Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: Steve on March 22, 2009, 09:20:15 pm

Title: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Steve on March 22, 2009, 09:20:15 pm
Challenge #1: Model A Bench

Welcome ladies and gentlemen! The goal here is to create a bench. What kind of bench? Any kind at all (! Just make sure it's one you can sit on ;)

How best to create this bench? Since most benches are solid objects boxmodelling will be the key.
Use the point edit mode ( to manipulate the faces, points and lines of a standard primitive, a box will be best.

Post your progress, c&c, and/or final renders in this topic!

Deadline: Completed!

Challenge Results
Artist that made the best looking bench


Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: bamman62 on March 22, 2009, 09:28:35 pm
Hah! This was unexpected, and probably something I can actually do.

Glad to see a friendly competition!

How will this be judged? Is it going by the render or the mesh itself?

Second Progress Edit:
Bad cubemap added, quick render in anim8or.


Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on March 22, 2009, 09:38:04 pm
Oops, it wasn't mentioned if this first challenge would be competitive or not. For now, assume it is going to be judged by everyone using a public poll. Preferrably the user will vote based on both the render and the mesh.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on March 23, 2009, 01:01:49 am
Mmm, Nice and bubbly, bamman62! By the way, feel free to make new posts when you update your work so that we don't miss it!

Here's my rigid bench that no one can sit on for more than 10 minutes without getting uncomfortable ;) Easy one to make, would have been even easier if I could have used splines instead :P

Box modeled with cubes and cylinders for the base meshes.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: floyd86 on March 23, 2009, 06:59:11 am
That certainly look like an uncomfortable bench, but a very nice model.
I like you bench bamman, very futuristic.

I would like to see the other entries!

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on March 23, 2009, 09:41:05 am
Hey nice to see these competitions on the anim8or forum!

bamman; nice work! I see you mixed regular reflections with the cubemap reflections, it kindof goes through each other but the final look is quite convincing!

Raxx; nice work too! Maybe you can change the lighting/materials a bit so that the details come out better.
Btw; if i read the competition rules you are allowed to use different methods than box modeling, it is just a tip to use box modeling !

Here is my entry, it is a bench that i saw in Bremen, Germany.. Its a huge dumbbell in the shape of a bench... no wait.. the other way around! Anyway.

A beauty render might still come, but that might take a while to render etc. so first this!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Jehovahenker on March 23, 2009, 12:58:14 pm
Here is my stylish bank :P, don't think I'll win with it, but just want to know what you guys think of it  ;D

Got one question, most of the sides of the bench are to much creased IMO, how can I make them just a little bit smooth without mutilating the whole bench. I tried the edge properties on the edges I don't want to be rounded, but it doesn't work in any way I tried. Anybodey knows what to do?
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Airedale11 on March 23, 2009, 01:09:25 pm
Am I allowed to create a challenge?
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: bamman62 on March 23, 2009, 01:18:12 pm
Hah! Figured out the problem with my cube map.

Apparently, up is the bottom.

All of the entries so far are great :P. Personally, Raxx's is my favorite, but the others come in a close second.

Anyway, here is a better version, more on the cubemap. It was rendered outside of a scene.

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Kubajzz on March 23, 2009, 01:54:49 pm
Oh, nice entries everybody so far! I should make one too...

your bench (or sofa?) is definitely the most comfortable one :) As for your question... It would be nice to see a larger image, but as far as I understand you need to make some of the edges more rounded. The best you can do is to use the bevel tool and possibly convert the whole mesh to subdivided. Nice model so far!

Quote from: Airedale11
Am I allowed to create a challenge?
No, only the moderators and the administrator can start a new challenge, but if you have an idea what the next challenge should be about feel free to post it or send a pm to any of the moderators (I prefer the pm option, things wouldn't really work if everybody posted 50 ideas here...)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Jehovahenker on March 23, 2009, 02:43:50 pm
Oh, nice entries everybody so far! I should make one too...

your bench (or sofa?) is definitely the most comfortable one :) As for your question... It would be nice to see a larger image, but as far as I understand you need to make some of the edges more rounded. The best you can do is to use the bevel tool and possibly convert the whole mesh to subdivided. Nice model so far!

Thanks for the tip, but for some reason the tool doesn't do anything on my *sofa*, it works if I just select a normal block, but not my sofa.

This is what I do: click a row of edges (only the ones in a row) click the tool, click my mouse, move it-->nothing happns (for as far I can see).
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: siragin on March 23, 2009, 10:31:11 pm
well I guess I'll get in on this too. Just a small bench that I wipped up.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: captaindrewi on March 24, 2009, 06:35:24 am
would like to improove this if possible by using some relevant attributes.
in ART.Obviously not shiny ones
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on March 24, 2009, 06:53:43 am
Hey captaindrewi,

nice model of a bench!
You say you want to use some ART attributes, but not shiny ones.. I know that wood isnt too shiny, but it still reflects its surrounding, maybe you can use a specular map, so it doesnt reflect in all places, and then use a very Glossy reflection.

I like all entries so far people, keep them coming :D
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Boywonda1 on March 24, 2009, 07:10:04 am
Hi guys,i like the progress so far,all nicely modelled .So i decided to try it out mine is based on the basis of being 'refreshed' when one is seated.I was aiming for it to look 'polished' so i added some specularity to the bench.:)
(wireframe might not look so good-bad pc ;D)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: lynn22 on March 24, 2009, 09:05:06 am
This is an interesting thread showing some very nice benches. Keep them coming ;)

Here's my contribution, all modeled in Anim8or except for the bush which is made in Ivy generator.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on March 24, 2009, 10:02:30 am
Nice bench $imon, very unique. I know mine's not too exciting, was just a quickie to squeeze in before bed ;)

Jehovahenker, comfy "bench". Just to make sure, did you select the edges you wanted to smooth and clicked this tool: (, then clicked and dragged in the workspace?

siragin, yours looks like a church bench, and a back-breaker at that ;)

Pretty good captaindrewi. Perhaps some better lighting and using the same texture as a bump/spec map would help bring out the detail more. You might have to modify a version of the textures for it to look right though. Not necessarily required in ART.

Boywonda1, that's a unique concept there. I like it!

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: floyd86 on March 24, 2009, 01:27:27 pm
Ok, i'm have a nice bench too. It's more of a classical park bench, which, here in holland, would stand for one week until there vandalised ;).

Modeled in anim8or in about 45 minutes and rendered with 3ds max vray (Anim8or render toke way to long).

Clay and unsmoothed wire. Maybe i will add a beauty later on.

-EDIT: Added an Anim8or render (third one) and the anim8or file-
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on March 25, 2009, 05:41:37 am
Nice work everyone.

This was built in around an hour using a range of techniques.  The timber slats were modelled from a cube primitive, bevelled twice and adjusted with a bit of point editing.  The steel frame sections were created by extruding a round-cornered rectangular spline along a pair of spline paths, one forming the seat curve and the other forming the legs, these separate meshes subsequently joined in point edit mode.  The hemispherical bolt heads are a cut down sphere primitive, and the hex nuts on the back were lathed with six segments from a simple spline.  The renderer was Anim8or ART.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: floyd86 on March 25, 2009, 11:44:42 am
Here is beauty render of my bench. Again rendered in V-ray.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: RnDr FOX on March 25, 2009, 08:16:57 pm
Well here is me bench, it's a little weird and the textures are stretched, but I'm not to worried about it.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Boywonda1 on March 26, 2009, 11:08:33 am
Ensoniq5,nice bench:still trying to convince myself that it's modelled in anim8or.
Floyd that indeed is a beauty render.
And lynn as usual with those nicely complemented scenes i see.
Anim8or Rocks!All nice designs!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: mcheccyb on March 26, 2009, 02:46:57 pm
Took about an hour, but was focusing on other things at the same time.

everything in anim8or, no beauty render (as of yet)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Jehovahenker on March 26, 2009, 03:20:10 pm
Took about an hour, but was focusing on other things at the same time.

everything in anim8or, no beauty render (as of yet)

Lol your not going to mean this =P working on about the same bench and was also thinking of a tree in the middle XDXDXD

EDIT: some sort of finished it, think I'm gonna change some things..
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: mcheccyb on March 26, 2009, 04:20:40 pm
Took about an hour, but was focusing on other things at the same time.

everything in anim8or, no beauty render (as of yet)

Lol your not going to mean this =P working on about the same bench and was also thinking of a tree in the middle XDXDXD

EDIT: some sort of finished it, think I'm gonna change some things..

lol no, I mean if I was concentrating harder I could have finished it in half the time, but msn conversations were distracting me. :D
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: captaindrewi on March 26, 2009, 10:31:00 pm
Thanks for your earlier tips Simon, much appreciated.
a big thanks to Baxter for his wonderful extruding a spline to a path tip.on this page (
i had another go at a bench, it's a bit more up market than my last effort.
i tried to render it with ART
specular/reflection attribute on bench object
specular/reflection on the bendy background thing that i have seen others using which i just aped.
and AmbientOccluder attribute in scene mode.[havent a clue what i'm doing really.render area went black and went into not responding state and my laptop fan went into overdrive.terminated process.try again soonish.
images below just using scan line and the old style reflection trick.

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: baxter on March 27, 2009, 10:21:29 am
@CaptainDrewi - Glad my tip helped, especially in making that marvelous bench

and heres my submission, basic wooden bench with a semi realism/cartoony look(how I like it on my renders)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Indian8or on March 27, 2009, 12:43:09 pm
Here is my piece of work.

I have a great respect for this bench and I call it

The "Bench of Strenght".  This is just a provisional render (anim8or ART)

Hope to post the final render soon.

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: onespirit5777 on March 28, 2009, 09:48:40 am
I wanted to have the look of after the rain but shadows with dielectric not working so I used reflections to give a little likeness.

You can see how I've worked from one scene to another trying different things. Still not done yet but just wanted to post what I have done so far.

The last render was a very low AA render just to see the progress of the water around the bench.

I created the background of the mountains and water using Terragen.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Kubajzz on March 28, 2009, 07:42:48 pm
Great entries everybody so far!

Here is my little broken bench. The model is quite simple, I spent most of the time texturing the wall... Modeled and rendered in Anim8or, of course :)

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: RudySchneider on March 28, 2009, 10:44:51 pm
That is stunning, Kubajzz!  Very photo-real!  The only real crit I have is with the angle of the grate in the wall.  Worn, yes, but it should still be parallel with the angle of the wall/sidewalk seam.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on March 29, 2009, 10:25:11 am
Yea kubajzz.. as i said, very nice! =)

onespirit: nice rendering! i like the beach scene the best. The model of the bench couldve been improved a little though, it looks fragile.

Indinan8or: heh, nice, i didnt think of a bench like that with the competition.. then again i never use one of those ;) Nice model!

Baxter: that bench looks highly uncomfortable haha! I would fall out, I like the cartoony look though! Great model.

captaindrewi: a shame to hear anim8or wouldnt coorporate with that.. sounds like you had a lot going on though haha! Try again maybe with just some reflections! Nice bench!

I modeled another bench .. about half an hour to model it..

I'm currently working on a Museum scene to go with it, so stay tuned for that!

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Kubajzz on March 29, 2009, 04:52:36 pm
Quote from: RudySchneider
... The only real crit I have is with the angle of the grate in the wall.  Worn, yes, but it should still be parallel with the angle of the wall/sidewalk seam.

You're right, it looks weird... But I checked the UV map and it is actually parallel ??? Uh, never mind...

Nice modern design Simon!

I changed the lighting (thanks Simon for the advice ;)) and added several little details. I call it finished 8)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on March 29, 2009, 05:16:46 pm
Great improvement Kubajzz.. Awesome image ! ^,^
Now for some more dirt on the ground, or not? ;)

Good job!

I made a beauty render of that bench i made.. its in a museum.. i hope it fits a bit!

I used 17 lights to get the GI effect going in this picture. hope it looks alright!

(still rendering out some passes.. ill update this image later on)

Updated the picture with a reflection pass.

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: RnDr FOX on March 29, 2009, 08:47:02 pm
@kub, yea maybe you cam add some cigarette butts on the ground and maybe a broken beer bottle or two?

@$imon, Nice beauty render, I like how the floor repeats nicely.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: RudySchneider on March 29, 2009, 09:18:30 pm
... But I checked the UV map and it is actually parallel...

Silly me.  Now I notice the vanishing point that everything shares!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: headwax on March 30, 2009, 04:15:50 am
Incred-ible stuff coming out of this thread. I'd modelled a broken down bench like the one in our yard, but if seeing Kubbajzz'work I think I will keep mine to mineself :)

In oz we have these benches made out of bits of branches etc so I did one of those. Fnal render Carrara. DOf photoshoppe/
 All meshes anim8or.

I'll put in a n elf when I get a chance....

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on March 30, 2009, 08:01:19 am
Benches made out of branches? wow you must not have a lot of heavy people there eh? haha.

Nice render though headwax, i like the leaves too.
Seems like there already was an elf there, but left his shoes??
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on March 30, 2009, 09:29:08 am
No, plenty of us Aussie are amply proportioned, but we have really, really strong branches!

Actually, I suspect this bench would be of the decorative, rather than functional persuasion.  Excellent render Headwax!

Kubajzz:  Absolutely awesome, I particularly love the cracked asphalt texture.  The only thing I could suggest would be to make the break in the rearmost seat plank a bit less clean, like the timber has split along the grain.  Hey, you don't leave me much to criticise, so I am reduced to nitpicking!

$imon:  Also awesome, I love the modern design of the bench.  Again, only a minor quibble on the beauty render.  The floor texture looks a little coarse and rustic for a museum's parquetry floor.  My suggestion would be to reduce the size of the texture a bit, making the individual timber elements of the design smaller and finer, and giving it a bit of a reflective sheen to suggest a couple of layers of varnish.  The lighting is absolutely superb, as is the camera position and zoom setting.  The stark lighting makes it feel very "indoorsy" and the attention to detail is excellent.

You blokes make me want to put my bench in a bit of a setting!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Kubajzz on March 30, 2009, 03:09:58 pm
Wow, great work Simon! I like how this scene turned out, the lighting is really awesome!

Nice one Headwax! I like the design and the textures are great, not speaking about the grass! (I wonder how you did that ::)) Well done!

Quote from: RnDr FOX
@kub, yea maybe you cam add some cigarette butts on the ground and maybe a broken beer bottle or two?

haha, actually there are several cigarette butts (6 if I remember ;)) and there is a piece of a broken bottle on the left, but none of these things turned out very nice so they are kinda hidden ;D

Thank you all for the feedback :) I think my scene is still far from perfect, but uh... maybe I'll improve it some day, not now :P
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: headwax on March 30, 2009, 07:11:22 pm
thanks gentlemen...

$imon: I like how you have hidden your signature in that back painting :)
Ensonique: we are all small boned here in Newcastle  8) well I used to be pre anim8or
Kubajzz: great render, I e specially like the water stain on the wall. Perhaps the road could be slightly different texture to the pavement?

Here's the elf as promised, hehe, with pipe, smoke by photoshop, meshes by anim8or, remder by carrara, the grass is an anim8or mesh replicated quite a lot, but some of it is painted....
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: birdofash on March 31, 2009, 12:09:04 am
Here is my dwarf-cave crystal bench!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Jehovahenker on March 31, 2009, 11:24:50 am
Here are some awesome benches, but I've got one question: do you guys actually merge the point of the different parts, or just place them where they fit and only join the meshes? (same question, for something like heads, pointmerging or just join the meshes?)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: bamman62 on March 31, 2009, 09:35:47 pm
I assume they made separate meshes and used the 'Join Solids' operation to keep them together.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on March 31, 2009, 10:54:12 pm
Nice work everyone :)

Jehovahenker, it really depends on what they're doing. It doesn't really affect the end render whether or not you join solids, but if it's easier to manage when they're separate, the artist would usually leave it separated.

You guys have one more day before the challenge ends! Topic will be closed and made ready for voting when April 2nd rolls around.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on April 01, 2009, 03:59:29 am
Awesome render headwax! It really looks like a fairytale!

As raxx said it is easier to keep the meshes seperate. For actual bodyparts, for example a head, it is more common to model it in one mesh.

If you want to keep different meshes together while moving, scaling or rotating, you can group them.
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 01, 2009, 06:19:03 am
Jehovahenker:  My usual rule of thumb is if you could dismantle it in real life, leave the meshes separate.  If you couldn't, join them up.  For example, a car tyre could be removed from the wheel, so I would make them as two separate objects and group them.  On the other hand a head cannot (or more accurately SHOULD not) be dismantled from the rest of the body, so they should ultimately be one mesh, unless there is a very specific reason to keep them separate.

My reasoning for keeping certain meshes separate is that models made for one project could be reused in a later project, but in a different way.  For example, the bench I made for this project could be re-rendered in a rough setting, something like Kubajzz's (awesome) render, but to make it look right it would need to be distressed and vandalised.  Removing planks, bending bolts and tweaking textures is far easier with separate meshes than if it was all joined up with a complex UV map.  Conversely, the reason for joining meshes, particularly with organic structures, is to more accurately represent reality and to avoid problems with subdivision, as well as keeping the poly count down I suppose.  People generally don't have a seam twixt head and neck... at least nobody I know does.

Headwax:  Another triumph sir!  Brilliant as usual!
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Indian8or on April 01, 2009, 09:47:15 am
Really good work here by all.  INCREDIBLE.

I wanted to give my bench some "surrounding" and came up with this.  This is my final render.

Modelled in -Anim8or.

Rendered in-Anim8or ART.

                                               THE BENCH OF STRENGTH

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 01, 2009, 08:23:21 pm
Wow! People - Nice work - Go for it!!!!

I rendered my bench in glass - Forgot to bring it with me - Yea it looks good. I will have to post it tomorrow.

You guys are really good at what you do.

Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on April 02, 2009, 09:38:06 am
Final notice! Challenge will end 11 hours from now (approx 9pm Eastern). We're at a whopping 19 entries so far which is pretty good for the first challenge, even considering that this challenge was pretty easy ;)
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Jehovahenker on April 02, 2009, 01:55:20 pm
easy challenge?  :o not for new anim8tors  ;) :D
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 02, 2009, 08:11:07 pm
This is my entry - I forgot my main file on my computer at home with all my updates so I put this together real quick. I've been working on this from another computer with internet and was going to add it to the other scene, but this will have to do. It's a quicky but I like the bench. Didn't have the time I wanted - Oh well - It's all for fun! And yes I enjoyed this comp.

When is the next one and what will it be?
Title: Re: Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on April 02, 2009, 09:01:39 pm
Right...I think I'll reveal the challenge details before the challenge starts ::)

Voting will last 3 days

You're encouraged to keep participating in this challenge beyond the deadline if you feel like it. Obviously though, it won't be voted on in the poll.

Note that you may vote twice in this poll. Vote for the users that made the best looking benches in your opinion. Also, if I left your name out by accident, let me know!
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: lynn22 on April 03, 2009, 01:15:28 pm
Raxx, it seems that voting twice in this poll is not possible.
I wanted to vote for best effort and for best picture but after one vote the checkboxes disappeared and I can't vote a second time ???
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on April 03, 2009, 01:18:56 pm
Lynn, you were able to check two boxes and then cast two votes at once.. I'm afraid you used up your votes now as far as I know >.<

you'll just have to cast that vote for me next time! ;)
Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: lynn22 on April 03, 2009, 05:06:37 pm
Thanks $imon and will do  ;)

Title: Re: [ VOTING OPEN ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: Raxx on April 05, 2009, 09:04:10 pm
Congratulations to $imon for winning first place, Kubajzz for winning second, and floyd86 and headwax tying for third!

Now we wait for the next challenge topic ;)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: headwax on April 05, 2009, 10:11:44 pm
Nice work everyone :)

Congrats people!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on April 06, 2009, 03:27:04 am
Wow I won! Thanks for voting people!

All very nice benches here.. I'm sure it will only get better on the next challenges!

So good job on everyone participating!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: floyd86 on April 06, 2009, 05:18:29 am
Nice entries everyone, and congrats to everyone who won (see you next challenge headwax! ;)).
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 06, 2009, 05:20:49 am
Congrats to the place-getters, well deserved in my opinion!
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: lynn22 on April 06, 2009, 12:06:42 pm
Congrats to the winners and a pat on the back for everyone else :)
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: captaindrewi on April 06, 2009, 12:36:22 pm
applause to all and especially the best benchers, it was all wonderfully educational.
looking forward to the next.
Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: onespirit5777 on April 08, 2009, 06:26:42 pm
Congrats people - When is the next comp - This was fun!

Title: Re: [ COMPLETE ] Challenge #1: Model a Bench
Post by: $imon on April 08, 2009, 06:41:26 pm
onespirit, the next challenge is already up ;)

have a look!