Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: falloffalot on June 14, 2009, 09:33:25 am
Some new picks of the re-done runaway mine cart movie WIP:
Modelled: Anim8or
Textured: UVMapper & Photoshop
Rendered: Carrara
That Cart's looking pretty awesome right about now, great work, wish I had your texturing skills man.
very realistic textures.
Nice texture work falloffalot. I see carrara can make some nice renders ;)
Are you planning on making a nice scene with it?? would come out nice...
Very nice! I love "old and rusted"! Is this a spin-off of the runaway minecart thing started way back when on AnimAnon?
Arik: Yep that's the one, I was never happy with the old one and TBH lacked the knowledge to produce anything half decent. So I'm giving it another go now I've got more idea.
floyd: Yeah I plan on making a complete movie.
Carrara has an amazing renderer and it's super fast, sadly let down by the very poor modelling room though. That's why I still use Anim8or for most of my modelling.
Spiffy work falloffalot.
Looks so patinated I wouldn't want to get in her.
The rivets are really well done :)
Are you using procedural shaders? If so you can speed up your render time by exporting the obj with textures,then remporting them. The textures will be 'baked"on.
...and there, folks, is your "word for the day"... courtesy of headwax! "patinated" :P
falloffalot, I was hoping to see the runaway mine-cart continue... I hope you finish it. I always liked those abandoned mine scenes with the cart running amok along treacherous rails.
Headwax: No procedural shaders as yet just a colour texture map, bump @ +24%, a light grey highlight & Shininess @ 35%. Render time wasn't too bad but once animated with the rest of the scene it may be quite lengthy.
So, PSs may be an option worth looking at a bit further down the line.
Arik: I will be doing bits here and there on this project as and when I can squeeze it in. Having a little difficulty with getting a convincing track layout. Bending it on one axis is easy enough but when you start doing compound bends (2 axis) it starts getting confusing.
Headwax came up with a great idea of using bones for the track bending instead of deformers.
Hmmmmmm quite a good idea that!
Falloffalot:You might wanna have a word with Ensoniq5 on how he did the Rollercoaster track for the Funfair poroject??
Oh ya i remember that! You mean this one?
All i can say is, great texturing, and good luck copying and pasting that same rail!
Oh ya i remember that! You mean this one?
hehe, it happens to us all, damn navigator!
We love you, but why must you confuse us so!
*looks at the title*
Another one!
falloffalot sure loves his Mine Carts! :)
Fantastic texturing, it makes it very realistic. Nice modelling as well.
Um, ive been shoving skittles up my nose for like 15 minutes and i dont get what i did wrong... um... why do i fail?
Oh.... I kinda feel bad. I blame steve. But i bet i can fix it... i should send him a frame-alternative code.Im good with web stuff.
sorry, that was harsh of me :P
but I've seen it done a lot, no disrespect :)
Update: Modelled in Anim8or Rendered in Carrara:
There is one little thing that needs sorting out in that picture, can anyone spot it?
Very nice Jason :)
Maybe you could use a different texture rather than tiling it? It's only a subtle repetition mind you.
If you turn down the ambient light the render might be less washed out??
Wha needs sorting out? I give up!
I think its the spade handle going into the rock face??
there isn't any bump or altitude in the wooden beam by the rock wall, and the rocky ground is completely flat.
It's not the shovel Kev, I've give it a broken handle because a full handle was a pig to texture.
It's not the bump on the beam or the rocky ground they both have bump, which I may ramp up a bit.
Now...headwax is pretty close........It's the repeating texture on the rails which I'm not happy with.
To make a seamless rusty rail texture is more tricky than it looks.
Has anyone any ideas on how to do realistic rope as I would like to hang some old rope on one of the nails on the wooden strutt.
Nice work fallofalot. Indeed you have to get rid of the tilling on the rails, but overall it's looks nice. Maybe add some more details like an old mining lamp or a warning sign. Something like that.
There is a pretty easy way to make robe. There is a tutorial on on how to make the texture:
After that map the texture on a cylinder and use the modifiers to bend it the way you want. Make sure you use a cylinder with a lot of segments.
Wow floyd! Thats a pretty useful and ingenious technic you found there!