missing let me know (I feel like headwax had an entry that I can't find for some reason). Pincho's dog is not included as it was created well before the challenge was started.
I'd have entered this...
If it weren't for the arms.
Good job everybody. It's too bad more people couldn't have joined but the ones who did had awesome animations!!
Well done everyone !
The Gold Star goes to Ensoniq5; your mechanical dog animation is breathtaking :)
Technically the dog was a run animation.. so not in line with the contest!!!!!!
Just messing, great work everyone and Ensoniq, you're the deserved winner! Congrats!
Congratulations ;)
New contest :-\ :P
(plz still picture ::))
a wonderful privelage to see all your works.
once more ensoniq generously lights the way
with what effectively is a master class in animated walk cycles.
Congrats ENSONIQ5! :D
Your robot dog is truly awe-inspiring!
Thanks all, much appreciated. It is a real shame there weren't more entries, I would love to see more animation based contests here, but its probably not realistic until the Anim8or renderer speed problem is addressed. I learned heaps from this contest, particularly in regards to merging morphing animation techniques (the hydraulics) with figures and sequences (everything else), as well as how important a bendy spine is to running fast!