Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: pscheunemann on May 11, 2009, 04:20:55 pm
Hi, everyone...i've just finished a project I've been dragging myself onto completion for about a month or so...
it's a fan-video of Sauron saying a few words... in this video I did much practice on lipsinc and tried my best at face moddeling...(used anim8or for modelling, animating and rendering)
I'll just go ahead and post the final result, and as soon as I have more time, I'll post more detailed info on the project, and some pics as well...
if you wanna hear what Sauron has to say, here is your chance: XD
*please view it in HQ, and comment your thoughts on the video!..XD
very coool special effects.
the jaw was a bit square but great job.
Very nice work!!
you are the man! :D
Nice job. My main peeve is that the lip syncing doesn't line up very well. Otherwise though, I loved the effects, they were well done.
In general I'd have to say WAY TO GO!!!! for the work in making mouth movements and all that...
A minor side-note, you might want to work with a proof-reader... the text was mostly good, but for one little bit.
Hiho, I did have trouble lip syncing, kind of a nightmare...I'd tried coming up with several technics (for I found little on the net) and the one that worked reasonably well, was first animating more or less how I thought the mouth should move,only then recording my voice over it, as the rendered video played along....(any hints are more than welcome)
and Arik, could you specify that "one little bit", it would be very helpfull to know where I messed up!....
thanks everyone for the comments!
I think Arik was referring to the spelling of "until" (one L, not two).
Excellent work pscheunemann, with a strongly "Tolkien" feel to it. The character of Sauron is very well constructed, and his design is an excellent mix of evil and fairness (he was considered fair by the elves and men, after all, before the drowning of Numenor). Really excellent work, and I have no negatives to add to those already mentioned.
That is some of the best lip sinc I've seen yet using Anim8or.
Great work.
that is true Ensoniq5, I did prof-read, the raw text, but once in After effects, there is no way to do that, and I must have mispelled it (it does happen a lot, I'm a lousy tiper XD)....
and thank you! glad you like the design...I intended to portray him fairer at the end of the video, since he does improves his appearance in order to trick the elves into buying his ideas...but since I was doing this in my spare time at work, it was getting really difficult to keep on adding more details.
falloffalot, thank you! :D
you could use propagator
Hey, just wanted to say that this was pretty good stuff. Things I really liked: the model for the face is really good. The lips move convincingly. Things I didn't like: The overall pacing was very slow. The dialogue felt like it was being read way too slowly.
Things that could use some improvement: I think the best way to do facial animation and lip synching is to record what you want to say first. Then you try and get the lip movements to match the sounds. For the actual animation, I don't know if you were using bones or if you were using morph targets, but I'd think that morph targets are by far the best way to go. You can create a dozen or so lip morphs that should cover almost all the sounds you need to make, and then set yourself to the task of matching the morph targets to the pre-recorded sound. Hope that helps :).
Awesome stuff - Keep it up!
What would help a lot, have a way to import a wave file and time it with the animation. Also to have the choice to make the time line by the second or by BPM for music.
Hey Paul, sorry I lost track and forgot to follow up on the "proof-reader" thing... the main thing I recall right off was in the beginning, where the words read:
"A loyal servant he remained
untill the very end…"
"untill" should be "until" (one "l").
DoctorStopmo, I do have to work on the time-pace, that is an usual flaw on my videos!...
*Arik, not to worry, someone gave me the heads up, on the double "ll" "untill"...thanks anyway!
I think there might be a program that can help with morph targets for lip synch. I haven't tried it myself, but I saw it in the General forum - Papaga8or. Could be worth checking out :). Good luck!
Thanks for the hint Doc...I'll check it out! i'll be working more with lip synch on my next projects....
The text effects are really good and the 3d animation... well there is space for improvement.. lip synchronizing was not really synchronized imho...