Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: mcheccyb on July 02, 2009, 03:33:39 pm
made in anim8or (with a wee bit of image editing) (
Very nice.
Though because of the stripes and the proportion vs. the tree I would rather call it a wheat (or some other grain) field ;)
very nice field.
maybe you could make it a little less neat...
but anyways great work, absolutely stunning!
That was very stunning and fascinating!
Any tips on how you did it?
Anyways, keep up the good work!
That's awesome! It looks so.. so... Dreamworks!
You gotta show us how you did that, all of it!
files attached if you want.
file, texture, and transmap.
superb .how did you generate the layout? cool if you could get more variation perhaps with several transmaps
heres a quick variation on the grass transmap for play.
Thanks for the textures guys .I tried it myself and it looks superb
thanks captaindrewi. I'll definately try using that transmap soon.
Cool! I'll have to try your method. It looks very nice. :) But I won't steal your textures. I'll make my own if I want to use grass in a scene. :)
Still, awesome work. :)
you can use them if you want, but I'm sure if people experimented a bit they could come up with something much better.
Yeah, probably, but I still say that's a marvelous work of art. :)