Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: siragin on March 21, 2009, 08:20:00 pm
sword s made in anim8or and rendered in maya.
cool... what about the "hat"? did you make that in anim8or, too?
yea. i made all of it in anim8or.
Hey do u know where i can get maya for free?
maya for free? ~choke-cough~
Isn't it available as a sort of demo mode for free? as for full-version, not likely.... at least not legal, eh?
Maya is available for free as a Personal Learning Edition (PLE). It can be donwloaded here:
It has some limitations to it, it isn't the full version.
Nice render btw siragin, the helmet came out nice.
the maya PLE edition that is free is fully functional except you can't import or export your models, and when you render it leaves watermarks all over the image. Its just for you to learn how to use maya.
floyd86: thanks, I wasn't too sure about how the helmet turned out, but thanks.
Thanks I'll get it floyd
Pretty good models
Maybe add more light sources as it would increase the details, as the picture is a bit dark to appreciate all of your hard work.
Any reason why you have used Maya for the final render?
Maya PLE is no longer available, Autodesk took it down and have replaced it with a 30 day trial.
You get a free copy of MAYA PLE with the book "Introducing Maya 2008" by Dariush Derakhshani
You can pick it up at Ebay for about £30
PS: the lighting looks ok on my laptop, it must have been the cheap monitor at work.
I use maya for the render because its faster than ART plus I'm taking all of my models from animator and putting them in maya so I can start animating in maya.
falloffalot: My monitor is really bright so when ever I do any light set ups and it looks dark to other people it looks fine on my monitor. Even when I make my screen as dark as I can make it is still bright enough to see everything.
PS: I still have a copy of Maya PLE, so since maya isn't using it any more does that mean that I can sell my copy. Maybe not, that may be wrong.
Glad I downloaded it when it was free :P.
The only limitations that I have seen are that you can't export to a format usable in anim8or, and you can't render something without an annoying watermark.
Oh, nice work on the models. They are nice! (There was that one dagger that looked kinda like it had a blunt edge though)
Yea I know. It was intentional.