Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: floyd86 on July 31, 2009, 11:50:30 am

Title: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: floyd86 on July 31, 2009, 11:50:30 am
Challenge suggestions

This topic is for suggestions for future anim8or challenges. If you have a good idea for a next anim8or challenge.
Maybe a moderator will pick your idea for the next challenge!

Please give clear examples of your ideas and keep it on topic.
Don't get sad or angry if you idea isn't picked for the next challenge: We can't start them all!

floyd86 - global moderator.

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bamman62 on August 02, 2009, 08:32:31 pm
I'll suggest one I am personally bad at.

How about we go back to the tutorials and have an underwater challenge.

(Can be an aquarium too) I have no idea on how it should be judged though :P.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: baxter on August 02, 2009, 09:03:21 pm
I think it would be cool to have a contest to see who can model the coolest album cover.

basically, you find an album cover you like

( for example

and making it 3d

I always thought that would be pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 03, 2009, 04:33:51 pm
Or make up your own album cover / product advert.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: rellik420 on August 05, 2009, 05:40:06 am
textureing challenge. have a model provided (or choose from a selection), and see who can texture it the best.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: kreator on August 05, 2009, 11:02:08 am
I think that challenge has been taken care of with "Old & Rusty" rellik....
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: rellik420 on August 05, 2009, 11:37:07 am
that depends on what the guidlines are. and every entry has had textures on it so that mean all of the challenges has taken care of that...

I was thinking more along the lines that every1 is given the same model. and you can texture it how ever you want. This should get people more confortable with uv mapping attributes and making theyre own bump maps and everythin else associated with texturing. Not just getting something off the internet and useing that.

it was just a thought
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Ratticis on August 05, 2009, 07:52:24 pm
Well, it seems kinda obvious, but you can pick pretty much any era in history (wild west, mideveil, industrial revolution, WWII, ect. ect) and see what scenes people come up with. Really, this is pretty much the 'Space Scene' challange using different themes.

I would also like to see a 'Vehicle Challange'. You could either design your own originol creation or an existing one. I can picture a bunch of street rods outside Mels Drive-In right now. Or maybe Don Garlets Swamp Rat (which I had the pleasure of seeing in action before he retired) at the line ready to launch. Hell, this would be even better animated . . . wheels are turning now.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on August 05, 2009, 08:32:08 pm
I agree with rellik, sounds cool, Much like the (hushed) Blender (hushed) rigged model competitions, where people are given a default rig to animate to a theme.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: hihosilver on August 06, 2009, 01:47:47 am
In fact, that second idea from you Joe would be great as well!  Give out a generic rig (or two) and give a theme for the animation.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on September 04, 2009, 07:11:51 pm
New idea: "The green, green grass"
A bit broad but... whaddya think?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Jehovahenker on September 05, 2009, 04:24:17 am
idea: Landscape.

Examples: Forest, Scotisch highland, Norwegian mountains, african dessert. All with anim8or, terrainim8or not alowed. May be realistic or more fairytale like, choice of your own.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Jehovahenker on September 05, 2009, 04:26:08 am
2nd idea  :P:

"A Dead Tree"
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Khaspah on October 07, 2009, 05:11:58 am
One for skilled modellers (obviously not for me,hehe): Transformers. Create (and animate) your own transformer robot. It can be any object/animal!!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 07, 2009, 11:19:27 am
Think theres already been one of them
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Water Music on October 11, 2009, 02:47:01 am
I think that the previous winner should host the next challenge.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on October 12, 2009, 04:22:07 pm
I think it would be cool to have a contest to see who can model the coolest album cover.

basically, you find an album cover you like

( for example

and making it 3d

I always thought that would be pretty interesting.

i like this idea best so far
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: rellik420 on October 27, 2009, 01:02:18 am
i just watched this freerunning competition on tv. if you dont know what free running is you should google it because its actually pretty cool.

my challenge suggestion is have some kind of course and have a rigged character availible. the challenge would be a timed session.  the judging categories would be on reaslism style and overall "coolness" of the animation. i think this would be a fun way to use bone animation. everyone would be in the same direction but would have complete freedom over it.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Jehovahenker on November 01, 2009, 04:01:01 pm
i just watched this freerunning competition on tv. if you dont know what free running is you should google it because its actually pretty cool.

my challenge suggestion is have some kind of course and have a rigged character availible. the challenge would be a timed session.  the judging categories would be on reaslism style and overall "coolness" of the animation. i think this would be a fun way to use bone animation. everyone would be in the same direction but would have complete freedom over it.

Do you mean everyone gets the same character and the same course (as a download) and it will be pure about the animation.

If so, it could get real interesting, especially when it's really only about animating and even the boning is done and it pure and only about the animation.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on November 01, 2009, 05:14:24 pm
Another idea: Voiceover

Everybody is given the same voiceover track and has to create an animation to go along with it...

Good idea?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: $imon on November 04, 2009, 01:15:34 pm
I like Ratticis idea of doing something traditional; pirates, wild west etc. and give everyone the freedom to come up with something.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Jehovahenker on November 04, 2009, 04:12:24 pm
I like Ratticis idea of doing something traditional; pirates, wild west etc. and give everyone the freedom to come up with something.

Yep, just one word and for the rest of it everyone could use his own imagination, e.g. one object, a small scene or even a big scene. Though, it'll be hard to compare 1 object with a whole scene.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Tof on November 19, 2009, 03:14:28 pm
My idea is to make something for Steve, like "Happy New Year Steve".
It could be a still render or an animation (a greetings card, animated or not), made only with Anim8or.
I think we don't need a winner for this one, just make somethink to thanks the creator of this great software and show how it is already powerfull.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Dreadkb on November 20, 2009, 07:50:43 pm
My idea is to make something for Steve, like "Happy New Year Steve".
It could be a still render or an animation (a greetings card, animated or not), made only with Anim8or.
I think we don't need a winner for this one, just make somethink to thanks the creator of this great software and show how it is already powerfull.

I think this is a perfect idea.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: floyd86 on November 21, 2009, 07:29:44 am
Good idea tof, would be a fun challenge indeed.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Jdez on November 21, 2009, 07:36:49 am
If we do something like that though we should use PM's so that he doesn't know what we are doing...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on November 27, 2009, 11:52:00 am
Just another idea that popped into my head: Blur

Competition for the best / most creative use of focal or another type of blur effect.

Of course the blur would probably have to be done post production, and a scene made in anim8or
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: TheRetroZombie on December 05, 2009, 10:43:20 am
anim8or commercial contest?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: onespirit5777 on December 19, 2009, 04:59:47 pm
Take a picture of something - Anything - and try to make it look as close as possible. The best wins - must show progress from Anim8or.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: hihosilver on December 19, 2009, 05:37:27 pm
That's what we did for our 10th challenge ;)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bamman62 on December 19, 2009, 08:31:32 pm
A render of a scene using at least 3 ART effects.

No touching up.

Graded by model work, textures, lighting, effects, and realism.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Tof on January 12, 2010, 01:43:39 pm
I think it has not yet been said (and made): simply a vehicle (car, train, airplane or everything you want)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Airedale11 on January 16, 2010, 09:45:39 am
Music Video Challenge.  ;)
You have to choose a song and redo it's music video in anim8or, to judge which is the best you post the original video along with the anim8or one.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: johnar on January 18, 2010, 02:56:34 am
 A Dragon.
 (i just watched dragon-wars)  ;)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Pincho on January 18, 2010, 07:21:06 am
A scene from a famous painting like the Mona Lisa, or Scream.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on February 04, 2010, 07:39:11 pm
A fictional beast.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on February 05, 2010, 05:19:22 pm
Liking the most recent idea! gives a lot of scope for origionality!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 05:54:06 pm
Whoever runs this needs to get back on so they can start this again.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on February 05, 2010, 07:54:19 pm
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on February 05, 2010, 07:59:59 pm
but the lastone was last year! I haven't even been able to participate in one yet, eithrr!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: baxter on February 06, 2010, 08:12:35 am
A Dragon.
 (i just watched dragon-wars)  ;)

I second that
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Josmic8or on April 12, 2010, 05:32:16 pm
A cartoony character
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: DragonSlayer on April 15, 2010, 09:28:02 am

It would be graded on the quality of the flowers, how well they fit with the rest of the scene, and how the flowers are brought out. Anything would basically go otherwise, but it would be graded on those three things. Any kind of flowering plant would qualify.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: $imon on April 16, 2010, 07:32:08 am
I like that idea a lot, DragonSlayer!

Something I was thinking of -- it requires post-production though so I don't know if it is fair towards people without access to Photoshop or a similar program (although there are great free ones out there as well!)

My idea was to model/texture/render an object in Anim8or and to incorporate it into a photo as good as possible. Also creativity comes into play to make something interesting.

Just an idea.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: DragonSlayer on April 16, 2010, 09:49:41 am
About my flowers thing, the flowers would have to be modeled, no downloading meshes or objects. Otherwise some people would use that flower generator on the resource page.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 16, 2010, 04:29:33 pm
Um, with all these suggestions, when will the new challenge start anyways?

I like your idea, $imon, maybe that should be the next one?
Also, I like the flower idea, too. ;)
Can't wait for the next challenge, soon, I hope.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: kanetan on April 17, 2010, 03:56:30 pm
my idea: a refreshing meadow rendered in art :P

landscapes are difficult whether it be 3D or not, so this one would be a great challenge, i think.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 02, 2010, 02:40:32 pm
I was just wondering, are we allowed to post two entries in a challenge? If you ask me, that'd make it even bigger. Because I've had more than one idea on some challenges but had to pick one to do instead.

But then.. It might make it a bit harder to get a FAIR challenge each time. The more experienced one, or the one that had the most time to make TWO renders might win every time, so it might not be a good idea after all.

Just wonderin'.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 11, 2010, 04:48:54 pm
When is the next challenge?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on May 11, 2010, 10:51:11 pm
When is the next challenge?
what he said...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: hihosilver on May 12, 2010, 01:59:04 am
Oop!  My turn!  I'll have somethin up tomorrow.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on May 12, 2010, 02:07:45 am
oh yes... make it a good one, hiho!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on May 12, 2010, 03:51:58 pm
Can't wait. :P
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: nikolasmantilla on May 29, 2010, 08:04:35 am
Wow, I must be blind, I missed this post. I postted about a Starcraft Key II as a reward for a Starcraft Challenge or maybe some cool allien or out of space. and well im sure youll think of the FX
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on May 31, 2010, 08:49:28 pm
Sci-Fi... Yeah, Sci-Fi alien space stuff! I like that idea!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: MeepII on June 04, 2010, 06:04:12 am
What about an optical illusion challenge?

I'm working on making an illusion...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on June 06, 2010, 03:07:06 am
What about an optical illusion challenge?

I'm working on making an illusion...

I support this idea. :D
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: TheBlackHole on June 20, 2010, 08:58:28 pm
We need another space scene challenge. I missed the first one. :'(
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: rellik420 on June 27, 2010, 08:44:50 am

it can be anything. i think it would be more popular than the dragon challenge.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: benzjie on July 28, 2010, 06:46:18 pm
My challenge suggestion :  Don lawrence. Recreate a scene, vehicle, ship , creature etc etc  drawn by this man.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on July 28, 2010, 11:41:35 pm
Hmm... googling the name looks like it could be pretty interesting but It would have to be a long deadline time. :)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on July 29, 2010, 01:40:08 am
I'm ALWAYS open to something space/sci-fi.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: CoriDavis on August 21, 2010, 01:32:40 pm
I think a great challenge would be modeling your favorite actor/actress/singer's face! that would be a great one! it would be a very "challenging" challenge though, it would have to have a long deadline for some people
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: blazecon0 on September 01, 2010, 08:18:24 pm
how bout: render of your own vehicle :)
obviously this would be harder for some more than others, but i think it would be fun ^^
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on September 02, 2010, 04:06:04 am
I like that idea Blazecon0, or perhaps to model your vehicle as you wish it was (ie with modifications!)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Janro on September 02, 2010, 06:33:43 am
The face of someone would be a very challenging challenge indeed simply because of Anim8or's limitations when it comes to rendering realistic skin.  I'd like to take a crack at it if it does become the next challenge.

I like the idea of making your own vehicle. Easier than the face but challenging especially if we are going to make a metallic surface. For me metal is easier than flesh in anim8or.  :D

I was thinking something that has to do with wind would be interesting to do.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Maximilianibus on October 03, 2010, 10:16:45 am
the most realistic movie-effect maybe, or a machine, or an optical image, with prisms, lenses and so on....
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: TheBlackHole on October 24, 2010, 04:48:31 pm
Yeah. A vehicle challenge would work. As long as you can make a vehicle that travels in air, space, water, land, rock, etc., I'm in.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on October 24, 2010, 06:26:57 pm
Idea just came to me :D

3d interpretations of "The Far Side" comics by gary larson!

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on December 01, 2010, 11:06:20 pm
Are these things dead???
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Janro on December 02, 2010, 01:32:04 pm
Nah. Everyone's just busy
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: MeepII on December 03, 2010, 07:09:56 am
They be zombies.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: floyd86 on December 03, 2010, 12:42:03 pm
Yeh everyone is busy :P I will start a new challenge this weekend, so you guys have something to do during the holiday ;)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on December 04, 2010, 06:42:45 pm
Ok so far most of the challenges have just been modelling, how about a challenge where everyone downloads the same model (of an interior / exterior) and the challenge is to create a still render or video to invoke a certain effect / genre (hard to explain)

Ie. a model of a hallway: Turn it into a horror render using different lighting, additional models, effects, editing etc.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ADSohr on December 04, 2010, 07:15:31 pm
A texturing and lighting challenge is a great idea. It would be important to get a scene that can have any mood though. I don't think it would be good to limit it to just one certain mood(Only a horror scene), but rather allow any mood. A simple hallway can be scary, happy, mystical, mysterious, sad, rustic, old, new, and many others. Then we would have a better showing of submissions, and let people see other creative ways of making the same simple thing look entirely different.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on December 04, 2010, 07:39:29 pm
Hmm, I think this time of year calls for something a little nicer..
A Christmas themed challenge, of course!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: headwax on December 28, 2010, 01:10:59 am
hi guys greetings seasons et al

now would you lik a suggestion?

lots of people have started in anim8or over the years and, using anim8or as a base, have launched themselves into other programs, both commercial and free.

Hell some of them even use blender :) ;)
Some use Carrara. Wings etc.
And some of these people even still model with anim8or.
Anim8or is a wonderful modeller. My personal feeling is that that's where it's strength lies. Simplicity, intelligent design and a great small easy to use set of tools.

But anim8or is maybe not the best renderer around. It's slow,  hard to use, slow and hard to use.
Trouble is, with these challenges, by making them anim8or render based as well as anim8or modelling based, you are cutting out a lot of people who might be otherwise tempted to participate.
In some ways you are catering to the new user - which is great - but new users aren't really going to produce the goods that will 1) make people want to use anim8or 2) make people want to show off their work here.

So after that long winded stuff my short sugestion is:

Make challenges anim8or modeller based, but allow people to use the renderer of their choice to show off their models.

The advantages are :1) potentially increasing the number of people participating in these challenges. 2) Work presented will be more professional. 3( this in turn will show off anim8or to advantage and hopefully 4) encourage more people to hone their skills.

Put another way : What is there to lose?

Anim8or is a tool in your tool set. It's a great tool, but just remember, a carpenter doesn't just use a saw to build a house - and in the same way there are dedicated UV mappers, dedicated rendereres, and dedicated modellers.

362 sleeps to go ;)

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on December 28, 2010, 03:30:12 pm
Wow, mr. headwax, sir, you just made a fact. Nah, you have many, many good points there. But I don't really understand on part... if Anim8or is a tool in a set of tools, do those tools include things such as texture creation and UV mapping software, or using Anim8or in conjunction with Blender or Carrara?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: headwax on December 28, 2010, 05:56:20 pm
gooday davdud101

Well my observation is that not many enteries in the challenges, and that the challenges are few and far between.
What could bring people back to the forum I asked? In the old days when there was it was a thriving community. Now not so thriving. Where thriving is busy with lots of great stuff coming out.

I use carara, uvmapper pro (thanks Raxx :) ) Blacksmith paint, blacksmith morph, Stitchwitch, occasionally poser 8, photshop elements, painter 1x blah blah blah etc ;)

..... and anim8or.

Each tool has it's place.

So in answer to your thought full question.... anim8or as the modeller, your choice of weapon afterwards.
After all, it'as all about honing our skills to make a better finished product.
In the world of 3d, as in all art, the appearance of the finished product is more important than the process to the audience.

Of course the process is just as important to the acolytes :)

Art is about appearence (and whether you can talk the buyer into parting with another 120 grand)

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on December 28, 2010, 07:05:33 pm
I agree Headwax, and here's why:

1) As you say, the Anim8or community has been getting steadily quieter, possibly as a result of there being no upgrades to Anim8or for a couple of years now.  If opening up the rules would encourage more input and greater activity then that can only be of benefit to the community as a whole;

2) Since it is perhaps reasonable to assume that there will be no more upgrades to Anim8or, perhaps it is also reasonable to think of Anim8or as less a fully-functioning, concept-to-finished-product package, and more a step in the process, as Headwax suggests (I do hope I am wrong about this btw, it would be a pity if Anim8or were never to reach V1);

3) Any rules on what is, and what is not allowable in challenges etc should be consistent and logical.  Anim8or's built-in UV control is a bit simplistic, as a result it has always been allowable to use external, 3rd party UV mapping software when texturing objects, so why should it be any different with the renderer or any other function?

My personal opinion is that challenges could perhaps come in two types:

1) Open - Any software can be used in the production of the image/animation, so long as Anim8or is one of them.  Further, all software used, and what part they played, should be declared on submission of the piece.  This will serve to 'spread the word' to the community about what other software is out there which can help them with their chosen form of artistic expression, and after all, that's what it is all about, yes?  It will also serve to spread the Anim8or word to the greater 3D community, since submissions could also be shown in forums specific to the other software used in the production, with the comment "Modelled in Anim8or" in the credits, for example.

2) Restricted - Only Anim8or can be used to generate the final image/animation.  Whether or not any other software can be used in pre- or post-production, such as texture processing, UV mapping, rendered image layer compositing etc. is open to debate.  Perhaps these could be banned in some challenges, where the challenge is specifically designed to showcase or develop a particular technique or function (eg. edgelooping).

Anyway, it is food for thought.  At very least I would put forth the suggestion of setting an 'Open' category challenge as an experiment, to see how it pans out.  I would also suggest that more time is needed, as unfinished entries tend to outnumber actual submissions, and what has worked quite well in challenges on Animanon was a monthly cycle.  This is particularly true for animation challenges, but also applies to challenges where a 'beauty image' is required rather than a demonstration of understanding a particular technique.  Anyhoo, it's food for thought, and thanks to the Anim8or admin team for continuing to keep the site active and providing a place for suggestions like these to be aired.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: headwax on December 28, 2010, 09:34:12 pm
Hey Ensoniq5 :)

Thanks for that intelligent an well considered  response.
If I was more intelligent and articulate it would have been exactly what I would have said !

I hope there is some sitting up and listening. I know this is the Anim8or Forum but I think it's a great idea to see anim8or as a tool in the kit, rather than as the entire kit itself.

Anyways, time to sit back and see what  develops.

Oh version 1 anim8or? Yes I'm looking forward to that myself. Only time will tell what goodies Steve might have for us eh? :)

cheers from sunny Newcastle !

edit: edited to stay on topic, sorry :( :)

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: blazecon0 on December 28, 2010, 09:45:55 pm
you know what would be realy awesome as far as input goes? plugins!!
me and a friend are working on a project atm, he is doing the textures and im the modeler/animator. ive noticed that he has his own personal tool that he uses to draw, but most notable is a wireless pad and pen that work like a mouse! i use my 360 remote for a LOT of things on my pc, and i think it would be awesome to use a joystick with anim8or :)
or at least let me set my own hotkeys...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on December 31, 2010, 03:33:52 pm
Those are some really nice thoughts, guys. I hope they can be implemented into the next challenge and we'll see how it goes. :)

I do hope so much that Anim8or reaches 1.0 one day. I have never found a program as easy to learn as Anim8or and I don't use any other modelers.

I am also in favor of longer challenges. Some can be shorter, but most should be a month or so.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on January 01, 2011, 10:50:39 am
Originally when I tossed up the idea of Challenges to Steve and the other moderators, the challenges were going to be extremely Anim8or oriented to allow users to learn or relearn certain tools as part of the challenges. For example, one challenge's main criteria would have been to require only the use of splines to make an object. Or to allow only the ART engine, or only box modeling, or only morphs. Tips or info on these specific techniques were to be added to the challenge information. Anyway, the point was to use the challenges as a learning tool for Anim8or.

But that was almost 2 years ago and there hasn't been any development with Anim8or or the community since then. Older users hang around more out of loyalty than need, and newer users are discouraged by the lack of updates or forum activity. A program that isn't going anywhere kind of deters the need for users to learn new things about it.

I've always felt that part of the meaning behind challenges were to overcome Anim8or's flaws. Such as the renderer, animation tools, etc. That's the main reason why I've kept the recent challenges "restricted" to Anim8or when it came my turn to put one up. But what's the point in volunteering in a challenge if it's not fun?

So personally I will keep the challenges more "open" when my turn comes around, and try to avoid forcing the users to have to use the more annoying aspects of Anim8or. I'll toss a note about this in the moderator's board so hopefully the others agree (don't see why they wouldn't).
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: hihosilver on January 01, 2011, 06:34:38 pm
I agree!  Open challenges would be better, and then you may even see me participating at some point if I ever get free time
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Gyperboloid on January 02, 2011, 05:40:29 am
Hm, in that way it's almost sure that the only program people won't use for their entries, would be Anim8or and the challenge's topic would be just another one of that billions already existing all over the Internet   :-\
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on January 02, 2011, 05:57:11 am
Thanks for being open to the idea guys (and thanks Headwax for initiating it).  I actually like the original challenge concept too, where specific techniques are 'work shopped', since this will be of great benefit to new Anim8ors (and older ones who have developed favorite techniques and never learned the full gamut of Anim8or's tools!).

Gyperboloid: I would expect one of the rules to be that Anim8or must be used in construction of the entry, and that all software used (and what they were used for) must be disclosed.  Eg, modelled in Anim8or, UV mapped in UV Unmapper, rendered with Kerkythea, composited with Gimp.  The topics chosen would also need to remain suitable to the pure Anim8or, for those members who use this software exclusively.  I am sure the contest admins will continue to post creative and challenging themes, irrespective of the proposed Open category.  The suggestion is to try the concept and see how it goes really, rather than suggesting a permanent and overriding change to how the challenges are run.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: headwax on January 02, 2011, 03:24:46 pm
thanks Raxx and Hiho, and Ensoniq5 and 3dgeek11 :)
It will be interesting to see what eventuates!

With the next one it's probably worth sending emails/pms to those people who have shown interest by contributing in the past and who may presently not check the forum very often.

Gyperboloid - interesting point. Challenges have always been about honing our own skills. And about honesty. If anim8or is listed as eg the modeller that must be used, I trust that people will use it. If they don't, well the only person they are kidding at the end of the  day is themselves.

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on December 04, 2011, 09:37:38 am
Two words: Giant Robots.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Tof on December 04, 2011, 10:56:37 am
Three letters: YES!!!! ;D
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on January 18, 2012, 04:25:52 am
GIANT ROBOTS! I LOVE THE IDEA! and animated.... ? 

(new page! couldn't resist noticing...)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on January 18, 2012, 01:58:35 pm
And I couldn't help but notice that it had been nearly a year's gap between suggestions. Funny how time flies.

Giant robots, eh? Who wants to participate?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on January 18, 2012, 08:08:27 pm
Wow... awesome idea.  I'd love to participate but current projects are taking up all my time, not to mention work, life etc.  Mind you, once I see the work of others I could be tempted...!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on January 19, 2012, 11:51:29 am
A year passed? Well, yes, one calendar's off the wall to make room for 2012... but only five-ish weeks in real time, right?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Tof on January 27, 2012, 12:23:00 pm
I couldn't miss a Giant Robots challenge!
If it comes true, I'm in!!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on February 02, 2012, 07:50:23 am
I often rely too much on the subdivision tool to do my modelling for me, resulting in gooey, cartoony creations. And that's fine in and of itself, it's a style I like, but a giant robot would be an excellent way for me to stretch my legs, as it were.
I am Modeller in the Myst, and I approve this message.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: benzjie on February 10, 2012, 11:20:34 am
at above poster : give the " edge properties" tool a go :)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on February 10, 2012, 08:58:33 pm
at above poster : thank you, I'll look into that. So when this here competition supposed to start? Seems awful lonely quiet in this here forum these days.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on February 10, 2012, 09:23:26 pm
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Indian8or on May 03, 2012, 02:08:40 am
How about a fake movie trailer challenge.

The participant will make a fake movie trailer.  The movie can be from any genre.  It should be at least a 2-minute long animation.  We can run this challenge for 4-6 months. 

I sincerely feel this can be a real fun.  What say buddies?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on May 03, 2012, 07:43:21 pm
Whoo, it'd take some HARD hours of work from everyone, and I'm sure alot of people would drop out a bit early. Don't know how it'd go over...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ianross on June 21, 2012, 06:25:54 pm
Construct8or challenge, build something new and post it to the challenge board. The rules are- just have fun
Remember to unzip it to it's file, and please read the manual before you start. read on ---
Download from website
Construct8or 100% free, is a 3d model construction system comprising re-usable metal strips, plates, angle, girders, wheels, axles and with nuts and bolts to connect the pieces. It enables the building of working models and mechanical devices. It comes with a 15 page manual, and you load it into anim8or. Similar to Meccano, Erector sets and vintage construction toys.
Watch the movie

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on June 22, 2012, 09:07:57 am
The Construct8or challenge will go live on June 24th, at the end of the Robots challenge.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on September 20, 2012, 11:43:34 pm
All Hallows Eve is looming....
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: cooldude234 on September 28, 2012, 10:58:02 pm
I'm all for anything, but it has to be a still render, I'm just not a fan of having to make an animation rendered completely in anim8or (kinda ironic, yes).
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on September 29, 2012, 08:50:13 am
Of course, there'd have to be free use of post-editing software. That is, unless the challenge is based more around modelling and/or rendering skills.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on October 08, 2012, 05:14:46 pm
Sorry to double post. But something just occurred to me- many, maaaany past users have shown the potential of Anim8or as a modeller and for renders. But very few have put together that effort into a full, Anim8or-rendered animation. I've done a couple myself, some great, some terrible, but I think it's time we really flesh out the Scene side of things in this community, and get more of us on-board making full animations as opposed to restricting ourselves to good modelling. Anybody agree?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: cooldude234 on October 08, 2012, 09:58:41 pm
I like it, Dave Dude (<-- Right?)!
Maybe we could make another Anim8or vs. Blender video too with all the entries!

I'm tried of that on going flame war! its been how many years since it started!?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on October 08, 2012, 10:53:23 pm
The problem with animating in Anim8or is speed, particularly with moderate use of the ART attributes.  Unless this challenge was to run for months (years?) the results will not show Anim8or's full capabilities.  I have rendered several still images with render times exceeding 2 hours for a single frame, that's at hi-def resolution on an i7 quaddy.  At this rate even 1 minute of footage would take months to render at 24 fps.

While I would welcome more animating in Anim8or, the key reasons would have to be accuracy and fluidity of motion, quality of camera direction, and originality of ideas, with image quality being less of a consideration.  Such animations would not serve to help the Anim8or side of the whole Anim8or/Blender argument, which is pointless and counter-productive in any case.  Animate by all means, but do it to bring your models to life and learn new skills.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: cooldude234 on October 09, 2012, 12:11:54 pm
^ best way to say it
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: headwax on October 09, 2012, 04:37:18 pm
 :D Anim8ion? Gee, no one could be even bothered doing a still render for the last challenge... er I love reading the excuses... I was going to do something but I got toob usy and realised my shoelaces were different lengths so I had to go to my mothers and feed the cat because there was a slight possibility of rain in the next eight years and you know what rain means don't you? that means that I was going to enter this contest but my foot got stuck in my mouth and then the gee key on the keyboard got stuck and then I forgot what I was doing......

Sorry :)
Heh. :)

I suggest we do the Eggplant tutorial again, just like in the old days, where Hiho won when he was about five years old.....
Seriously, who can make up an excuse for not doing an anim8or eggplant render ......

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ianross on October 10, 2012, 08:28:59 am
A simple challenge, if people are too busy, then why not invite all members to submit there all time favourite anim8or creation to the challenge forum. The challenge is to build a collection of anim8or art work, but you will only be allowed to enter one item from your anim8or portfolia.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: cooldude234 on October 10, 2012, 12:09:24 pm
How about this as an idear,
freeforall (with no spaces ;P)

every user can make what ever they want, and the winner is decided upon the best looking render (no post processing, only anim8or).
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on October 10, 2012, 03:34:40 pm
I like that one. :D But on the real, that may very well work.... Testing the limits of our Anim8or users (and the porogram itself's) abilities.

But DAYYYYYYNG!! I give one challenge suggestion outta the ordinary and get the Golden Fist of Fury for it!!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on November 24, 2012, 12:32:22 pm
Got it: Make a special effect video in Anim8or. No third-party programs (besides video editor, and maybe photo editing apps). No outside renders.
Could include liquid, fire, magic, whatever.
I don't know how it'd go , but I think it would be cool to see what Anim8or can do on it's own for that kinda stuff. Any ideas?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on November 24, 2012, 12:57:02 pm
Yup, pretty close to my idea. I think it'd be sweet!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: dwalcott on March 11, 2013, 11:33:34 pm
Just a thought-

In honor of the coming summer blockbusters...
Lighting and Atmosphere challenge.
A movie theater with you favorite film playing.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: johnar on April 26, 2013, 09:20:09 am
..maybe a morphing one,... let it rip...  ;D
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on June 02, 2013, 11:26:43 pm
I would agree with the PHUR part except that it's not exactly easy to use :-[ And requiring the Pre-Beta would exclude a lot of XP users from giving it a shot. I'm holding off on creating a new challenge, probably until we get the next official release!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Mills on June 08, 2013, 08:09:13 pm
Okay, so I've no idea if this will interest anyone else, but it's a thought that's been rattling round my head for a while now, and this seems to be the right opportunity.

I have to confess I've not been sufficiently excited by the last few challenges to get involved; I REALLY don't mean any offense, just that they weren't for me.

What I do have, however, is a hard disk filled with frikkin' half finished challenge entries from back when every challenge idea was awesome (again, to me - I'm really not trying to be rude!) and I'd have a thousand ideas of what to submit but I couldn't get any finished because of work commitments/personal projects/house moves/drive failures, etc, etc, etc ('life', as I believe it's commonly known).

How's about, pre-'e' release, we have a spring cleaning, clear-out challenge? Show us what you couldn't get finished, couldn't think how to get finished or went 'wrong' and knocked the wind right out of your sails just because your modifier didn't behave how you expected? I'd say something like three images per user (either vote on independently but only one vote per user, or submit as a set for collective voting - I don't know what the polling mechanism is capable of on SMF).

The only rules would be 'NO WORK'! You can't modify anything from where you left it when you reluctantly let it go and acknowledged quietly to yourself (maybe wiping away a tear of regret) that you weren't going to get it done, you just have to send it in as it stands on your hard drive (or zip or cloud or - heck - floppy). Nice and easy regarding time constraints. And you can't have submitted it as your FINAL entry (WIPs are fine) in any prior comp.

In doing so, we'll all be at the same point before the next release (and yes, boy am I a tad excited to hear a new one's imminent) without any lamenting 'if only I didn't have to sleep', and we can then maybe have some future comps focused on the new features to get everyone learning them?

And that way, we can all vote for Raxx's dragon, like we wanted to in the first place, but couldn't because the blaggard didn't get it done in time. :D
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on June 09, 2013, 08:18:23 am

Since both you and Tom seem to want something to commemorate the new release, and since it requires no real effort, I'll go ahead and make the challenge. Expect it to go up sometime today along with something else...
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: KyleSan on October 04, 2013, 08:38:56 am
There hasn't been a challenge for sometime now. But while reading through an old dotAN8 magazine I saw that they did a "Robin Clone Competition". The idea was to make your own original version the Anim8or mascot. The ideas that were presented in the magazine were very original and I think it would be a great competition for members of all skill levels to compete in. I'm pretty sure almost everyone on this forum did the Robin tutorial somewhere along the line and therefore we all can relate.

Just an idea. Hope the challenges can be revived.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on April 01, 2015, 06:13:04 pm
How is the latest challenge going? I have no time right now to try ASL. My two suggestions are, however:
1) make a video game scene
2) make a 2d animation in Anim8or!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: justiceiro on April 05, 2015, 01:52:54 pm
quote author=davdud101 link=topic=2500.msg38059#msg38059 date=1427926384]
How is the latest challenge going? I have no time right now to try ASL. My two suggestions are, however:
1) make a video game scene
2) make a 2d animation in Anim8or!
I admit that i stop working in mine for some time now, because of change in my computer, and the next step will probably take a lot of time...[
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: cooldude234 on April 22, 2015, 04:25:00 am
quote author=davdud101 link=topic=2500.msg38059#msg38059 date=1427926384]
How is the latest challenge going? I have no time right now to try ASL. My two suggestions are, however:
1) make a video game scene
2) make a 2d animation in Anim8or!
I admit that i stop working in mine for some time now, because of change in my computer, and the next step will probably take a lot of time...[

Video game scene!!
I'd been in for that!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on May 27, 2015, 06:46:39 am
As its going to be quiet for two months is there any interest in a mini challenge? Flexing ones muscles with the new features/abilities of anim8or.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on May 27, 2015, 05:17:39 pm
What kind of mini challenge?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on May 27, 2015, 06:21:46 pm
I suppose it should feature use of the figure building improvements, maybe a facial rig animated with some expressions.
or something related to the new easy bones set up.
I didn't really have an idea before you asked just wanted to test the water to see if anyone was game.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 02, 2015, 01:08:37 am
...wakes from his slumber... mini-challenge? ummm?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Raxx on June 05, 2015, 04:33:51 pm
Well, if a regular challenge is what we've been doing, then a mini challenge would have to be quite small, focused, and easy enough to do in one session without expecting a large time investment.

Steve's recent updates to Anim8or haven't necessarily been new features but rather enhancements to what's already there. Also, I figure he's only midway through these enhancements since he has yet to touch the sequence and scene editors. So it'd be hard to do anything practical in terms of focusing a challenge on these enhancements.

I'll post a simple mini challenge and see if there's enough participation to do more.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on January 30, 2017, 12:04:13 pm
.. Bring back the challenges?

:) I was looking through old stuff and had a hankering to get a "reason" for doing more animation.
I feel like it could be cool to do a, for example, "model a wet object" competition. Maybe it'd be a fish, maybe a cold one. But either way, it'd depend heavily on texturing and/or post-production skills.

just an idea!
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Steve on January 30, 2017, 01:28:20 pm
How about something that uses IK? (Now that it's working at a basic level at least ( ) Walking, dancing, animals running.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ianross on April 12, 2017, 09:14:01 am
What about a little competition for a new splash screen for the new alpha version 1 for anim8or? ??? of course it would have to be made with the latest beta version 1 and proof of anim8or files would have to be made available.  ;)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: danielstritt on April 12, 2017, 05:05:00 pm
What about a little competition for a new splash screen for the new alpha version 1 for anim8or? ??? of course it would have to be made with the latest beta version 1 and proof of anim8or files would have to be made available.  ;)

I never thought about that, but this is actually a good idea, I can think of two other 3D programs that holds a compo to have its users make the next splash screen (Animation:Master and Blender).

Worth a thought.

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: thecolclough on April 12, 2017, 06:28:38 pm
What about a little competition for a new splash screen for the new alpha version 1 for anim8or?

i'd be up for that  :)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on April 13, 2017, 12:29:52 am
I'm sooooo in!!
Or maybe it can be that everyone makes something and then three get selected - the three best renders, perhaps, or three coolest-looking images (e.g. screenshots count, etc) which then get stitched together into a cool, professional-looking splash screen.

Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: fromsoysauce on April 13, 2017, 07:57:21 pm
I second Davdud101's notion.

Anim8or's splash has always been a bunch of pretty random objects, soo what if it's splash screen consists of a handful of renders composited together by the community.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: davdud101 on October 07, 2017, 08:51:14 pm
Challenge idea... community animation project? Just a short film. Long-term, lasting like 2 or 3 months from start to finish. Assigned tasks and all... a 3-minuter made to stretch us and perhaps bring more of a "team"-aspect into the use and function of Anim8or. It's a software that could work great for team-projects, but I've yet to see it done myself.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: kreator on October 08, 2017, 04:31:44 am
This worked some years ago with " Pass the Ball" .... However, the commitment is something that is needed, too many people fall by the wayside on these sort of "projects" but count me in if it does happen!

There are fewer people  visiting the site now.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: thecolclough on October 09, 2017, 01:48:52 pm
Challenge idea... community animation project?
that sort of project seems to have worked well for Blender, both as a showcase of the program's abilities and as a motive to improve specific areas of the software, so there's certainly a lot of merit in the idea of us trying the same trick.  obviously we'd have to be careful with the scripting and design, so that the things we're trying to do will play to anim8or's strengths and not fall foul of its... shall we say its less-polished aspects.  no furry characters, for example!

personally, i haven't really done any cgi filmmaking in years (mostly been doing stopmotion instead), and i've got to say i've missed it, but a major reason i haven't really been doing it is that my cgi character modelling is dodgy and my rigging outright stinks.  a community project would be great, if someone else was building and rigging characters and i could step in at the animation stage!  :)
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: fromsoysauce on October 09, 2017, 03:08:42 pm
You mean a MAP?
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: V on October 11, 2017, 10:23:44 pm
>>community animation project?
Increment the counter of possible participating units by me.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Gyperboloid on October 11, 2017, 10:50:56 pm
December 15-th, an important date for this forum, if you know what I mean ! Maybe something like a small realated project or similar thing.
Title: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: johnar on June 06, 2020, 04:17:45 am
 With sound now being introduced into anim8or, and with lipsyncing in mind, i'd like to suggest that anyone interested in character animation in anim8or could/should check out the 11second club.

 If enough of us interested in the way this club works, maybe we could possibly do a similar thing here in anim8or, eventually.

 I've downloaded this months audio file from the 11 second club, and will try my best to get something done on time.
 It probably won't be good enough to enter into the 11 second club competition, but it gives good audio for practice, and will likely post in Anim8or finished works forum.
 Intentions to get good enough for entry into 11second club competition, eventually...
 Just a thought, for anyone might be interested. (