Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Jehovahenker on August 15, 2009, 06:22:40 am
I just started a new project; a kitchen. I planning to make it whole compleet; so including a nice room, with furniture and other details...
here's my start of it
some progress...
and again :D
Ive added a fridge, but it's a bit boring imo, so I might tweak it a little...
Good looking job!
Yeah the fridge could use some rounding ;)
Nice job so far.
I do agree that the fridge could use a bit more depth. The issue right now is that the corners are so sharp and the handle is so simple (Normally the handle of a refrigerator is not melded into the actual door, instead its attaches somehow as a separate object.)
(Normally the handle of a refrigerator is not melded into the actual door, instead its attaches somehow as a separate object.)
Not necessarely. My fridge has a statik handle. No moving parts in a handle ;)
thanks for the comments ;), I will change the fridge some time, but I still don't know what to do, so Ill give it a rest. Next part Im going to start with will probably be the oven and the gaspits.
Finished the oven ::) (already 1.5 hours render :o)
That's a nice render. looks lik an architects's drawing for a client. I guess as a kitchen it would work pretty good. You might like to change the kickboard as usually it's recessed to stop people kicking it :)
Thanks ;D but... what's a kickboard? :P
I've added the gaspit (at the moment rendering a close-up).
And I got one question about the ART renders; they are much darker than the scanline renders e.g., if I make a scanline render of this scene there is far to much light, but ART renders remain rather dark, no matter how much light I add, any solutions?
EDIT: added a close-up
EDIT2: Another question about rendering; what do the different settings do at the 'AA setup'
this is a kickboard.....
Ah, thanks, not that good at english ::)
I'll take a look at it tomorrow ;)
nice one :)
But..., does anyone has a solution for the dark render ???
- Is it possible I use to much (soft-shadow) lights
- Should I make it 'softer' (spot 5000, other 3 lights are 500)
- Help :P
EDIT: changed the scene a bit; only 2 light (1 spot, 1 local) and made the softness 500 for both.
And some more progress
Info at the moment:
- Points: 104,904
- Edges: 209292
- Faces: 103886
- Memory: 15.4 MB
I would suggest you make a proper floor for the scene, use a reflection attribute for it and also some walls then change the spots for locals that should bring the whole thing to life.
See you have added the kickboards ..... perhaps you could have some of the cupboard doors or drawer open?
Just a thought....more bric a brac on the worktops ??
I will make a compleet diningroom for it to fit in ;) this was just the beginning :P
room added, this afternoon I'll start on a window, and if I've time left on the table.
Very nice work so far! When you get the reflections to work, it will look even better!
Just a few notes to give you a different perspective:
- the edges all look very sharp, I know it is a lot of work, but beveling some edges might make the models look quite a bit better.
- The floor texture is way too big, but you're probably still in the process of changing that.
- When you make a window, maybe it would be interesting to see some light falling in from outside, and make that light up the kitchen, next to indoor lighting. (I know anim8or doesn't have global illumination, so the light that will hit the kitchen from outside won't like the whole kitchen up, but you can simulate it with a few different lights)
Keep up the good work!
Edit: here is an image you can use for inspiration on the lighting.
as you can see the light that falls in from the window lights up the whole room when it reflects from the floor and other objects. Don't be afraid to use too many lights!
Had the same thought about the floor, I've changed that ;)
I'm trying to make some sunlight coming into the room, but I've to find the right lightsettings for that (dark-light)
Awesome work so far! I wouldn't have been bothered to spend this long on a single project.
How many work hours have you spent on it so far?
And what about render times?
Great work.
thanks ;)
Working hours I really have no idea, but I guess about 8-10 hours... (excluding rendertime, of course :P)
The renders (±1100x800) take about avarage 1.5-2 hours so far, longest I've ever had by far.
Here's my guess for the darkness of your renders currently:
The light's softness is too high. I use a maximum of maybe 120 at times. The shadows appear to be spreading all over the scene and give the grainy look as well.
(To help fix the grain, simply turn up the AA number)
new render
Floor is finished imo, I'm going to work on the fridge and I will try to make the plints look more realistic...
still having trouble with the window
- can barely see through it
- can't get the light effects that simon showed in his example
so... any tips on glass atributes/textures and lightning?
If you want the effect that Simon showed you'll have to use different passes for your render. Currently the ART renderer doesn't change shadow intensity depending on the transparency of an object. In other words, your glass window is casting just as many shadows as the walls around it making so no light shines through.
You have to make 2 renders. One render would be your entire scene without the glass window pane. The second render could be just the window pane (or the rest of the scene as well if you really need the reflections on the window). You can then photoshop the two renders together.