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General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: texel on March 19, 2009, 05:58:04 pm

Title: Question about the .an8 file format (weights {)
Post by: texel on March 19, 2009, 05:58:04 pm

i have a question about the .an8 file format in the weights chunk.

weights { "mesh02"
            (1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))
            (1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))(1 (7 1))

mesh02 is the mesh where to find the vertex
after it seems to be for all vertices the number of bone which influence the vertex and after the bone ID and the weight for this bone.
( NbrBone ( Bone0 Weight0 ) ( Bone1 Weight1 ) ...)

But how to find which Bone ID match with which bone ? BoneID = 0 doesn't seems to be the root. 

Title: Re: Question about the .an8 file format (weights {)
Post by: Claude on March 20, 2009, 12:37:22 am
It seems to me that it makes reference to the weightedby

weightedby { "bone01" }            0
weightedby { "bone02" }            1
weightedby { "bone03" }            2
weights { "mesh01"
Title: Re: Question about the .an8 file format (weights {)
Post by: texel on March 20, 2009, 04:24:21 am
I had strange files last night but today you suggestion seems to be good. Maybe i was tired :)