Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: lizeal93 on July 15, 2009, 05:50:06 pm

Title: Up MY WAY
Post by: lizeal93 on July 15, 2009, 05:50:06 pm
after watching this great pixar film i made a house model (not the same as in the movie) and made a balloon render with it flying. so here it is.
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: Boywonda1 on July 15, 2009, 07:18:35 pm
nice. i like this.the movie is cool .....even though i haven't watched it idea it'd be cooler if there was an anim8or replica of the movie you knw :)
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: johnar on July 15, 2009, 08:43:59 pm
 Choice balloons.
 Animate it?  ;D
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: lizeal93 on July 16, 2009, 09:49:25 pm
i'd love to animate it i already setup a rig with morph targets and all but the balloons take way too long to render in anim8or even with low qualaty settings.
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: johnar on July 16, 2009, 10:31:20 pm
What a shame. I hate it when that happens. Thats one reason i don't use a lot of shadows, fog etc...  My PC just isn't up 2 it.
 Oh well, one day 'real grunter' computers will be a lot more affordable.  ;D
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: lizeal93 on July 17, 2009, 12:49:02 pm
johnar you've got me. maybe i''l try and animate it without the shadows unless they are totaly required. after all EART looked great and i didn't have many shadowing.

okay i'll see what i come up with.

by the way here are the settings for the balloon material:

-diffuse and ambient- defualt. (what ever color you set for the diffuse will be the color of the balloon)
-specular- white with a value of 0.7
-emmisive- 0.0
rough- 100
transparency - 0.5
the rest are default the render was in scanline havn't tried ART for balloons yet.
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: lynn22 on July 17, 2009, 06:04:27 pm
Sort of wondering, by the settings of your material and using scanline to render it doesn't look as if that will slow down your renders very much.
I would suggest to remove the checkerboard ground plane in your scene and you will find that the render speeds up noticeably. If you need "a floor" in your scene add one face of a cube with a color or texture or a rather flat cube.
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: lizeal93 on July 17, 2009, 06:23:31 pm
ideally. however each balloon is individually modeled from a simple sphere so thats a lot of polygons right there. especially the fact that the balloons form a 3d sort of bubble from every side. so that is even more balloons. so the real lag is from the balloons b/c the house is maybe 1000 polies at most.

i'm going to a sleep away camp for a month so i wont be able to do any animating until i get back. but this is not a project that i want to drop so easily.

Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: lynn22 on July 17, 2009, 06:58:02 pm
I don't know how you made your cluster of balloons but if there are many balloons in the center of the cluster and you cannot see them from the outside then you can delete them. After all as long as the illusion is there that it is a big cluster of ballons you will have your effect. ;)
Title: Re: Up MY WAY
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on July 17, 2009, 07:57:15 pm
That looks very realistic! I once made a balloon but couldn't get the material right so I gave up. Thanks for posting the material!

Um, also, the checkerboard thing makes it look not quite as realistic, but if you crop it down to where you can't see it in a program or something, it looks better. So I think you should put a "floor" like Lynn said. =]