Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: vobla on January 31, 2008, 07:47:31 am
Hi all,
I am quite a newbie to the animation stuff. I am modeling this animation sceen for bout a week now. It is quite the rougth at the moment..
Anyway, I am at the modeling stage and I was wondering what makes animation realistic. Should I add loads of details to the objects or just good quality maps/textures to make it realistic?
To get you on the way of the idea, I plan to add more detail to both houses (to extude the wooden parts in the wall, like on the right part of the right building; add some more detais to the roof; etc..).. hope you understand what I am saying.. oh my english ;)
I guess it depends. Some people are better at modelling than at texturing and they prefer to model the details. Others do wonderful maps and textures. Also the question is whether your model will be seen up close. Then modelling the details is also better.
I agree with Kilminster; it depends on the purpose of the models
If the building is supposed to be in the background and it won't be the most important element of the scene, you can do only with textures - you don't even have to model any details (windows etc), it's easier and faster to paint the windows in photoshop (or similar program), make some bumpmaps etc. and apply the textures.
If you need a more detailed structure, you have to model the windows etc. and then apply some textures to add even more detail...
Remember: the more detailed your model is, the longer it will take to render an image/animation
I recommend making the model structure as simple as possible and the parts that don't need detailed modeling can be done with textures instead
If you learn how to use transparent maps and bumpmaps, you can get very nice results... However, if you need details, you will always have to do some more modeling...
Great models by the way, looks like a good start!
Thanks for your answers. I am quite familiar with the technical side and modeling stuff. Thing is I never created realistic maps/textures and that is what bothers me. I was just trying to get some info before making any desisions. ;)
Camera will be moving near the buildings, so I think I need more datails. Then I will add some vertical planes with some buildings around the "shooting" area to make it look more "live", add a fog, lightining (scene should be "shot" at night;) ).. Oh, I'll definetely need some lamps around the place.. Seems like a good scenario to me ;)
This is how I always think about it:
Long distance or a game = texturing over modelling
Closer distance or a movie (unless at long range) = modelling over textures.
Still, both are made to go together and you cant have one that is naff and the other great... they must compliment each other
Tnx ;)
nice models, i've had anim8or a couple of weeks now, i hope to be near to your skill level in about 2 - 3 weeks, just testing out the different things i can do on anim8or first
then i'll start some projects
i think that if it's very close you should make modeled windows and bumpmapping but if it's far away or not a main part of the animation just go with textures