Challenge #1: Model A Bench
Welcome ladies and gentlemen! The goal here is to create a bench. What kind of bench? Any kind at all (! Just make sure it's one you can sit on ;)
How best to create this bench? Since most benches are solid objects boxmodelling will be the key.
Use the point edit mode ( to manipulate the faces, points and lines of a standard primitive, a box will be best.
Post your progress, c&c, and/or final renders in this topic!
Deadline: Completed!
Challenge Results
Artist that made the best looking bench
Right...I think I'll reveal the challenge details before the challenge starts ::)
Voting will last 3 days
You're encouraged to keep participating in this challenge beyond the deadline if you feel like it. Obviously though, it won't be voted on in the poll.
Note that you may vote twice in this poll. Vote for the users that made the best looking benches in your opinion. Also, if I left your name out by accident, let me know!