Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: rellik420 on August 01, 2009, 03:51:06 am

Title: hair
Post by: rellik420 on August 01, 2009, 03:51:06 am
ive never even attempted hair yet. but i know you can use transmaps or particles. i know anim8or doent have particles. i was just wondering wich is better to use.

i figure if u have a low poly model trans maps r best, but a high poly model particles r best.

im looking into videogame design. im studied a little bit of c++. i just got irrlitch and im using dev c++ as my compiler. i cant figure out configuring the ide but once i get started... i would like to know if particles (hair or indefferent) is the best method to use.

Im sure some of u guru's (of every aspect) can help me out,
Title: Re: hair
Post by: Now3r3 on August 01, 2009, 04:01:38 am
I would have to say yes because thats how it is in all the other 3D programs that ive used, some of them where pretty close to being just like Anim8or but failed. they were VERY VERY simple to use. i used to make tons of things with particles and they always turned out perfect. any other way just made it look like crap. All the programs were abandon though so they were shut down and i was forced to find a new program and now here i am. anyways, yes particles in my opinion is the best way to go.

PS, off topic but about the c++ thing. Do you know any programs that a beginner with c++ can use to just do a few samples and tests then do bigger projects? I would prefer them to be free if possible.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: Indian8or on August 01, 2009, 04:04:48 am
I am nowhere near being a "GURU", but given the fact that you intend to use your models in a game, transmaps with a low poly mesh will be a convenient solution.

Hope the real gurus will agree.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: Indian8or on August 01, 2009, 04:07:25 am
they were VERY VERY simple to use. i used to make tons of things with particles and they always turned out perfect.

Can you name these programs? Just for info.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: Now3r3 on August 01, 2009, 04:18:19 am
Truthfully it was 5 years ago the last time i used a different 3D program. This is the only one ive been using for almost 7 months. so truly i dont really know anything about this one yet. still a beginner. And seeing as how it was 5 years ago i dont have the worlds greatest memory i dont even remember what i did last year. beside use Map 001 and i still use that. So i am very sorry but i do not remember the names. i just remember using them.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: bamman62 on August 01, 2009, 08:13:45 pm
You can use C++ Express Edition, it has  lot of helpful things.

Not sure if it costs money though, I think it just requires authentication from the user.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: Water Music on August 02, 2009, 12:40:41 am

There are some gaming specific languages out there if you are looking for the easiest starting point.  I know of Darkbasic and Blitzbasic - both of which have particle support, I believe.  I'm sure there are plenty of others out there, maybe the others can tell you more.

Without using particles, layering is the key to hair.  Or so I've been told and it seems to work.
Title: Re: hair
Post by: hihosilver on August 04, 2009, 04:24:55 am
For games you will not be able to use particles for hair.  Particles are normally always preferred for high poly usage, but for low poly and game models you should use transmapped hair.  Water Music is right, hair should be layered to give it a look of depth.  there are a lot of tutorials around on low poly hair.  In fact, here is a tutorial from an old anim8or user that moved on to professional work. (
Title: Re: hair
Post by: rellik420 on August 04, 2009, 10:57:02 am
thanks for the info. i looked at that tutorial and it turned out great. (his did, i havent tried it yet) it makes me want 2 learn how to texture things. on that note u will prolly hear from me soon with some texture questions. thanks again