Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: $imon on March 18, 2009, 10:54:51 am

Title: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: $imon on March 18, 2009, 10:54:51 am
Sometimes when i copy meshes and move them from one 'object' to another, the materials of a Group in the scene gets lost.

My locomotive file is getting big, and i have a lot of different meshes that i group together to keep it manageable. Within a group meshes can have different materials assigned. Sometimes when i copy a few groups/a signle group, or just objects from one 'object' to another, a group loses its materials, not all groups that i move, just one group. It also doenst have to be a group that i moved, it can also be a group that is in the object that i move something to. And it also doesnt happen every time. (< as you can see, it is hard for me to recreate the bug, but it has happened several times now.)
The materials that were assigned to the different meshes in this group get lost and the whole group takes on the -default- material. (see image:)


After this i am forced to ungroup the group and reassign all the materials to the different meshes.

Maybe other people have had similar experiences?

Oh; in the different 'objects' i can have a lot of meshes simultaniously, so sometimes there are over 75000 polies in one 'object', maybe thats what causing it to do this?

tnx for reading

Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: captaindrewi on March 18, 2009, 12:00:49 pm
yep.... ( :)
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: $imon on March 18, 2009, 12:05:35 pm
well in that thread the materials just dont show up in the bar from what i have read, for me the materials still show up in the material bar, but are just de-assigned from the meshes.. maybe the problems are related though somehow.. i dont know!

its good anim8or is getting a lot of testing with these beta versions haha
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: captaindrewi on March 18, 2009, 12:35:39 pm
apologies there
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: floyd86 on March 18, 2009, 12:37:31 pm
Are the textures still there when you render?
If not maybe try the following: Uncheck textures in the viewport (using preferences) and then check them on again. I worked for me when this once happened.
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: $imon on March 18, 2009, 01:09:57 pm
Hey floyd, no, the meshes just show up as grey, the default material, when rendered.

I havent tried changing the viewport settings though, I will have a go at that next time it happens!

Problem is it is not just the textures that don't show up, but the whole material that gets de-assigned.. but I'll see anyway :)
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: Raxx on March 18, 2009, 01:25:21 pm
This happens to me every so often as well.
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: Dreadkb on March 21, 2009, 01:33:31 pm
Happens to me too. I have tried to see if I could make this happen repeatably so I could post the file here to help Steve out, but no luck.
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: thomasmendozajr on April 08, 2009, 02:04:55 pm
I think its a graphic card problem maybe it can't handle the 75000 Polys and there for it glitches I have never run into this problem with animator here maybe this will help

Driver specs

2GB Ram

Nvidia quradro FX 1500 M

Intel Centrino Duo Processor

Windows XP Professional

But like I said I'm not having any problems like that with anim8or yet   
Title: Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
Post by: Shadoku on April 09, 2009, 07:11:20 am
I've run into this problem before as well, however I've also found that a quick save+quit+reopen generally fixes it.