Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: onespirit5777 on March 21, 2009, 01:34:12 pm
Draw a path in object mode the put it in the scene mode and have the camara follow the path or have other objects follow the path. With some of the things I've done, I have to select the cam and the obj at the same time and move them together.
Or - be able to draw a path in scene mode and then copy/paste.
Am I just being lazy?
Well, It sounds good in theory, but how would you control the speed?
That kinda makes me want another feature. Time speed changes. I'd like to be able to take the keyframes of any given object/figure and evenly spread them apart or squish them together. This would make it so some things could be in slow motion, and some things could be in normal motion (like in The One).
Also, could there be another type of keyframe that is not affected by any others? Like when you put three keyframes together to stop an arm from moving too far forward automatically.
I haven't explained that very well.... Does someone here get this?
Works for me?
Is that a "no"?
that would be great to have a feature like that Im sure someone can make a plug in like that or maybe Steve is working on something like in future Anim8ors We really don't know yet We should leave it up to Steve And see what he thinks?
Um Hi, It's been a long time since I've used anim8or so I might be a little rusty I think there is (or was) a feature like this is the works. I was thinking though that a good solution to this might be a new object type, you could call it a "motion path" or a "control path." It would be your basic path plus for each point on the path it would include a "relative" frame number, and a speed setting. This value could then be accessed by either "attaching an object" or by accessing the attributes to change color, size etc... the frames would have to be relative to allow for looping, or if it's possible to insert an instance of an path into a different place in the timeline.
This can be done with a controller script..... read this......
I'd love anim8or to have softbody feature :)
It'd need hardbodies first.