Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: texel on April 01, 2009, 02:22:38 pm
Ani2Pov v0.70 can now convert sequences from Anim8or to .SMD files used by the game "Half-Life":
Skinned meshes are not supported.
Please read the manual
Any bug reports are welcome.
Very nice!
Once you get skinned meshes supported it will be hard to restrain me from attacking you with uncontrollable amounts of.......respect and praise! lol
The developpement version of Ani2Pov v0.71 support skinned meshes with one bone per vertex.
I don't know how to export more than one weight per vertex. When i follow the specs from Valve, and when i try to import the model in an Half-Life model viewer ("Jed's Half Life Model Viewer"), only the "base bone" is used, the other bones/weights are ignored.
I need an example .smd file with more than one bone per vertex and a free viewer (and legal) which can display it (i do not have Half life).
v0.71 will also fix a problem with interpolations in frames.
I have upadated Ani2Pov.
Skinned meshes are support for .smd and the ASCII file format version of Milkshape 3D.