Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: falloffalot on May 15, 2009, 04:29:17 pm
A quick WIP of my entry for the "Steampunk" comp
Anim8or, UVMapper, Blacksmith & photshop
its a great model and the textures are really good 2. it just looks way to heavy to fly. it might just be me but the blimp part looks metal. maybe u can darken the fins so the blimp will look lighter by comparison. great job though i like it.
Thanks for the comments.
I think the whole concept of steampunk is to look sureal giving the impression of huge heavy mechanical objects flying, floating etc.
You may be right about the Blimp texture though, it isn't very fabric looking is it?.
May have another go at that.
The texturing in particular looks very good. Maybe if you accentuate / darken the texturing along the blimp's horizontal lines. It would give it a more "blimp-ish" look and call out more of that effect you're looking for, and you might not need to do anything to affect the current "fabric look" of the texture as a result.
Actually that's not blimpish but Zeppelinish (hard inner skeleton and thus the lines instead of a smooth hull stabilized only by the inner gas pressure) (sorry, but the smart alec got through again)
Well, my comment was mainly to suggest an effect, not a technical term.
"Blimpish" , "Zeppelinish" or Balloonish :-\ it makes no odds now as I have scrapped that model and replaced it with :
I found a few simular style models on the net and didn't want anyone think that I had copied the idea. ;)
oh yeah i've seen something very like it on the net .did you copy it?
i jest,forgive me.i haven't seen anything like it afore.
I love the design and robust girder structure plus the novel wheel system too.
This has the design spirit of the original Flash Gordon movie serials. I like it already.
The girder cutouts are a nice touch.
I love steampunk :). I like where you're going with this, but might I suggest that you model an engine with gears and cogs and pipes and valves? It would look awesome and give it a certain functional authenticity. Keep up the good work!
The engine detail:
Wow, the latest one is great!
Guessing you Photoshoped the steam, they don't have a shadow.
No photoshop used yet, ;)
the smoke is from Particle Illusion and is fully animated
wonderful textures there, very steam punk :)
very realistic. (but then you can have a realistic dragon also;))and quirky. great textures!
Love it!!!!
A very interesting gizmo. I especially like the steam effect. A trick I really must learn in order to make some things I want to do... (along with all those other unfinished things...)