Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: Kubajzz on April 06, 2009, 09:27:52 am

Title: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 06, 2009, 09:27:52 am
Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART



Another challenge is here, a simple one this time! The task is to model glasses and render them using the Anim8or Ray Tracer.

You can model any kind of glasses - dioptric, reflective, diving googles... Use your fantasy, be creative and try to make as detailed model as possible. Don't forget to add some fancy reflections and refractions using the ART raytracer (!

Have fun, keep in mind the challenge rules ( and post your progress, c&c, and/or final renders in this topic.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 06, 2009, 11:12:57 am
Hmm... I'll consider entering this one...
One question just to make sure, are we aloud to spice up our renders with multiple passes, photoshop editing etc.?
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 06, 2009, 12:22:19 pm
Quote from: 3D Joe Wiltshire
One question just to make sure, are we aloud to spice up our renders with multiple passes, photoshop editing etc.?

Yes, as long as the images are created using ART.

Everything not forbidden is permitted ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: baxter on April 06, 2009, 01:31:45 pm
This looks like a fun challenge, time to get started
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Jehovahenker on April 07, 2009, 01:37:03 pm
So,... Do I need version 0.97? ???
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 07, 2009, 01:52:46 pm
Jehovahenker: No, you dont need to use version 0.97.. You can make a render in an older version. Using the new ART raytracer is just a suggestion on how to make the best glass material using anim8or!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 07, 2009, 02:07:16 pm
Well simon, it's says:

The final entries will be judged based on the best looking Anim8or Ray Tracer render. This will be a public poll.

Which doesn't directly means you have to render in ART, but it will be judged. So if you want to make a change you should render it in ART (which only comes with v0.97).
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 07, 2009, 02:42:54 pm
Quote from: Jehovahenker
So,... Do I need version 0.97? ???

Yes, because the usage of the ART renderer is one of the main points of this challenge. That doesn't mean that you must not enter this contest unless you are using v0.97, but I can't see any reason why to use an older version... I don't think v0.97 is less stable than previous versions and it has a lot of new awesome features :)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Jehovahenker on April 07, 2009, 03:52:19 pm
ok thanks for the reactions, I'll dl it tomorriw  ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: captaindrewi on April 07, 2009, 05:40:52 pm
trying out a lens.
very basic, early days
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: neirao on April 07, 2009, 08:29:06 pm
Hi Kubajzz and Guys,

here my model of glass (100% in Anim8or),
i maker based in Michael Jacksonīs glass, but with different characteristics..


please post comments ok! :)

Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: captaindrewi on April 08, 2009, 05:34:40 am
what about the planet janet?...mucho manifique neirao

another experiment.class dielectric.
applied just to the glass material.

2.class transparent
3.class dielectric

Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 10, 2009, 03:40:30 am
Nice use of ART, neirao and captaindrewi! I like the colors in both your images.
Captaindrewi, maybe you can experiment with shadows a bit too? I know its hard to do that with glass objects, but with very soft shadows it can be pulled off.

Here is one ive modeled.. Sorry only a AO pass at the moment.. the regular pass is rendering.. (its going to take 3 days in total it says.. maybe i put the AA a bit too high!)

As you can see the end goes into the floor a little bit, but i couldnt help that! , anim8or snaps to a certain percentage so it would be either this or having it floating.

Stay tuned for updates!

edit: FINALLY! the render took 3,5 days.. but here it is haha..
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: captaindrewi on April 10, 2009, 05:32:52 am
cheers simon,the ART instructions show examples with a variety of fine settings. i can't seem to find these.
and i have never seen anim8or tell me how long the render is going to take.
will definately try one with a gentle shadow next.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 10, 2009, 05:51:50 am
Nice glasses simon, still rendering?? ;)

@Captaindrewi: good work! some shadows could be added...
You can see howlong a render takes in many ways. I always render the frames in 1/100th of the final resolution. i.e when you want a 1280*720 final you should render it on 128*72. The final render should take 100 times as long as that one.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 10, 2009, 09:27:11 am
Nice work kreator! Not too sure what you were all on about with the polycarbonate stuff :|

I don't think my sunglasses are Oakleys btw.. it has the initials P&D in the reference image (probably a cheap brand haha)

Great work everyone with the ART renders. keep em coming
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 11, 2009, 06:48:52 am
Hey, Simon! That last render of yours is in a grey room and so smooth and stuff, may I ask what you did to make the room in which the glasses were in?

I'm joining this one, guys! Stay tuned!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 11, 2009, 09:01:43 am
Ok, here is my entry: a bit of a nerdy pair of glasses ;D
All anim8or ofcourse  ;)

Wire and clay will be added later on
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 11, 2009, 10:48:20 am
3Dgeek: that render was done using the AmbientOccluder attribute in the scene editor...

Have a look at the preview page

or/and at this topic

I set the AA very high (144 samples) to make the smoothness.

Floyd; love your glasses :D the shape works very well with the dielectric material! Some aliasing is visible though around the edges.. i know its a pain to render correctly!
Good job.

And my glasses still render and render and render  ;D maybe i can post it in a few days when its done haha!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 11, 2009, 11:58:50 am
Floyd; love your glasses :D the shape works very well with the dielectric material! Some aliasing is visible though around the edges.. i know its a pain to render correctly!
Good job.

Thanks simon. I noticed the edges too, i rendered with AA set to 16 not that much. I just didn't wanted to wait so long. ;)

And my glasses still render and render and render  ;D maybe i can post it in a few days when its done haha!

You still have a week and a half left ;)...
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: maestro on April 12, 2009, 10:28:59 am
My attempt, i know i probably need more scripts to improve my effects [wow i'm really seeing some designs here!] in any case here are my glasses, made from basic path extrusion and resizing. [and one reflection script]
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 12, 2009, 11:55:48 am
Here are some more renders of my pair of glasses. This time rendered in 3ds max with V-ray.
Beauty and wire.

NOTE: These where not rendered with anim8or ART. Therefor this render can not be jugded!!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 12, 2009, 01:18:18 pm
This is still in the rough - Not sure I want to keep the parts that go over the ears. Still have to add the ends and the parts for the nose.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 12, 2009, 02:23:53 pm
Hey very nice work everyone!

maestro: nice work so far. I think  you meant to say 'attributes' instead of 'scripts'? but yes, it would be neat to see a render with a 'dielectric' attribute to the glass!

floyd: very nice render, the caustics look a bit all over the place though, i know its hard to get right >.< too bad anim8or cant do those!
I'm still waiting on my render hahaha.. its just nuts..

onespirit; yea you might want to redo the they look a bit fragile at the moment!

indinan8or, i really like your glasses, great render. I think maybe you could render the shadows again but then remove the glass parts of the model, so you can use those shadows. Also the book texture might need a bit higher resolution!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: maestro on April 12, 2009, 06:11:52 pm
thanks, kreator. And yeah, i meant 'attributes' not 'scripts'
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 12, 2009, 10:54:32 pm
Here is an update

I did the first render then thought how about a clay render with AmbientOccluder, then I thought - How about doing with all the attributes.

AA is set to 36

I am going to do one final render to get rid of the dark spots. They are there because the back side of the faces don't respond. So if I have the time to do another render I will.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: baxter on April 14, 2009, 10:50:32 am
Here's my addition to the challenge, basic 16 AA regular ART render, dielectric attribute for the glass.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: neirao on April 14, 2009, 03:12:33 pm

edit: FINALLY! the render took 3,5 days.. but here it is haha..

Excelent "Glasses Final" render SIMON!!
one more time Congratulations!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 14, 2009, 04:11:49 pm
My entry, based on my own pair of somewhat less than fashionable goggles!  It's a straight ART render, not reworked in 2D.

EDIT:  New final entry added below.  The shadow has been re-worked and a touch of focal depth of field applied.  The overall tonal balance was also adjusted in 2D.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: hihosilver on April 14, 2009, 05:17:42 pm
Nicely done, was the caustics effect done as post production or as a texture?  Or another method perhaps?

I'm loving the number of entries in these competitions!  It's really great
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 14, 2009, 11:03:11 pm
The entire shadow is a texture (as you guessed) applied to a plane that sits just above the decking surface.  The texture itself is just a black square, with bluish areas where the lenses would be.  The actual shape of the shadow, and the level of tinting projected through the lenses, is controlled by a transparency map.  The shape of the texture and trans map were defined by running a quick render with a camera positioned with the same orientation as the light source.  The trans map was 2D edited to provide a soft shadow effect.

Rendering this with real shadows would have taken many times longer to render (as it is it took about 8 hours) and the caustics effect could not have been done at all.  Manipulating the textured plane to sit correctly was a bit of a fiddle, but as an experiment the concept works reasonably well IMO.  I have noticed a couple of minor modelling errors that will need fixing, so a re-render will be required, which should be up in 24 hours or so.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Steve on April 15, 2009, 12:42:37 am
There's some nice work here.  (3.5 *days* to render, $imon???  I need to speed ART up a bit!)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: siragin on April 15, 2009, 01:53:34 am
I just started this tonight. I still have alot to do to it and I might not finish by the deadline. I have to much other stuff to do but hopefully I will finish in time. Also this was not rendered in ART. Ill do that when I finish modeling it.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: lynn22 on April 15, 2009, 02:16:06 am
I just fnished my entry, one straightforward render and no post-processing.

Edit : I just popped out and bought a new table  ;D

$imon, the reflections are the natural result of the glass material attribute specular/glossy when a simple plane is put in front of it showing the image of a brightly lit window, just like in the real world.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 15, 2009, 04:29:08 am
onespirit; thats looking a lot better already! can't wait to see the final render! Just a note for the gold material , maybe you can give it a little bit more reflection, and make the color a bit less yellow! just a thought..

baxter; that looks nice and simple! good use of ART :)

Thanks neirao!

Ensoniq; great glasses ! the actual glass part is sticking a bit through the frame, but that was probably what you were tlaking about fixing.
Because youre using a texture to create the shadow, the shadow is of quite low quality and maybe a bit too smooth at the bottom. Maybe you could try using a higher resolution texture? or mixing the texture with real shadows..

Steve: haha it would be awesome if you could speed it up of course! But i pushed anim8or around a bit too.. 144 AA samples with dielectric materials , a lot of glossy materials and an environmental map around it for reflections.. so its partially my fault ;)

Siragin: Good start! nice style.. i hope we'll get to see an ART render!

Lynn: that looks excellent! How did you create the reflections?
The only flaw seems to be the wood texture though, maybe you could scale it down or get a higher resolution texture somewhere?

You're right Hiho, a lot of very nice entries here!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: menamarco on April 15, 2009, 05:18:33 am
here is my entry. i created this pair of glasses because of a expresion that herd the other day and i thaught it would be an excellent project to do for this challange. also this is the first time that i used the art raytracer and i am astonished at the results. i beleave that the coke bottle bottom lenses are the best part of the model, the dulled wire didn't turn out so good.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: neirao on April 15, 2009, 10:24:30 am
he he  :D  menamarco,

very cool and creative glasses!!

i like! :)

Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 15, 2009, 08:36:21 pm
My final render - This is just raw art render with no touch up or post production.

Wish I had a real pair of these.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 15, 2009, 10:42:12 pm
Ensoniq; great glasses ! the actual glass part is sticking a bit through the frame, but that was probably what you were tlaking about fixing.
Because youre using a texture to create the shadow, the shadow is of quite low quality and maybe a bit too smooth at the bottom. Maybe you could try using a higher resolution texture? or mixing the texture with real shadows..

Cheers $imon.  Yep, the poor lens-to-frame fitment was indeed the issue I was referring to, corrected in the render running at the moment.  I agree about the shadow texture.  The resolution is reasonably high, at 1000x1000px, but I have resampled it to 1500px square.  The main issue is the blurring being incorrect, and not accurately emulating a soft shadow effect.  The blur was done manually, using a Gaussian blur effect, and I think I was a bit heavy handed around where the bottom of the frames are resting on the table top.  I have reworked the texture considerably, and hopefully the final render will look a bit better.

In theory I like the idea of mixing the baked texture with real shadows, but ART always treats every object as solid and casting shadows, unlike Scanline, so the lenses would cast full shadows.  Also, preliminary render tests indicate that the render time would be something like your own 3.5 days, and I just can't spare the time.  By comparison the baked shadow method takes about 8 hours to render.

I am working on formalising the method used to create a baked shadow that can incorporate caustics (or a rough simulation of them) to minimise the amount of manual work involved, hopefully making it more a science than an art, so to speak.  I won't be able to apply the formal method to this image in time for the comp, but I hope to be able to make up a basic tutorial in the future.

EDIT: Re-render added to original post.  See above.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 16, 2009, 07:56:00 am
Thats excellent work ensoniq! I love the whole image.
The only thing that stands out is the floor texture/material still.. but its a lot better than the original :)

It would be nice to see a tutorial of that! would help a lot of people in anim8or i think!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: RudySchneider on April 16, 2009, 11:31:47 am
$imon ---
I'm not certain what it is you see as objectionable with the "floor" material.  It looks to me like it's a ripply, ribbed plastic material, which would naturally break up the reflection, but not necessarily the shadow.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 16, 2009, 01:30:35 pm
Oh i wasnt aware its plastic.. ive never seen a material liike that to be honest ..maybe thats why it sticks out to me ;)
Either way it looks good in the image!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: dwsel on April 16, 2009, 06:16:18 pm
Here's the result of quick modeling and long rendering and post processing.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 16, 2009, 06:24:35 pm

That looks so real!!
The only crit is the thinness of the ear bits.

After the challenge, would you mind sharing how you created that masterpiece?
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 16, 2009, 07:03:20 pm
dwsel - Good stuff

Everybody is putting up some really nice stuff - If it looks good, it's Steve to blame for making such an awesome program.

Thanks Dude!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 16, 2009, 07:55:43 pm
Well, here's my submission, I know it can't hold a candle to most of these... but it only took 3 hours creation and rendering time.

At least i'm in this one!

EDIT: Idea! How about... The 'Winning' submission is hosted in the gallery!
Just an idea.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 16, 2009, 10:57:41 pm
Cheers $imon.  Rather than attempting to create a floor material that looked like something in particular, I deliberately created a material that could perform a couple of crucial tasks.  First, I didn't want it to overpower the glasses themselves, so the colours were to be muted and basic.  Second, it had to have a rigid linear or gridded surface detail, to reveal the refractive effect of the lenses as well as provide a clear perspective that informed the viewer about the model's position and orientation in space.  Third, I wanted it to be a little bit reflective, to show off that particular ART attribute as well as increasing the sense of the glasses resting on a real surface.

It was generated from a wood panelling texture, softened considerably, with the same image applied to the bump field.  The kinda ripply reflection was actually a happy accident, I had not expected a bump map to have such a strong effect on the specular reflection attribute (nice one Steve!).  It does look kinda plasticy, but really it was intended to highlight the cool ART effects only.

Great work from everybody in this comp BTW, pushing Anim8or and the ART renderer to the limits with some really excellent results.  It's also great to see so many anim8ors getting involved.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: dwsel on April 17, 2009, 02:49:08 am
3D Joe Wiltshire:

Thank you :)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 17, 2009, 07:27:55 am
I'm amazed by the amount of awesome entries in this competition! Great job everybody so far.

Those who haven't posted an entry so far have 3 more days (I should hurry up ::))
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 17, 2009, 04:59:59 pm
ensoniq5 - how dare you!!!!

Stop trying so hard - That makes us try harder to keep up!

Gees that's some good stuff!
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 18, 2009, 11:36:25 am
Hi, is there any way that this contest can be extended one (1) day more? I'm so busy lately, that I haven't had much time to work on the sunglasses, but I am going to do more on it today, so I was just wondering if the contest can be extended to April 21st, please?
Thank you.
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 18, 2009, 02:40:28 pm
Hey, nice design Kreator! Where can I buy those? ;D

Quote from: 3Dgeek11
Hi, is there any way that this contest can be extended one (1) day more?

The contest could theoretically be extended but... I think 2 weeks are enough. If I change the deadline 2 days before the contest ends, it would be unfair to the others and it would kinda depreciate the rules. You still have 48 hours, go for it! ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 19, 2009, 02:50:13 pm
Never mind, I got it done yesterday!

It took 3 1/2 hours to render on 1.10ghz, I'm pretty happy, although there are some things I'd like to fix, so, if you don't see me post another render before the contest ends, this is my entry. :)

Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Indian8or on April 20, 2009, 01:09:18 am
Hi guys.

Here is my contribution.  I could not get my book texture right after repeated attempts.  So, I dumped that model and thought of making something different.

Hope you all like it.

Title: Re: Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 20, 2009, 04:05:49 pm

Good job everybody, the time is up!

Voting is open, you have 3 days to choose your favorite. Browse the topic to see all the entries, note that you can cast 2 votes in the poll!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: headwax on April 20, 2009, 10:20:50 pm
Wow, there are some really spic renders here. Amazing how anim8or and her anim8ors has/have come along the last two and a half years.

Wonderfuil work everyone.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 21, 2009, 07:30:37 am
I figure that the big benefit of entering these competitions is receiving CC from fellow Anim8ors, which can only be a positive thing.  In this spirit, and hoping for similar CC of my own work, I offer the following opinions and observations on the submissions of my fellow contestants, in the order in which they appear in the poll.

3Dgeek:  Nice colours!  The material for the frames works very well, it does look like plastic.  A bit of work around the hinges, and perhaps curving the lenses to give a bit of a refractive effect, would improve the image IMO.  I would also decrease the intensity of the background reflections, they are a little distracting.  Great to see your work mate, keep it up!

3D Joe Wiltshire:  Kudos for having a go mate, and I like the idea of the 3D specs.  The frame looks a bit too thick, and could use some more subdivisions to improve the silhouette.  Also, the colour of the lenses looks a bit light, lacking in saturation.  If these are using the ART dielectric effect for colour I would try tweaking the parameters to get a stronger colour.

baxter:  Nice work baxter.  The refractive effect of the lens provides some nice disruption to the shadows around the bottom of the frames.  The nose pad placement looks a little odd, and the image would have been improved with a bit more detail around the hinges and by ensuring the ear pieces were sitting on the surface, but it's good work that demonstrates the ART refraction well.

captaindrewi:  Cool glasses!  I really like the smooth, streamlined shape, the seamless transition from frame to lens, and it's a very crisp render.  It almost looks cartoony, I'm not sure why, but it's a good thing!  Positioning a light, or bright object that could be reflected in the lenses, would make the surface look shinier; at the moment it looks a little matt.  Great material construction, well done! 

dwsel:  Fantastic!  The material looks very convincingly plastic, and the shadows and reflections are excellent.  The only thing that distracts, and it has been mentioned before, is the thinness of the ear pieces.  Really nice render.

floyd86:  Excellent work, particularly the lenses themselves.  I would have suggested a slightly different camera angle, to reveal more of the ear bits, and there seems to be an incongruous white line around the bottom of the frames, which slightly reduces the realism, but it's a minor thing.

Indian8or: Seriously cool model!!  Is this thing real, or your own invention?  If it's real, I want one!  The only things that stand out as slight negatives are the texture stretching on the headband and the lack of shadows.  One way to avoid the texture stretching problem is to construct the headband straightened out, apply the texture, then curve the band around using a modifier.

kreator: Great model mate, and really excellent demonstration of the dielectric ART effect.  As in all things, it is the detail that makes or breaks an image, and the detail of the hardware in your image is just lovely.  The thick lens in the background looks amazing, both in terms of model integrity and material selection.  My only quibble would be the slightly wobbly ear bits, but that may well have been intentional.

lynn22:  I love this image!  The composition is faultless, and the placement of the sheet music (Schubert I believe) serves to highlight the antique nature of your spectacle design, as well as provide detail that can be distorted by the refractive quality of the lens.  If I must give a crit, perhaps a bit more subdivision on the circular lens frames would have removed the slightly stepped appearance.  Really excellent work!

menamarco:  This is probably the most original design of all!  The concept and model are absolutely brilliant, I cannot fault the model construction at all.  The material for the bottle bottoms is absolutely perfect, really skilled control of the material editor!  The material for the wire is less impressive, it looks a bit plasticy.  Maybe giving it a reflective, silvery surface would look better.  Excellent work, well done!

maestro:  I like the originality of the design, and the use of lighting throws some interesting flares.  Applying the ART dielectric feature to the lenses would really improve this image, at present the lenses appear opaque.

neirao: Nice clean modelling (in record time too!) and good use of the ART effects.  The shadows are a little grainy, and the flat grey background gives the image little contrast, but the model is very good and it's good to see the image on which it was based.

onespirit5777:  Great work, very original design.  Is it based on a real pair of specs or is it your own design?  They look like they would be heavy!  The modelling is excellent, and the gold material is very convincing.  My only crit would be the blue floor, which distracts from the model itself in my opinion.  The use of Glossy Reflector on the floor does look very good, however, making it look a bit frosted.

$imon: Absolutely excellent model, as usual!  The shadows are excellent and I particularly like the subtle grainy texture to the plastic frames, makes a big difference to the realism.  The lenses themselves look a bit matt, not shiny like I would expect, but this might have been intentional.  (The ear bits sticking in the ground is unfortunate, and I know what you mean about the rather large minimum rotation amount in Scene view.  One workaround is to perform the rotation in Object mode, which allows a much finer degree of rotation.  If the model is made up of more than one object, you can make those objects "child" objects of the frame in Scene mode, in respect to both position and orientation, prior to performing the rotation.)

Thanks to Steve and the Anim8or admins for setting up these comps, and I hope they continue to be as popular as the first two have proved to be.  Well done to everybody who got involved!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 21, 2009, 09:22:32 am
Thanks for taking the time to give all that C&C ensoniq! Its good to stimulate everyone to improve their work.

About your image, as i said before I am not particularly fond of the floor texture, the blurry texture in combination with the blurry shadows (nice idea to do it like that! I'm not sure if its completely doable in anim8or to get it exactly right at the moment though.) The modeling looks good! Though the positioning of the glass in the frame isnt too exact.. i had a hard time with that as well ;)
Finally, the gold material couldve been a bit more reflective I think, but this shiny yellow just makes it look a bit more cheap, not less realistic ;)

Thanks for the crits on my image, a lot of these issues ive thought about, but most of them came up during the rendering (while i was 2 days into the render) so i didnt really have a chance to change them. The glasses reflect the floor, but the floor is just a grey color :| thats why they dont look too shiny, i shouldve gone for something more to reflect haha! Ill keep your idea in mind about the rotation, i didnt know you could child object to one another! thanks.

I hope other people will benefit from your crits as well! See you the next challenge ;)
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: dwsel on April 21, 2009, 10:45:40 am
Thank you for comment.
As 3D Joe requested I'm going to make short tutorial covering tricks I used to make this picture look more realistic.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 21, 2009, 10:57:27 am
Thanks ENSONIQ5, good thing you toke the time to comment on everyone's work!

Thanks to Steve and the Anim8or admins for setting up these comps, and I hope they continue to be as popular as the first two have proved to be.  Well done to everybody who got involved!

Well all honour goes to raxx, who started this idea *APPLAUSE*  ;D
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Indian8or on April 21, 2009, 11:10:01 am
Fantastic work by everyone!!

Thanks Ensoniq5 for the encouragement.

Yes, as far as my model goes, the strap texture has some stretching.  Actually, I modelled and rendered this thing during my work and I could not pay much attention to the details.  I rendered it in 30 minutes, AA 16 default.  I have fixed the texture stretch.

As far as shadows are concerned, I wanted to render this image like a poster or a product advertisement in a newspaper or magazine.  The device is actually suspended and not resting on the surface below and water is used as a background and not the surface.  So, shadows falling on water would have given a continuity and deprived the scene of its depth.   The dark/light areas on model itself serves the purpose, however.

Anyway thanks for your comments.

I liked your image very much.  The model is simple, but neatly modelled.  Details are very apt.  Yes, as Simon pointed out, the golden could have some reflective value to add to realism, it is more yellow than golden.

The background looks a bit blurry.  I have noticed that Anim8or ART tends to blur the texture in closeups.

Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 21, 2009, 02:18:30 pm
Thanks, ESONIQ! Thanks for the c&c, I had hoped to make another rendner before the contest ended. But I didn't. Thanks!

Also, what are the voting rules?
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: lynn22 on April 21, 2009, 06:03:55 pm
Thank you ENSONIQ5, the glasses are indeed Schubert's, modeled after the originals in a Viennese museum.

Your c&c list is a perfect resume of all the entries, may the best man win  :)
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: RnDr FOX on April 21, 2009, 06:40:18 pm
Hey ENSONIQ5 and kreator, how did you make that cool reflection effect?
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 21, 2009, 10:36:30 pm
RnDr FOX:  The ripply reflection is the result of the tabletop material having a reflective ART attribute (either Specular>Reflection or GlossyReflector) as well as having a bump map texture applied.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: menamarco on April 22, 2009, 12:04:29 am
thank you ENSONIQ5 for your view of my model. actually this was the first model i used the art raytracer, it took a lot of experementing to get the coke bottle glass material but when i tried to make the dulled wire material it just turned more plastic. i like it when others give there view of my work because it helps me to improve my work and the use of anim8or.

i think that anim8or is coming to a point where the only limitation is your imagination. don't you?
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 22, 2009, 04:08:03 am
Anim8or is certainly able to produce whatever your imagination can devise, the ART renderer being a fantastic addition to the Anim8or base.  Of course, things like IK and physics, as well as a quicker renderer, will make it much easier and quicker to bring imagined ideas to life, when they are added in due course.

Your time spent experimenting with the glass material was clearly time well spent, it looks perfect to me!  Dull metals are notoriously difficult to simulate well, and they often result in a plastic appearance.  I have no real ideas on this other than to suggest having a close look at something like a wire coat hanger, to see how the surface actually responds to light.  It may need a fine, brush-like bump map and a reflective attribute, or maybe the glossyreflector attribute with a lowish roughness parameter (less than 200) might do the trick.  Your model is well worth the time spent experimenting with this!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: captaindrewi on April 22, 2009, 07:24:31 am
Great to be taking part.Thanks  to Floyd for your suggestions which i did try
but got into problems with over ambitious renders ,i'm to impatient i fear.
Thanks for your appraisal Ensoniq ,i did try what you suggested re reflecting an object in the lens but
got frustrated as i failed to find a position that allowed the object to reflect, i'm sure i will overcome my inexperience and lack of patience in time.. 
Your piece is exquisite ,the mechanical accuracy and detail are marvellous.
Rather difficult for a newb to crit a master.
The only thing is ,as you've said already, the floor is a bit hard to assimilate.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 22, 2009, 07:19:25 pm
I just made this up - and if they were real they would have to be hollow frames

Thanks for the comp.
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 23, 2009, 05:58:23 am
$imon:  Sorry mate, I hadn't spotted your post above 'til now.  You are quite right about the gold... in my efforts to get the shadow working I neglected a few other points!  A much higher Rough value, to reduce the roughness, would have been preferrable.  I can't think of another method to produce a shadow in ART that incorporates a "light-thru-lens" or caustic effect, other than baked shadows (or heavy 2D editing).  I think the concept could work ok, but needs some tweaking and careful planning to work well.  The lens fitment is a bit of a problem.  I based these glasses on my own, and the lenses do actually extend back beyond the frame about half a millimetre or so, because the lenses are thicker towards the outside than the inside, thicker than the thickness of the frame itself.  I should have put a bevel to the back edge of the lens to make it less obvious... moving away from strict reality for the sake of a better looking image.

Indian8or:  I agree, the background is quite blurry (intentional towards the back, unfortunate towards the front).  The fault is entirely my own, not Anim8or's, as the texture used in the ambient/diffuse and bump channels is relatively low res.

captaindrewi:  There aint no masters here mate, just Anim8or afficionados, and I would rate your CC as highly as anybody's.  I agree about my floor, I would have loved to have re-worked it but there just wasn't time unfortunately.

onespirit5777:  The impression of heaviness is a good thing, like an expensive bit of bling.  It's a great design, and I wouldn't mind a pair of them myself!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: Kubajzz on April 23, 2009, 03:16:00 pm
The voting is over! Congratulations to dwsel, ENSONIQ5, Kreator and $imon!


Good job everybody who entered this one, I really didn't expect so many awesome ART renders!

The next challenge should start soon, stay tuned!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 23, 2009, 03:26:18 pm
Congratz everyone. I will post the next challenge right now!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: dwsel on April 23, 2009, 03:52:17 pm
Congratulations for all! I see new 'red' topic already :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: baxter on April 23, 2009, 04:19:45 pm
I had a sneaking suspicion dwsel would win :D
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 23, 2009, 05:08:26 pm
congrats dwsel!!! ;D
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 23, 2009, 05:35:21 pm
Were these the only images that were voted for?
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: floyd86 on April 23, 2009, 06:11:08 pm
@3d joe: nope, this where the four entries with the most votes. Others got some votes to.
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 23, 2009, 10:27:22 pm
Well done dwsel, a deserving win!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: dwsel on April 24, 2009, 02:26:54 am
Thank you ENSONIQ, onespirit and baxter!
I posted tutorial/wip of this image here so now everyone will be able to use this technique :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #2: Render Glasses Using ART
Post by: $imon on April 24, 2009, 06:43:27 am
Yea congrats dwsel!

Everyone well done, awesome work!