Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Indian8or on June 27, 2009, 04:36:40 am
Here is a sort of tribute to the KING OF POP Michael Jackson.
I felt sad when I first heard the news of his demise.
Irrespective of all the controversies, MJ will always remain in people's hearts.
He truly realized the dream of ONE WORLD as his music crossed all the boundaries of caste, nationalities, race, religions, and geographies in his realm of music.
I felt desperate to pay my tribute to this great soul and what else an anim8or can do, but to express his feelings through his art.
Here is my couple of hours of efforts.
... been feeling the same way the last few days. So sad the biggest icon from my childhood is gone. Got up this morning and started this little animation...
Thanks for the music MJ :)
looked at these after they posted, but didn't get a chance to comment. Both of these are REALLY cool.
Indian8or: Is the dancer figure 3D as well? The form and pose is really striking!
dwalcott: Likewise, good form and overall composition... I really like how the moves work so well, the timing and flow of the figure. The dancing music notes are really cool, too!
Arik-the-red: Glad you liked it. Yes, the dancing figure is a 3d model made entirely in anim8or. Actually, it is a generic human mesh i have been working on for a few days.
Indian8or thanks for starting this post... I just kinda piggy backed on it but it really let me get some stuff off my chest. Thanks to you too _the_Red. Tried to do what I thought MJ would like to see out of Anim8or. :)
Congratulations dwalcott and Indian8or!!
Never in this planet or in this Galaxia no has other human/artist like MJ!
thanks Michael! you are the Big artist of World!
Nice models.I am also a fan of the late Great Michael and it's cool you guys took time to do that.Awesome work!!
Nice work... The animation is quite good as well but why the wrists are not moving?