Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Kubajzz on August 02, 2009, 04:45:36 am
Ladies and gentlemen, it's here! ;D
I started working on this plugin almost a year ago in cooperation with NickE. It was originally a team project, but it soon died out.
NickE did an awful amount of work and he created a boolean operations script that almost worked, but unfortunately his script was buggy and it couldn't deal with complex shapes. That was last October... About 2 weeks ago I decided to finish this piece.
I spent the last 2 weeks working really hard and here's the result! I wrote this whole script myself, but some parts were inspired by NickE's unfinished plugin. Although he doesn't know, he helped me a lot.
This is definitely the most complex ASL script I've ever written and it's probably the largest ASL project ever... more than 1500 lines of code which is absolutely messy and unreadable :o!
Anyway, here it is! This script can deal with any shapes, as long as the shapes are closed and all the faces are flat. Texture coordinates get messed up a bit, I'm still working on it...
The script execution might take a few seconds, see the console window to watch the progress.
Be sure to read the ReadMe file... And have fun!
Edit: re-uploaded the attachment (new version of the script released)
Thanks Kubajzz
Still playing whilst I type, but it looks very very handy :)
Thanks Kubajzz..... will try this out for my "Rusty" challenge
Wow, I still can't stop playing with this... My favorite combination is the cage plugin + cylinder (cone).
See the image below (it's an animated .gif and it might take a few moments to load all the frames...)
Thank you very much Kubazz.
I have tried it and it works. Its really quick.
Hey anim8ors!! happy punching holes.
Greaaaatt!!! work.
Thanks SO MUCH!
I haven't tried yet, just came across this thread, but, NickE and Kubajzz, great work!
It'll help me a lot. =]
Thanks, keep up the excellent work,
Great work ;D
Here is a quick work. It worked although with some undesirable deformations of the mesh.
Kubajzz this is a brilliant script, thank you very much :)
Thank you everybody for the positive feedback :)
Nice image Indian8or!
...some undesirable deformations of the mesh.
I spent some more time testing the plugin and I found out that it is really not perfect... Just don't expect 100% correct results in every situation...
fInally what i was hoping for anim8or.Great i don't have to go back and forth between silo and anim8or for boolean stuff....Bravo!!
Woo! Been waiting for someone to figure this out for ages!!
Tunnells through random objects and easy bullet holes here I come!
Cheers Kubajajzazzzjzjzzazaj (did I spell that right?)
Wow Kuba, it is amazing, you are the man.
I tried it out and works really good, thanks for your hard work.
Thanks so much Kubajzz!!!
:o congratulations!! :o
you are the MASTER OF SCRIPTS!!
You sir are my hero! Thank you so much for this script. I'm sure it will kill me that booleans aren't clean, so either I'll take forever being OCD and cleaning things up or learn to model without subdivision objects occasionally.
:D I've wanted that for a long time.
Kubajzz, thanks for the script, but I can't get it to run.
The debug output gives the message:
Compiling "F:\Anim8or\Script\version2\Boolean Intersection.a8s":
error on line 23: undefined indentifier 'attribute'
error on line 23: ';' expected
23 lines 2 errors
There's a similar message with each script. Is there something special I need to do in unzipping and installing the files, perhaps?
I guess this happens because you are not using the latest version of Anim8or. Try downloading version 0.97d: (
Thanks, Kubajzz. I recently reinstalled Windows and didn't realise I'd got an old version of Anim8or off my DVD-ROM. Now your script works - and beautifully. Anim8ors have been waiting a long time for Booleans!
A new version is out!
Direct download link (
I fixed several small bugs including the texture coordinates problem. The script is a bit more reliable, although it is still not perfect.
I have waited so long for this! It may not make a 100% perfect cutout, but it doesn't need to to be either. Why? The time saved fixing only a few misplaced faces/lines is no where near the time spent having to manually cutout a circle, or what ever, from a already modeled mesh.
Although it couldn't hurt to be improved just a little bit on the 'reliability' factors. I thank you from the bottom of my heart Kubajzz and all who helped. It's people like you, that know .Asl/coding, that are making Anim8or a more perfect tool everyday.
hey man.. your are a master,.... thanks for your work...
(is not 100% exact but work fine for make a png and hair plugin (i make a hair external prog but i cah export the final model.. Buaaa))
Trying to figure how to use it:
i get:
Script started...
Boolean operations script failed!
Error #1: You have to select exactly 2 meshes!
exit script "D:\animv0981\scripts\Boolean Intersection.a8s"
I want to cut a hole in mesh 1
So I was able to cut. but it cut the wrong mesh
IN the drawing. I want to cut a hole in the red larger mesh. but it cuts the blue mesh
I have 2 meshes. I want to cut a hole in mesh 1 the size of mesh 2. but it cuts mesh 2
by Kubajzz
Script started...
Source shapes: mesh01, mesh02
Requested operation: Intersection
Analyzing meshes:
Creating new mesh:
Script completed succesfully!
exit script "D:\animv0981\scripts\Boolean Intersection.a8s"
I figured it out. I was using the wrong function. I should have used subtraction.