Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: darkmatter on April 05, 2009, 12:13:44 pm
Hi, total buffoon when it comes to the world of 3d animation here, and I've got something I'd like to do that I'm sure is excruciatingly simple, but I've watched tutorials and looked at the manual, and for the life of me, I just... CAN'T... SEEM... TO DO IT. And as you can see, it's making my urge to kill rise a little.
First, I'm trying to make some 3d text that the camera zooms away from very quickly, then rotates to the right slowly. It's for a little trailer thing I'm working on. I can get the 3d text made, but I can't figure out how to get it into an animation sequence.
Second, I've got a flat image that I'd like to trace and create as a 3d image. It's very simple, but I can't seem to make it start adding points and drawing lines.
If anyone could help, it'd be fantastic.
Thanks! And if I get it to work I'll be sure to post the little clip. :)
Not about 3d text but these tuts might help you, out in your quest for knowledge..;sa=view;article=14
Quote from sbenator
I love this little series of tutorials. I've not felt the need to actually build the tank, but I've learned more about using anim8or from these than from any other tuts out there. These should definately be on the anim8or site.
You were going to do one for one of your locos. Is that still on the cards? you haven't got enough to do.
3D text just type the text then extrude it with Build/extrude.
Maybe look at the anim8or tutorial ( and the manual ( again, which can be found on this site. The stuff you asking is pretty basic animation.
Simply import the text in scene mode (build>add object) and set up you camera right. Now click on the first frames and add a key for the objects position (the key button should be on=green) now go a few frames futher and move you text away from the camera and add the rotation.
Thanks guys! Re-reading the manual actually did help, though I think one of the things I wanted to do might have to wait until I'm more familiar with the program.
And this is what I used it for! Crude, I know, but... Hopefully as I get more familiar with the program I'll be able to do more with it.
That's better than what i've done. i can't even install it lol
Quackar, you shouldn't need to install it - unless you were joking there.
Just download the Anim8or.exe file and double-click it.
i got past that problem and made the eggplant... but now it wont open properly it just leaves a blank space on the screen >:(
i have faced the blank page problem, but only when i use my laptop which has vista.
once i updated my graphics driver and it sorted out the problem.
one other way i used to use was to keep on opening anim8or till i get the normal screen. as in you should try and open anim8or again and again.
good luck
to make a 3D text you need to:
first-make the text.
second-extrude it by going in:build->extrude.
hope it helps!
Keep animating as long as your imagination takes you!
to make your 3d object with that picture just do the same as before:
first select your drawing
second click on build->extrude and set it to Z axis