Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Anton on March 25, 2009, 02:23:22 pm
;) Some Figured I created in my spare time! 8)
1. Knight
2. Patzilla
3. Finger-Man
4. Green Anim8or Bird
Those are some cool models, wish I was that talented :( , But just wait my model is almost finished and ready to post(can't tell you what it is , its a surprise) ;)
lol, crazy sig, My favs are Patzilla and the anim8or bird [i was WONDERING when someone would get around to editing it in some way or the other!] So you created them in your spare time? well, this sort of stuff is what i wish i could do, simple and within a short amount of time.
Nice work, it's good to see users going outhere and giving anything a shot.
Although, I wouldn't exactly call the works excellent, you still have a medium-length ??? (long would be inaccurate) way to go, for example, you could've modeled some of the characters as one object and employed a few modeling techniques (such as edge-looping) to make them look a bit more realistic (but not so much that they would lose their 'toony' feel).
I know I made A lot of mistakes , That was some of my earlier work.
"Sorry Global moderators for posting more than once and not editing my old post"