Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: wiipowner on August 13, 2009, 01:51:49 am
Hello everyone, havnt posted here in a long time. I have decided to get back into modelling using anim8or to try to make some models for an up and comming naruto game. So here is my start. . .
*photos removed see lower post*
C&C welcome
very nice start ;)
I was just wondering, how did you start it, and made it further, I always start with a standard form and point edit it from there, but that's clearly not the case here (just like most of the cars people make). So,... what technique did you use?
well the first thing i did was outline the profile of his face using the line tool. I then extruded that line along the x axis about 1 unit and 1 length. Then i just start making new faces and moving them into position
thanks for the comment =D
That's an interesting idea to start with a spline. I usually start with a single face, such as the plane primitive shape or a cube with half of the points deleted...
I like your model by the way, I'm looking forward to see the progress!
my first ever face that i made was an orc face thingy and i just used a circle and kinda moved the points around.The reason i started using this technique is because i saw a tutorial on youtube and it seemed like you could get a lot of detail in it.
Thanks for the comments guys, i will have updates soon
double post, srry dont know if that is against forum rules here just have updates.
you started like i stared. look up edge loops. they will help alot. especially when it goins to morph targets of the face.
(aka phenomes)
just incase you want him to talk or have facial expresions. im sure some1 will pop in here with a good lkink to face edgeloops.
(you should follow them it actually works good)
good luck with the rest of ur model
is this an example of face edgeloops
if i wanted to just mirror the face how would i join the points?
once you mirror, select both objects and then join solids. after its one object select all of the points down the middle and hit merge points. (Ctrl+L)
just be carefull not to put the value in too high or u will merge points you dont want to merge.
once you mirror, select both objects and then join solids. after its one object select all of the points down the middle and hit merge points. (Ctrl+L)
thank you very much. I am now on the hair and do not know how to start it or make it.
i would think that u would make the hair in bulk. like a bunch of thick trapazoids or something to make the spikey hair. but what i would do is
copy the model
delete everything except where the hair is going to be. and use that as a base.
you can extrude the faces or add edges manually.
once your done with the hair you can paste that over your original model
then join solids and merge points.
everything should be in line so it wont b much of a hassle. only thing you might have to do is delete the points from ur original model where ther hair is.
(i just think its easier to see things when there is as little as possible going on.)
ok thanks rellik420 for the info.I might continue with the mode idk,depends on school. I dont like how high poly count the mode is right now. I will probably just make a new one with lower polys.