Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: thomasmendozajr on April 08, 2009, 06:01:00 pm
This is A city I'm working on right now Fully done in anim8or using Raytracer rendering
Nice, haven't seen that much architecture here lately. I'm looking forward to a final render. ;D
this was a quality test On motion rendering hope you guys like what you see
Link[/youtube]]http://www. (http://www.[youtube)
Looking good so far. Still alot of building need to be added to exactly made a city ;)
Keep it going, looking forward to a final.
i realy like the detail on the windows. is that textures or did you actuly make that many windows.
That is Actually Textures, Anim8or can not support that many windows In detail using that many polygons, I used textures with Widths And heights at 2080X1980 1600x1200 3000x2500 3400x3000
hey man, looks cool:) was wondering, what renderer did you use? you mentioned raytraced and instantly i was interested:P lol
My 10 Minute city.....
whacked up with anim8or
This is really nice. I have a hell of a problem texturing.
I used realistic textures on my buildings in anim8or I did have to modify them a little but it payed off anyways I used the anim8or internal render not opengl or scanline I used the raytrace Rendering mode
but a hint on creating buildings is to use as little meshes as possible but you want great quality. for my render and for each building I only used about 200 polygons witch is extremely small but I gave it good
quality using great textures. also instead of making parts of meshes peace by peace I use separate blocks to lower the polygons I stretch it across through the Main part of the building for more detail.
then I use the UV texture map tool to size the texture to fit in between the windows. It didn't take me very long and the quality came out great.
Just two things, in my opinion, are stopping this from looking incredible:
The roof texture on all the buildings is the same... It is at the same side and same size. If you rotated it around or got some other textures it might look better. Just for variety.
The dome doesn't quite look right. Is it supposed to be glass? Again, maybe a slightly better texture might make it look better.
But it does look great. These are just things which I think will take it beyond great.
Gosh... I've not posted on Anim8or boards in about 6 months. Welcome back, me, lol.
Sometime in the future I would like to create an anim8or neighborhood. I would make a layout with hills and places to put your house that you build. It would have to be limited so first come gets the spot. I would pm the layout to the ones that wanted it and they would claim their spot and pm the file back to me and then I would keep doing it untill all spots were claimed. When everyone got done building there homes I would send out the layout to each one so they could place their home and then send it back to me.
Then I get the fun of rendering it all. That could take days!!!
You could do the same with the city - Everyone could build their business/building. Put up signs - parking lot - you get the picture.