Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: glorfon on May 27, 2009, 09:51:09 pm
Well, this is what I've been doing for the last couple months. It is the most complex, longest, and best animation I have ever done. It's the result of a speculative biology project I've been thinking about for a couple years. Can it be added to the youtube section? What is required to have that done? I can answer any questions you have, I'm just not sure what to say right now. Comments and criticism welcome.[/youtube]]www. (http://www.[youtube)
wow... where to start... there's just SO much to see and ask and wonder and and and... WOW!
Dude, you gotta share EVERYTHING! (please?)
First, just curious... what are the specs of your PC?
This was done on a sony vaio with windows vista and 3 Gigs of Ram. Yeah, I can share everything. I'm just not sure how I go about doing that.
That was amazingly cool man. I'm impressed and I'm pretty hard to impress. lol :P Great job.
Nice work! You ought to direct nature documentaries on PBS :)
Well, directing nature documentaries would be a very different challenge. Because in this I could control the animals, in reality I can't. I could probably write the narrations though.
Had some time to kill hey - LOL! Good stuff
Was all the animation "bone-based"? or did you do some morphing work as well?
It was primarily done with morphs. Only the hexarmatus, antliapiscis, multiremus, and Sea Cross (never named but you can see it on the right side at the very beginning of the pan down through the water.) had bones. And even the multiremus only had bones for it's neck and jaw. It's fins and tentacles were done with morphs.