Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Mreenav D on June 29, 2009, 08:20:02 am
Hi guys, ive been working on this sr-71 in the past few days and the model is almost complete. Only the jets and the textures are left. Constructive criticism is welcome. :D
Whoo!! transparent Tailfins on that Blackbird!
My C& C for what its worth... Just seems to be a load of Tubes and planes put together can you not give it a bit more detail?
just some of my old aircraft at
Hi guys, ive been working on this sr-71 in the past few days and the model is almost complete. Only the jets and the textures are left. Constructive criticism is welcome. :D
looks a lot better than your car ;)
Well ive got some updates, ive managed to make the smoke ,But where do i get the textures?
I agree, better than the car, considering you are still quite new to the program, and not knowing your normal artistic aptitudes, I think it looks very good!
Thanks for the comments guys.
Another update -lighting :o
Heres another update -cockpit
very nice :D
maybe you can try to make the smoke more in a point, so it doesnt look so 'fake', it doesnt end right now...;)
very nice :D
maybe you can try to make the smoke more in a point, so it doesnt look so 'fake', it doesnt end right now...;)
am working on it at this moment
Heres a short clip of the aircraft in motion (approx. 8 seconds).Extract it before viewing ;D
Heres a short clip of the aircraft in motion...
Don't understand why you've got transparency turned on for your materials. You should also consider using Terranim8or to create a more realistic exhaust trail.
I tried terrainim8or but the particles appear at odd places :-\
Experiment with Terranim8or It WILL give good results.
TIP: don`t use the default Particles make some of your own.
I am with Rudy on this regards transparency, The only thing that needs to be transparent is the cockpit, Which looks huge for a Blackbird! I did mention in an earlier post regards tailplanes being transparent...
A longer animation of its flight would also be advantageous.
You're doing really good!
I'm also working on a aircraft sort of thing. :)