Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: texel on April 01, 2009, 02:22:38 pm

Title: Ani2Pov v0.70 can export to .SMD files (Half-Life)
Post by: texel on April 01, 2009, 02:22:38 pm
Ani2Pov v0.70 can now convert sequences from Anim8or to .SMD files used by the game "Half-Life":

Skinned meshes are not supported.
Please read the manual
Any bug reports are welcome.

Title: Re: Ani2Pov v0.70 can export to .SMD files (Half-Life)
Post by: Suppastar on April 01, 2009, 11:24:37 pm
Very nice!

Once you get skinned meshes supported it will be hard to restrain me from attacking you with uncontrollable amounts of.......respect and praise!  lol

Title: Re: Ani2Pov v0.70 can export to .SMD files (Half-Life)
Post by: texel on April 02, 2009, 06:00:48 pm
The developpement version of Ani2Pov v0.71 support skinned meshes with one bone per vertex.

I don't know how to export more than one weight per vertex. When i follow the specs from Valve, and when i try to import the model in an Half-Life model viewer ("Jed's Half Life Model Viewer"), only the "base bone" is used, the other bones/weights are ignored.

I need an example .smd file with more than one bone per vertex and a free viewer (and legal) which can display it (i do not have Half life).

v0.71 will also fix a problem with interpolations in frames.
Title: Re: Ani2Pov v0.70 can export to .SMD files (Half-Life)
Post by: texel on April 03, 2009, 04:44:48 pm
I have upadated Ani2Pov.
Skinned meshes are support for .smd and the ASCII file format version of Milkshape 3D.