Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Kubajzz on April 15, 2009, 05:50:03 pm
I don't know what program do other people use to write ASL scripts... I used to use Notepad and an unstable version of Tyson Collins' Anim8or Script Editor (which never even reached the beta stage...). That's not a very comfortable way of programming :/. That's why I decided to write a little development tool for ASL scripts.
Current version: 3.5
Download ASL Editor (
- Syntax highliting with customizable font settings
- Auto-Complete function
- Syntax specification is saved in an external XML file (so I don't have to release a new version of ASL Editor whenever a new version of ASL is released)
- Syntax checker
- Basic code formatting functions
- Undo/Redo functions
- Find and Replace functions
- Auto-save function
- Recently opened files list
- Easy localization to any language (English, Spanish, French and Czech currently available)
- Does not require installation
- Help file included
- A simple drawing tool to create and edit icons for Parametric Mesh Plugins
- A complete, well structured ASL reference included
System requirements:
- Windows XP/Vista/7 or newer (it might work on earlier versions too but I didn't have a chance to try it...)
- Microsoft .NET framework 3.5 or higher
Now it's your turn! Any questions, bug reports and feature suggestions are welcome!
If you create a new translation of ASL Editor, please send me the .lng file and I'll include it in the main release.
Cool! Good job so far. Good luck with the updates!
Yea! Thats awesome!
Ive never made an asl script, but if i ever will, ill be sure to download this ;) Looks very useful!
Awesome! Good job kub, what programming language did you use to write this, C++?
I think that this is what I need to write ASL in the future.
Thank you all for the feedback!
I added a "Bugs and problems" section to my first post, I'm glad it's almost empty :)
what programming language did you use to write this, C++?
I just posted a new version of ASL Editor. I fixed several glitches, improved the interface and added the Auto-save and "Find and Replace" functions.
Any feedback is still welcome!
Version 2.0 is out! ASL Editor is becoming more than a simple text editor. See the first post in this topic to download the program.
The most important feature in this version is full Auto-Complete function. The XML file that was used to recognize keywords now contains a complete ASL specification (even "more complete" that the official online specification, which is a little outdated...).
There are also several bugs fixed and a bunch of new minor features... Be sure to check it out and don't forget to read the ReadMe file to get the most out of the program!
Very cool Kubajzz, especially the AutoComplete feature! This could very well be the number one resource for ASL'ers :)
I'm not writing any scripts right now so I don't have a reason to give it a good trial, but I'll be sure to report anything when I do ;)
Thanks Raxx!
I re-uploaded the file, there is now Spanish translation included in the release (thanks a lot to dajean!)
amazingtoolreallyhelpfulthanksabunch....whoo that was a mouthful
(one side point. i apologize in advance since this doesn't really have to do with anim8or but i was wondering since i'm learning C# and i was trying to figure out how to program your intellisense feature. so if you caould give some direction i would ge much obliged.)
thanks in advance
(one side point. i apologize in advance since this doesn't really have to do with anim8or but i was wondering since i'm learning C# and i was trying to figure out how to program your intellisense feature. so if you caould give some direction i would ge much obliged.)
thanks in advance
Sure, here's a (very) short summary of what I've done:
I created a new windows form that would represent the Auto-Complete list (and the only control inside this window is the list itself).
Then I had to track the "OnKeyPress" and "OnKeyDown" events of the text box to show/hide the auto-complete window and I also had to check for mouse events in the auto-complete box itself... There was a lot of other things I had to do, for example to search the code for variable declarations to maintain a list of all variables, to close the auto-complete window when the textbox loses focus, to fill the list with appropriate content... The piece of code is about 600 lines long.
If you want a more detailed explanation, send me a pm or an e-mail, I don't mind sharing a part of my secrets ;)
ps. Right now I'm working on a "Syntax checker" - this function will try to parse your script and check it for errors so you don't have to save the file, start Anim8or and load the script to find out that there's a semicolon missing...
A little question, why does it need .NET Framework 3.5? Or .NET Framework at all?
I might actually try to make a script now!
Thanks, Kubajzz! Good job and keep it up! :D
A little question, why does it need .NET Framework 3.5? Or .NET Framework at all?
Huh.. That's a difficult question :)
There are at least 2 good reasons why I'm developing this application using .NET. First, the C# language is closely related to the .NET platform and as far as I know it's not possible to write a C# application that does not need .NET (and if you want to ask why I'm using C#, it's because I don't know any other programming language ;D).
The second reason is quite simple: the .NET platform makes some things extremely easy (from developer's point of view).
I tried to make the application compatible with earlier versions of .NET, but (un)fortunately .NET 3.5 introduced several amazing features I can't live without...
I know this is quite a big problem problem because not everybody has .NET 3.5 installed, but you can download it for free from (as far as I know it' about 250 MB ::)).
thanks a lot really helpful. if i need more help i'll take you up on your offer thanks again
off topic again:
i've tried to pm you but i'm not sure if youve been getting the messages. anyway here is the quetsion.
are you using the express edtion and if you are how did you make it not need and installer.
thank you in advance
Hey cool you used C#? I am learning to program that language too!
Two things. One (just a suggestion) You might consider copyrighting it under the GNU GPL licence(just a thought...) And a question. Would it be allright with you if I could get the source code? It would really interest me. But if not I am fine without.
There are two simple reasons why I haven't released the source code (yet).
First, ASL Editor is - apart of my hobby - also a semester project for my programming lessons. If my teacher found the entire source code available on the internet, he might find it hard to believe that I am the author of this program. Therefore I cannot release the source code until September.
The second reason is because the whole code is kind of half-finished and messy... I'm working on several new features now and I'm also going to rewrite some old ones from scratch. If anybody - including my teacher - tried to read the code now, he would probably hate me (I hate myself too sometimes...).
So, to answer your question, I am planning to release the entire source code, although not before September/October 2009.
Ahhh That's fine. I understand now. Well I'll bet you'll get a really good grade! I am not sure if this is on your list of things to add but it would be really cool if you could add a play in Anim8or button. So that you could click a button and it would automaticly save and run Anim8or. It shouldn't be to hard.
I found a bug I think. If you Try to redraw the text when ther is no text is says Unhandled exception. I am not sure if it does that for you but thought I'd let you know.(in case you want to know all the bugs)
Thank you for your feedback Jdez!
That text-redraw error is definitely a bug, I added it to the list. Bug reports, as well as feature suggestions are always welcome. Thanks once more!
French translation ;) Thanks for this software man !
Thank you very much Paulo! The translation will be included in the next release (wait just a few days! ;))
I have been thinking of ways to make it even better(just to annoy you) One idea I came up with would be to add a Code Browser so that you could look through all the classes in a seperate window(Kinda a built in ASL Database). Just another of my many suggestions...
Good idea! To be honest, I've been thinking about a feature like that... I'll add it to the list!
Well Smart minds think alike as they always say...
A new version is out!
ASL Editor has done a huge step forward. There are several new features and I rewrote half of the original code from scratch, that's why it took so long...
The most important changes are:
- Improved performance - no more jerky scrolling, no more text-redraw delays...
- Improved the auto-complete function
- New Syntax Checker function (still far from perfect, but quite useful!)
- A help file included
- Several bugs fixed
Czech, French and Spanish translations are included (thanks a lot to Paulo and dajean)
Download link (
Any feature requests, questions and bug reports are welcome!
One of the most useful features (from my point of view) is the ability to add your own description to user-declared variables. This description will be displayed in the yellow infobox which is displayed when you move your mouse over a variable name or when auto-completing a variable name. It really helps when you are working on a long script... See the help file for a detailed information about this feature.
The following image shows how the custom description of variables and the syntax checker work:
The Syntax Checker is definetly a usefull feature!
Also the new Run with Anim8or feature rocks!
It's been a while since I released the last version of ASL Editor... And now it's the time for the ultimate upgrade!
This new version is more stable, faster and easier to use than any of the previous versions. And more importantly, it contains a bunch of new great features!
Most important changes:
- A complete, structured, well-organised ASL reference is included directly in ASL Editor! See details below
- A simple graphic editor to create/edit plugin buttons
- Automatic recognition of matching brackets
- Major performance improvement of the text-highlighting function
- Improved the Undo/Redo functions, Auto-Competing and Syntax Checker
- Many bugs fixed
Download link (
Feature requests, bug reports and questions are still welcome!
The most important new feature in this version is the ASL Explorer. I spent several weeks researching, testing and documenting every single element of the ASL language and here is the result: the most detailed ASL documentation ever written. Every single directive, constant, function, type and type member is described in detail, including code examples, useful tips and more.
There's no need to say more. Check out the following screenshot, download ASL Editor and try it yourself! Creating ASL plugins has never been easier! (do you still remember the times when you used to use Notepad?)
Yeah I remember the times I used notepad. Thanks for the awesome update! I'll keep this in my back pocket for when I feel like I'm in the scripting mood :)
I'm extra happy that you put the reference material in the program itself!
Thanks :)
Maybe I should have waited with this release a little bit longer, because I just found one bug 5 minutes after I posted the message ;D I'll fix it and post a new version asap...
EDIT: it's done, I uploaded new version... If you downloaded ASL Editor within the last 30 minutes, please download it again... I apologize for that.
It's definitively an awesome program, so usefull to make an ASL script ! It saves a lot of time. Thanks a lot Kubajzz ! ;)
Yay v3.5!!! Looks awesome, I'll download right now. The built in ASL Reference will be REALLY useful so that you don't have to go back and forth between the editor and the web. Also the plugin buttons editor will be really useful for people to lazy to write out their own. Thanks for the awesome work Kubajzz
Oh, believe me, this one is gonna be the main reason I'll start making ASL scripts. Thanks Kubajzz!
Just made a translation for Brazilian Portuguese, but have no idea what "Redraw text" means or do. Someone can give me a hint?
Anyway, here's what i have done so far.
download link is down :-(
Try this?
Hey, I have a question. Is there a ASL Maker to make your own shape, rendering 2D image into 3D model, or something?