Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on June 24, 2009, 06:08:41 pm
Attached is a file and a render that some of you may find interesting...
I was attempting to create a reflective basketball, as I was trying to make a sort of trophy looking thing...
Didn't do a very good job, but I got an interesting result...
cool can we see the texturing and settings for ART in the material editor.
great effect!
Uh... well i'm not very good at portraying information in printscreen format... but the model is attached to my first post, you're free to take a look at that if you want to. :)
That looks pretty nice. The texture is a bit low quality, if you could make it better quality that would be preferable. Also, your bump map should be inverted. The grooves in the basketball should go in not out as they are now.
Looks good, maybe use the same map you used as a bumpmap as a specular map. This will make the ball less shiny, not like it's made of plastic....
Well i've reversed the bump map, and here's the result, thanks for the tip.
Might conduct a few experiments with this a little later.
I would apply the map to a sphere with already high divisions instead of a subdivided default sphere. This will let you get rid of the texture flaws on the top and bottom of the ball.
I think the problem is that you're only attribute is reflection. Another attribute, Ks provides the data on how reflective it is. 0 is no reflectivity, just the base properties, and 1 is a perfect mirror. You probably don't even need the outer layer, just the basket ball, and a Ks of .05 or something small for only a slight reflection.
Would make a better cricket ball with those heavy seams. ;)