Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Navek on May 09, 2009, 11:15:14 pm
I was playing around with the egg plant tutorial, and I thought, why not use some attributes.
So heres the result after a 3 hour render time.
EDIT: A few more glass renders to add.
Nice, looks like a piece of fine art. I'd Buy it
I like making glass and reflective objects - Great work!
Keep it coming!
Yes, it looks like something that would have a "You Break - You Buy!" sign next to it! This glass-stuff's pretty fun... reminding me I need to make my salt, pepper and sugar shakers now...
Nice work buddy. Is it dielectric or glossy reflector?
It's Dielectric with and IOR of 2.2 i believe, and AmbientOccluder as a scene attribute.
Ps. I was playing around with glass a little more and this is what I came up with.
very cool. how long the renders?
ps. it would be kinda cool just i don't know about render times to make a forest of glass like mats
Haha. That one tree took about three hours to render, so I think a glass forest would be a little much. Unless of course you have one of those fancy render farms.