Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: renners on June 14, 2009, 01:29:45 am
Hi, this is my first ever 3d model (apart from a house I did in Sketch-up a year ago).
The object of this model is to teach myself the techniques by just doing!
( (
Next up is to detail and texture the model. Then I'll bone the legs and put it into a walking pose... maybe even try animating it ;D
All comments welcome!
Cheers, Renners
Welcome to the forum renners.
Thats a pretty good start nice simple geom with good proportions should look great with extra detail & textures.
Some progress.... boned, posed and partially textured:
( (
Partially textured because Anim8or gives me "cant open texture file" errors when I load the model. I haven't moved or changed the files, is this a bug? (I'm using 0.97d beta).
Cheers, Renners
Nice work renners, especially for a first work ;)
Partially textured because Anim8or gives me "cant open texture file" errors when I load the model. I haven't moved or changed the files, is this a bug? (I'm using 0.97d beta).
Cheers, Renners
Anim8or gives this error sometimes yes (in v.097 aswell in v0.95). Just click yes and open the material bar. You will see that some textures are missing (the material will be orange). Simply open those materials and reload the texture and the will appear again.
And just so you know, you can upload your images traight to the forum using the 'Additional Options' sub-menu down near the Preview and post buttons.
Looking pretty good so far! simple but effective. ;D
Thanks Floyd, but why the wink? It IS my first model, if you don't count an eggplant, a hand, a strange walking bird and Joan of Arc's left leg (got bored of that one!) ;D ;D
I've done a lot of tutorials and exprerimenting in various 3d apps, but this is the first time I've produced anything myself from scratch.
Oh, and this: (
Thanks for the tip 3D Joe.
Cheers, Renners
good work renners welcome aboard
ask and you will get answers!
Nice ATAT walker you got there. I see your a fan of star wars, as am I :)
Cant wait to see this big thing textured and finished. :)
great model i had made one a while back the texture wasn't as technicaly acurate. but yours is cooler.
i find the funny thing about making one and rigging it is that you can make it doo all sorts of funny things.
Can't wait to see your progress, never thought about the rigging possibilities with one of these... would love to see one bounding along like a lab :P
Oh no, disaster!!!! My wonderful stepson contrived to install 2 viruses on my PC and continued using it despite frequent virus warnings popping up! By the time I found out, over 200 files where infected >:( Nothing for it but a format and re-install.
But I'm not stoopid! Saved all my photos, music and work to USB stick first, using a Linux live CD ;D
But double disaster... neither Windows nor Linux will read the USB stick now :( dont know why. So I lost everything.
Never mind.... got a nice clean dual-boot XP/Linux system now, itching to start something new..... waiting for inspiration.
Got a feeling I want to model something old-tech, maybe Stevenson's Rocket steam loco. And I want to concentrate on doing it very high quality too. Watch this space....
I think I learned a lot from doing the AT-AT, especially about planning the model and managing the resources and realising what parts need to be seperate objects!!!
Cheers, (an almost calmed-down now) Renners
Wow... that really sucks! I was hoping to see further developments of this!
Totally been there! We had 24+ viruses at once!
Its a pity you lost this model it started too look very nice. I loved the textures. You should have sent the model by email to yourself so that it is saved on the mail server :)