Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: Raxx on June 09, 2009, 12:01:46 am

Title: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 09, 2009, 12:01:46 am
Challenge #5: Wonderland!

Alice in Wonderland, that is. Give us one (or more) of the characters or creatures in Lewis Carroll's world. You may use your own interpretation or use the original art from the book or use Disney's version, whatever you choose! The goal is to make a detailed character or creature from Alice in Wonderland or its sequel, Through the Looking-Glass. Give him/her/it a pose!


Final Entry:

Post your progress, c&c, and/or final renders in this topic!

Deadline: Friday, June 26th, 2009

What will be judged:
The final entries will be judged based on the best looking character or creature from the Alice in Wonderland series. This will be a public poll.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 09, 2009, 04:53:50 pm
Well I guess Im going to do this one as well. Im going to put my little suzuki on hold and put some work into this. As alot of us know this story from when we were much younger. So I have looked through the reference sites and I decided to go with a particular picture of the Mad Hatter. Should be fun and look for progress from me! Good luck every one!

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 09, 2009, 07:14:17 pm
That's one of my favorite pics, good luck!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 09, 2009, 07:17:34 pm
Cheshire Cat as I'm fan of cats ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: CowTail on June 09, 2009, 07:31:36 pm
Interesting topic, I'm going to have to have a go at this one. I'll be doing tweedledum and tweedledee. They're my least favorite characters but should be fun to model ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 09, 2009, 07:32:24 pm
I agree Raxx, I love the style honestly. Im going to try to do it justice in the end. So wish me luck!
I should be posting updates by tonight.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 09, 2009, 11:29:48 pm
Nice topic Raxx , very amusant .....couple of renders as wip :)

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 09, 2009, 11:35:45 pm
anim8or window and a slight morph to come in line with the original illustration
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Indian8or on June 10, 2009, 12:47:29 am
I will try the caterpillar.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on June 10, 2009, 07:10:11 am
Hmm.... Interesting... I'll have a go at this. I'll look at the reference sites tomorrow. Got to go right now.

But does anyone have a good site for tutorials on the "anatomy" of people? I have a lot of trouble modeling realistic characters. Any help?
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 10, 2009, 07:35:53 am

do this tut

trick is to get your reference pics

I did thi with mine... I cut him down the middle and fiddled till it looked as if I had a "straight on" pic.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 10, 2009, 08:29:14 am
That's some fast work headwax, I like the last morphed render the best so far, good job!

3Dgeek11, the good thing is that if you can't get the hang of human anatomy, there's plenty of other creatures and unrealistic human characters to choose from.

Good luck to everyone else!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 10, 2009, 09:25:08 am
Ok, some basic concept sketch. I think that existing designs are overlooked so I want to come with something new. First I wanted to make a plenty of Cheshire Kittens :D but I couldn't manage to draw a face with evil smile and cute look at the same time. Then I tried a cat with human body wearing a suit, but that looked really strange. On this design I left only his head, slightly shaped as a human head. At the moment I'm planning to do floating head, paws and tail.
Unfortunately I probably won't be able to post anything until the next week. Tell me what you think about this design or how to improve it.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 10, 2009, 11:43:02 am
Reminds me of the Baron ( from a movie I saw before. If you do use the suit approach, I think his would be a good reference ;)

Your design looks pretty good, though I'd put more emphasis on the evil mouth!

As for designing Cheshire Kittens, just take a picture of a kitten and photoshop it a little ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: hihosilver on June 10, 2009, 06:04:52 pm
Haha that's a great image Raxx, lovin the teeth.  I'm thinking I may be able to enter this competition.  I just took my last final a few hours ago!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: kreator on June 11, 2009, 03:07:51 am
This looks challenging.... May have a go at the Wabbit!

Nice Renders there Headwax....
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 11, 2009, 03:21:31 am
Thanks Raxx and Kevin :)

I left the arms unsubdivided to keep in with the sketchy style....

Wascally Rabbit K, looking forward to that (his left hand is smaller than his wight I notice)

Hiho, come on and pull the finger out and show us your work.

It's always enjoyable to see. I remember that farmer you made on org. Nice stuff.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 11, 2009, 06:12:34 am
Thanks for comment Raxx. This kind of smile is what I liked the most. I'll think about reworking ears and eyes though. (Me has to come back to work ::) ) See you soon.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: floyd86 on June 11, 2009, 06:31:00 am
Nice idea raxx! I'm not to familiar to alice in wonderland (i thought it's was scary as a kid :D), but i will try to enter ;).
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: captaindrewi on June 11, 2009, 06:37:10 am
hoping to find time, will try the catapillar if i do.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 11, 2009, 07:27:16 am
Yea caterpiller for me as well.. I knew the story a bit.. but had never seen the movie.. so i downl.. rented! the movie yesterday and i found the caterpiller to be the most cool character ;)

Here a quick sketch to model off.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on June 11, 2009, 07:36:30 am
@headwax: I've seen that Joan of Ark tut before. Everyone says it's special. Is it possible in Anim8or?

Anyways, I'll take a look through the looking-- reference pages... *sigh*
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 11, 2009, 10:21:34 am
Man, even without the Hookah?!

Haha I might be Dutch, but yea even without the hookah ;)

Here a first update.. started modeling the head

edit: added another update, with body, His top right hand will be in front of him holding the pipe though.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Khaspah on June 11, 2009, 11:07:27 am
Wow, that´s impressive, $imon!!

I´m making one of those Tulgey Wood creatures, much easier than that... You rock!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: RudySchneider on June 11, 2009, 11:29:42 am
Very clean mesh, $imon!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 11, 2009, 03:47:10 pm
Thanks a lot guys! I'm glad you like it.

Khaspah; I was actually thinking of modeling the bird with the metal shovel-beak first, they had some crazy creatures in that forest ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 11, 2009, 06:20:41 pm
Well guys I'm off to a late start with this one. I started the head today with not bad progress. Tell me what you think, and I'll be sure to update more often.

Very nice work $imon! Loving it man. And good luck to everyone else. Every bodies so far looks awesome.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 11, 2009, 06:30:52 pm
Thats a nice start ncl.. I can see the head taking shape! just a note.. your model seems to be shading alright, maybe it would look a bit better if you try to keep the model to as many quads as possible. There are quite some triangles around the mouth at the moment. This can be fixed easily by cutting/merging some faces.
cant wait to see the final result! itll look great
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland! JABBERWOCKY!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 11, 2009, 07:09:38 pm
I'm in... I am mulling over just what to model, but I am probably going to go for my favorite...


Also immortalized in my favorite Monty Python movie, not as well known as most, but I feel one of their best quality jobs...


see this site for more on that movie: (
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 11, 2009, 07:40:21 pm
Thanks $imon, Yeah pesky tris, lol. I was actually just converting them over as we speak. Good edge loops make for a supreme model! lol If I could have said that in a Asian philosophers voice on the forum that would have been awesome... Any way but I will be posting more when I get more done. But now I have to go work on a car. YAY!

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 11, 2009, 07:58:31 pm
Aha it's all happening, nice hat so far Nate! It's looking like the hat a mad hatter would wear :)

And $imon, I can see a comp here between you and the Hiho happening here !!! Ho HO.

Arik, great choice wish I had thought of that! mind you lazy sod is me,I was going to model the gardeners repainting the roses now that would be an easy one!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: EricAug on June 11, 2009, 08:34:03 pm
Easy? I might do a really complex one . . . the doorknob.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: CowTail on June 11, 2009, 09:40:46 pm
Great Caterpillar, $imon! That's some pretty fast progress :)

ncl32, pretty good start, though it looks like his head might be a little too small right now!

Headwax cool progress, looks like the dormouse could do with some attention, he looks glum ;)

Here's my lazy start with TweedleDee/Dum, good luck guys
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: baxter on June 11, 2009, 11:12:22 pm
Heres what I have so far, still need to add some stuff and clean it up a bit
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 12, 2009, 03:57:22 am
Thanks for the complements guys! Headwax, Yes a hat indeed. Oh and CowTail, the head might look small yes, but if you reference back to the first page you will see that everything is in proportion to the original image. ;) As for the front on of the face yes it does appear to be too skinny at first for the hat. This is true. But then as you can also see the hat is already to large for his head so it will be loose. So in saying that the head will make shape soon. And his hair will also fill in for some of the space needed for him to wear the huge hat. Im essentially trying to make it proportional from all dimensions.


p.s. Every ones work is looking great, keep up the great work guys! ill be sure to post some more progress soon!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 12, 2009, 12:37:36 pm
(for the sake of keeping my post count down in this thread, am deleting and updating so long as no conversation chains are broken by so doing)

Here, my first test render, as I got the basic location of the eyes in order...

...and forming the upper head area....

Eyes and eyelids are still separate from the head formation, but I will be merging the eyelids together with the main head, and keeping the eyes themselves as separate objects if I decide to make pupils and irises.... otherwise, those will probably merge with the head as well, since no need to move eyeballs if they are a basic, one color orb.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 12, 2009, 02:02:11 pm
Very good work guys, keep it up!

ncl32, looks solid so far. I think regarding the whole small head issue, you can get away with making it thinner on the sides so it's more oval. Most hats aren't completely circular anyway since it wouldn't sit on the head right ;)

Nice start CowTail, looks like the nose could do with some work but other than that he seems pretty tweedle-ish

That was pretty fast baxter, you're almost done eh? Don't forget the door and perch! Heck, you might have time to make one or two birdies to put in it ;)

Hihosilver, you're not just blowing air are ya? :P

Very nice $imon, looks pretty accurate to the disney version. Mostly box modeled right? You should do a time laps vid sometime

Arik_the_Red, good choice and it looks like this creature will suit your modeling style well. I think a Jabberwock without pupils and irises makes for a much scarier (and more accurate) interpretation ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 12, 2009, 02:05:12 pm
Thanks, Raxx... I always say, Ugly is easier to model than Pretty...

Why don't you make something? Would love to see your ideas and style.

A few experiments below... head before, and after trying to make ridges...

And the basic, ridgeless head... with mouth taking form
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 12, 2009, 03:24:12 pm
Hey guys he is an update, just woke and finished the shape of the face. Thanks Raxx, Hats fixed. I still have to add the creases near the mouth, but aside from that the face should be considered done. Just fleshing out the back of the head and neck. Then I can move on with the clothes and rest of the body. Thanks guys for the comments! :) That's whats great about these comps.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: almost cool on June 12, 2009, 06:22:22 pm
Woot ive been waiting for a contest i could do!

Ill take bill!,-Illustration-From-Alice-In-Wonderland-By-Lewis-Carroll-1832-9.jpg
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: almost cool on June 12, 2009, 07:03:59 pm
I took bill!

I kinda had some things to do so i just scratched this together.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 12, 2009, 07:50:37 pm
Hey now, Bill would be a fun one! I forgot about him!  That's some funky texturing...

And a bit more of my own mess... Slow but sure making the head... working on the cheeks, and then the hardest part (for me) will be done.  I don't think the body will be quite as hard to figure.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Boywonda1 on June 13, 2009, 07:53:13 pm
wow great progress people!$imon i really like the caterpiller's good.
Keep up the great work everyone.
I wish i could join this but i have shifted my work to strictly environmental modelling stuff,but i will be watching the progress on this one!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 14, 2009, 12:28:28 am
Just getting started on my first entry into competition...
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Indian8or on June 14, 2009, 07:16:25 am
Nice start everybody.  Its really hotting up.

My progress so far.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: onespirit5777 on June 14, 2009, 06:06:19 pm
Makes me wish i spent more time modeling
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Khaspah on June 14, 2009, 07:08:39 pm
This will be my first contribution to a challenge. I´ve selected an easy character. Hope to finish it in time and give at least a not very bad impression... you guys are really good with anim8or!!  :)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: CowTail on June 14, 2009, 07:20:49 pm

Dwalcott, good job on yours so far, I like the cartoony look to it :)

As for yours Indian8or, looks totally evil ;)

Good start Kreator! Definitely looks like he's got a sheep's bottom, haha. I guess you should make the fur a little more evenly distributed :)

Cool pencil-head thing Khaspah, I remember that one the most out of the woodland creatures. Good luck with the rest of it!

almost cool, I think Bill's head is turned the wrong way!

I feel slow compared to everyone else  :-\ Oh well, here's most of the head done, started a little bit on the hair.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 15, 2009, 05:13:12 am
It's not fair that I have so little time to work on this.. after tomorrow it will be a bit better I hope..

Cowtail, thats awesome! you might make progression a bit slower, but your modeling is top notch! would you mind sharing a wireframe? ;) Love it!

Here is an update, not much on the modeling, just started to make a scene a bit, i felt obligated to post an update haha..
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 15, 2009, 07:57:06 am
wow they are coming thick and fantastic , some superb work, great model cowtail :)

$imon, you are in a league of your own,

Kreator and indian8or, there's something evil in your models !!!

and Khaspah, welcome to the casbah err show :) Creatively colourful !
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 15, 2009, 04:38:24 pm
That's what I've done at the moment. Jaw, eyes and teeth will be next parts to model...

It looks that there will be a lot of fun while this competition ;) So far I like caterpillars the most :D
Arik: Your Jabberwocky looks really well modelled.
Kreator: Rabbit looks too fluffy in my opinion. It might be because of fur which is a bit too perpendicular to mesh.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Indian8or on June 16, 2009, 12:06:26 pm
fantastic  terrain kreator.

my progress so far.

just a test render.  I may add a few things and shadows in the subsequent renders.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 16, 2009, 03:39:32 pm
These are all coming along so well!  

Simon, dwalcott, and Indian8or... I like how there are variations of the caterpillar... Each of them are so differing from the other. Simon! Where are the hands???? (personal j/k)

CowTail: Your Tweedle-Dee (or Dum?) is looking cool, too! That's a really strong expression there...

Kreator: Your rabbit's looking good! I like the scene you're putting together to go with it all. Is the rabbit hair going to carry up and about his brow and head?

dwsl: That is a very devious and nasty cat you've got working... I like seeing the sketch and conversion process.

As for my Jabberwocky, I took a bit of a break over the weekend, but am back at it... neck, body and arms taking form now... I decided to make this as if for animation, because I thought it might be fun to make him "whiffling through the tulgey wood"... so may re-proportion the body and such, because I'm still a bit unsure of how it will look. That beast has such a long neck and all, it's outrageous and hard to visualize until "boned".

Last image is just to try out for the line in the poem that reads, "The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame..."
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 16, 2009, 04:33:33 pm
dwsel: Nice start! I like your loops so far, one point of interest though is above the bridge of the nose, the loops seem to go a bit weird. Cant wait to see what your model will look like finished!

Kreator: I like how your scene is coming together! I see you havent done the hands yet, that was the last thing i did as well, its the hardest part i think :P

Indian8or; Nice interpretation of the caterpillar, it looks a bit female though, maybe that was meant, if not, try lighting the eyelashes a bit and get rid of the pink lips.. Maybe you are going for a female one and im making a fool out of myself now though >.< haha. Like the environment as well!

Arik: Nice going so far, hes looking pretty scary.

Here is the final version of my caterpillar.  Looking forward to seeing everyone else's models!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on June 16, 2009, 05:23:45 pm
$imon, as usual loving your work. Awesome composure! You are going to place, lol.

As for my work its hard getting time with my current schedule... Going through some hard times here in Southern New Jersey... And being on the streets wouldn't really help any so. I keep good spirits, so i should be posting a update soon.

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 17, 2009, 03:12:23 am
Thanks for all the nice comments, guys!  
Heres an update of my progress so far...
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 17, 2009, 04:06:40 am
Arik: Thank you. As I progressed with side sketch I wanted to show it as well.

$imon: I don't like this area too. I planned bottom part of the face with guidelines for loops, but I left forehead for 'gonna be fine'. Actually the sphere I used for a back side of head was too lowres to join it smoothly with forehead, and I didn't added geometry there (my bad). Also there is a part which I didn't want to became triangle so I left this part to be filled after mirroring. Good that you don't see mess behind ear ;) When I put mesh smooth it looks good so I'm thinking to leave it as it is (face won't be rigged and animated).

small update
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Indian8or on June 17, 2009, 12:06:22 pm
I think these are my final renders.

If i do not post any new renders, treat these as my finals.

anim8or render.  Background blur and leaves near the camera are intended to give depth perception.

smoke is photoshopped.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 17, 2009, 05:03:00 pm
Wow... I like all three caterpillars so far!  

Simon: Your finished caterpillar has really good form... It has a really nice cartoon-ish result overall.  And the hand came out really well considering you expressed a struggle with such things.

Indian8or: I really like your overall composition, the scene decor is really well arranged.  I especially like how the plants came out. as for the caterpillar himself, the face is escecially full of character.

I've begun working with the bones of my jabberwocky, though still some body-modeling to work. I wanted to go ahead and make sure the proportioning came out right with the neck... it turned out to be too thick from front to back... and OMG, it took 16 bones to make it bend in any sense of decent curving! Anyway, here's a test render just to see how the neck looks when pushing it's arc-ability...

Back to finishing up the body now...

One thing I've built into the skeleton is johnar's use of the "spring bones" from his walking tutorial, though instead of walking, the jabberwocky will be "whiffling" through the woods... floating up and down as he hovers through the trees.  

I think the biggest challenge by far is going to be making his wings work out well.

This thing's turning out to be more fun than I thought as I envision what I want it to do.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Khaspah on June 18, 2009, 06:47:06 am
I feel quite ashamed posting my "progress" after those great caterpillars and the jabberwocky... Have to say I feel very disappointed: I looked for the easiest character and I´m not able to finish it!  :'( I´m blocked with the wings, totally uncapable of making something like feathers...

Well, I have a few days left until the challenge ends... I´ll try my best, although my best is very poor  ;D

Seriously guys, you are real artists!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Jehovahenker on June 18, 2009, 11:59:10 am
Very nice environment :o, but I liked the rabbit more in your previous post (just the rabbit, the cloting is still very good), it just looks so 'flat' and 'unreal'...  :-\
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 18, 2009, 12:03:32 pm
I feel quite ashamed posting my "progress" after those great caterpillars and the jabberwocky... Have to say I feel very disappointed: I looked for the easiest character and I´m not able to finish it!  :'( I´m blocked with the wings, totally uncapable of making something like feathers...

Well, I have a few days left until the challenge ends... I´ll try my best, although my best is very poor  ;D

Seriously guys, you are real artists!

Heh... you're not alone with that "wings problem."  I'm stuck trying to figure the best way to do the wings for my character, too :S
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 18, 2009, 07:36:56 pm
That's a great slew of progress guys! I might have to join the fray late in the game, who knows...I have some free time coming up over the next week ;)

These works are definitely gallery-worthy, good job!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 19, 2009, 05:10:32 am
Wow!  All the art looks great.  Everyone seems to be stepping it up here!
Glad to be part of the 'Piller Pack so here's My Final Render...
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 19, 2009, 06:00:47 am
Hah great work :)

Here I give you the world's ugliest alice  ;D :'( :o

just a beginning
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Jehovahenker on June 19, 2009, 10:05:37 am
Hah great work :)

Here I give you the world's ugliest alice  ;D :'( :o

just a beginning

that's obivously a boy xD, you have some work to do with the face =P
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 19, 2009, 06:33:00 pm
Hahaha!  I like the dress and hair, Head but with lil'girls... less is alway more!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 19, 2009, 08:59:57 pm
Thanks dwalcott et Jehovahebker :)

Well, it's one pretty boy or one ugly girl. ! Heh

Here is my final image, I have done with alice and given her the bottle that says "Drink this..."

Image in the background as a wall hanging from the public domaine

There's some great work in this thread!

Hopefully someone will gives us a pretty alice? Hint Raxx

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 20, 2009, 04:27:03 am
Nice... I like how you hid her face. 'Hatter looks spot on! But I lill have to say that my favorite part is the table cloth... my eyes seem to be drawn to it.  Great work!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 20, 2009, 04:42:21 am
'Piller now available for free download.  Enjoy...
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 20, 2009, 09:39:06 am
Headwax: Did she have the same face texture as Hatter? :D
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 21, 2009, 12:46:13 am
Heh, thanks dwalcott. The tablecoth is the same lace as on the hatter's cuffs and coat, but they have a transmap on them, not that they turned out verey lacey cause of the lighting :(. Nicehookah with caterpiller attached by the way!

dwesel, I did origiannly and she looked really ugly! I think the facet that she is the same mesh as the Hatter head is the problem.

animation link and stills removed so Kevin doesn't get jealous ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 21, 2009, 04:15:16 am
Hah :) Thanks Kevin

the stills from the avi nor the avi have nothing to do with my entry (which is on the previous page to this and was done entirely in anim8or bar the texturing (photoshop and uvmapper pro, and sig)) -  apart from the fact they use the same meshes

thanks for the reminder though

I might edit the last post so there is no confusion 
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 21, 2009, 05:15:10 pm
Lazy teeth - lazy me :P I'm going to fix their appearance in postpro. Also there's obviously something wrong with the head texture. I'm not sure what... Have you got any ideas how to fix it?
Not much time but I have to do some environment. I'm currently thinking about the tree or at least a few branches.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwalcott on June 21, 2009, 06:36:04 pm
dwsel... i really like the eyes!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Boywonda1 on June 21, 2009, 06:47:02 pm
Woow!Great work people this is really getting somewhere!Great renders!!Bravo to all!!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: captaindrewi on June 24, 2009, 10:08:51 am
not that great but another caterpillar for the very enjoyable wonderland party
UPDATE thanks for those encouraging comments below guys.
 i gave it another look myself
and realised that the caterpillar was a little vexed.It turns out he had a faulty hookah
he kept on getting mouthfulls of water. he has a new one now. hes still on the grumpy side but i'm sure he will mellow out soon.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 25, 2009, 03:46:47 am
dwesel wroteth  
Lazy teeth - lazy me  I'm going to fix their appearance in postpro. Also there's obviously something wrong with the head texture. I'm not sure what... Have you got any ideas how to fix it?
Not much time but I have to do some environment. I'm currently thinking about the tree or at least a few branches.

heh, I reckon the eyes are great too. For the head texture a subtle bumpmap   should help

for the teeth stick a trans map where you want the gaps ?

lots of shine on the teeth will make them look more feline?

great image captaindrewi I like the style, it's a great illsutartor's style! Only real  crit might be the caterpiller needs a shadow as dark as those on the leaves to make him sit better on the base .

Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 25, 2009, 01:16:30 pm
not that great but another caterpillar for the very enjoyable wonderland party

Dis it if you want... but I'm with headwax!  I think your composition's great overall, and the style throughout the work is consistent, whimsical, and very artistic. I love the look of the hookah!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 25, 2009, 02:35:06 pm
Ok... Here's my final (I think so ;) )

Stock used:

I did my final colour render yesterday. I finished rendering today doing AO, depth, and alpha passes for composition. I didn't change anything in the model because I was afraid I won't have enough time to finish it today.

I like eyes too! They're made out of one sphere with front pushed to inside (textured) and the second transparent sphere with specular and mapped reflection. That's why they don't look cartoony.
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Jehovahenker on June 26, 2009, 07:50:15 am
Ok... Here's my final (I think so ;) )

Stock used:

I did my final colour render yesterday. I finished rendering today doing AO, depth, and alpha passes for composition. I didn't change anything in the model because I was afraid I won't have enough time to finish it today.

I like eyes too! They're made out of one sphere with front pushed to inside (textured) and the second transparent sphere with specular and mapped reflection. That's why they don't look cartoony.

very nice1, but....there is leaf sticking out of his forehead =P
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 26, 2009, 12:09:02 pm
Hehe... ;D now I see it
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Arik_the_Red on June 26, 2009, 12:24:08 pm
Well folks... hate to say it... but, at least I'm consistent...

Had to bow out of this one... Another project incomplete. I had some real hang-ups and time constraints keeping me from doing it right...

Sorry, guys :(
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 26, 2009, 01:31:03 pm
captaindrewi, thats an evil looking caterpillar, great work! ;)

Nice work dwsel, i agree the blending with the branches couldve been a bit better, but it captures the scary feel of the cat very well.

thats too bad arik! i wouldve loved to see your jabberwocky completed.. Hope you can finish next time though!
Title: Re: Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 27, 2009, 01:28:05 am
Good work guys, thanks for participating! Voting now open!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on June 27, 2009, 04:09:59 pm
yes great work everyone! cant wait for the next challenge!

Raxx; i think you missed ncl32 in the voting, i know his entry isnt finished, but neither are some of the other entries.. just a note.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 27, 2009, 07:02:23 pm
Oops, thanks for the heads up $imon. Sorry about that ncl32, your name's up there now. (people can change their vote if they feel the desire to do so)
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Khaspah on June 28, 2009, 09:07:28 am
As for me, I think I shouldn´t be in the list... not only for chosing the easiest character, but for being uncapable of finishing it!!  :-[

I´ve had very little time this last days, so my model is incomplete. I wouldn´t vote myself, so I don´t expect to have a single vote, hehe.

Congratulations to all, your models are really good. I promise to work harder on the next challenge.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 29, 2009, 11:18:53 am
Don't sweat it Khaspah, I put everyone's name on the poll because I didn't want to be the judge of what deserved to be voted on or not. Whoever gets votes gets votes, there's nothing more to it than that!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Raxx on June 30, 2009, 08:37:09 pm
Congratulations go to $imon for winning, closely followed by Indian8or. Great job guys!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: dwsel on June 30, 2009, 08:43:19 pm
I can see the poll is finished already, so congratulations to all winners :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: headwax on June 30, 2009, 11:06:13 pm
yes nice work chaps :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: $imon on July 01, 2009, 02:31:46 am
Oh wow thanks guys! It was a lot of fun making this one ^^

Looking forward to the next challenge!

Congrats to everyone that had entered :)

Maybe a good idea for next time; putting all the entries in one post at the end or beginning, so that you dont have to search through the pages for the last versions.
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Jehovahenker on July 01, 2009, 03:44:47 am
congrats to your winnings ;) and Indian8or also well done :) (voted on both of you =P)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: ncl32 on July 02, 2009, 05:01:34 am
wow...thanks $imon. yeah guys i had alot of stuff going on in my life so i couldnt finish this comp... But hey theres always another. And I will admit, i have been using Blender lately... Hate me if you will but Anim8or is still my favorite. I stick up for it quite a bit actually... Any way guys I cant wait for the next challenge. And thanks so much $imon!!! Means alot to me man!!!

Nate Lewis
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: captaindrewi on July 02, 2009, 01:07:40 pm
8% of the vote my best performance so far.
hoping to nibble into those high percentage, leaders scores
by christmas.
well done all, great fun seeing everyones take.
v smooth work $imon

Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: Jehovahenker on July 03, 2009, 06:14:41 pm
new challenge?! =)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ]Challenge #5: Wonderland!
Post by: floyd86 on July 05, 2009, 10:42:37 am
new challenge?! =)

I believe kubajzz will start a new one tomorrow ;)