In making my infamous cola bottle, I have come upon a problem.
I made a label, and many thanks to Hector for helping me with trans-maps, etc...
But when I apply the the label to the bottle, the transparent areas show the glass as being much lighter/clearer than the surrounding glass... as shown here:
Is there a way to make it match the rest of the glass, and be darker?
Note, the label has not been adjusted to fit perfectly... this was just a test to see if the transparency effect works. Also, this was run without anti-aliasing for the sake of saving time.
If I follow you right, that's pretty much what I decided to do. I copied the bottle with the label... then I cut that bottle copy down to the general area of the label... Located the label at the same place on the original bottle, and increased scaled 1.01 so it would show on the surface, and not be somehow stuck or possibly hidden in the original bottle glass.
Result is this:
Also, I kept the black and white trans-map, but replaced the original color logo with a sheet of the yellow-orange-white swirl background. That way I didn't have to try and re-align the color-label's lettering with the trans-map...
And, looks like it works fine!
Thanks all for your input!