Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rellik420 on March 08, 2009, 06:01:20 pm
well im just starting this but this is a question about loops. Im woundering if im remotely close. And besides sending me to another website with pics, please let me know whats wrong and whats right.
I would put this in the wips place but this more of a direct question.
Edit: I think this is better. It makes more sense anyway.
just started I dont think i got my loops right. and its really flat. but here is what i got so far.
Edit: I progressed a little and heres a wireframe Subdivided
The second image is definitely more accurate. Currently here are the issues I see:
The red and purple loop are colored correctly, and that is how you want the flow to go, but, your polygons do not actually follow those loops. As you can see in the upper left corner of both, the polygons do not actually continue in that loop. Therefore, what you need to do, is merge the two points on the left and right of the corner square so that a continuous loop is actually formed.
Also, the loop around the eye should be defined by more loops. The green section should probably not be there at all, so I would recommend deleting those inner vertices as realistically there would be an eyeball present.
Well done so far, it looks like you're actively working on this which is great.
yea its definatly a work in progress. Ive been workin on it on and off. I think i have ADD or something. But Ive rounded much of it out. and I didnt get what u meant about merging the 2 points on that 1 square but i just figured it out. thanks again dude ur always comin through. here where im at now. and any little bit helps.
And a note for other people. Ive been coloring my loops to show on the forum but its actually helping me keep track alot better. So you might want to try it out as well.
Made a little more progress, still not right but im getting there. I just messed around with a few lights to see what it looks like so far.
Hey relik420, I merged the two topics you started into one, I guess it's better like this (although the order of posts is messed up a bit, I'm sorry for that...). Next time please don't start two (almost) identical topics.
As for your face model, I have 1 crit:
There are too many edges in the middle of the forehead. It's because there are many edges coming up from the nose, but you can "bend" some of these loops to the side to form the eyebrow (see the image).
Other than that good work so far, keep it going!
Of the newer images the second is again more accurate, and you've dealt with the eyebrow loop as I thought you should, though don't forget the loop around the mouth as well! You need to ensure that it is an actual loop.
My next crit is to follow up on what Kubajzz is saying. You do have too many loops going up the forehead. He showed you a good way to deal with it, and another helpful factor would be to simply get rid of some of the loops of edges. You simply do not need that many to define the shape. Try to use as little polys as you can while keeping the shape defined with the same quality and you will have much more control over your model. Another place you need to cut down on loops is around the eyes, such as in the upper left corner where you have to end 3 rows of edges. Try to condense those, you can still get the same eye shape with less polygons, it just comes down to where you places the points.
I was trying to mess around a bit with textures. They are just plain jpeg textures from the net. No unwraping or anything i just wanted to see it with some textures on it. and here it is.
do you mean like this Kubajzz?
good job relik :)
check this, how he draws loops on his ref pic.
I started doing his teeth. and im glad i started to now. I didnt even put any thought that you would have to mold around the teeth like you would around the eye. Its still a learning prosses.
The teeth arent finished im going to put the gumline too. I just wanted to see what it looked like.
Good job, I like how you have done the wrinkles! And the teeth look scary 8)
However some parts of your model need some more work... This is my favorite tutorial: (
As you can see the forehead of your model is still a bit messy and much more complicated than necessary, that's why it looks kinda bumpy on the last image. Try to clean it up just like hihosilver said - you don't have to use so many polys to keep the shape.
I fixed alot on his face. I closed a few loops and got rid of a few unescesary lines. I am having trouble on 1 spot though. I know you should try and not have triangles and ngons. but i dont know if this would be a problem. I highlighted the areas in red wich i think are wrong and green i think is right.
Edit heres 2 more mirrored and subdivided.
here another part i am stuck on. and i think this is way more important because i have something crossed and i cant get the desired mold for the eyebone cheekbone.
edit: i think i fixed it.
2nd edit: i think im going loop crazy. I dont know if im going the wrong way either. hopefully some1 can help me before i go to bed.
My advice for the second issue (where 5 lines intersect), is that you should simply get rid of one of the chin loops and only use one of them. You can get the same effect, and have a better intersection.
As for the eye issues, I would once again solve that by getting rid of that middle loop, as I don't necessarily think you need it.
Your general edgeflow looks good and nearly all the essential loops for making a human face are there. The biggest issue I see out of your last round of attachments is you have way too much data going up through where the ears would go, i would get rid of half of those loops. There is an unnecessary pole near the temple area that could cause some smoothing issues.
basically the density of your polygons will increase wherever you want to put in more detail, but a GENERAL rule of thumb is to keep this density flowing and equal. IE - no large thick polygons directly by small thin ones like in your ear area etc etc.
also dont forget to use as much reference as you can for whatever project you are working on. A google image search for "edge loops" or "topology" will provide you with a lot of good edge flow to study.
Its been awhile since i posted. My computer took a crap on me but i found a way to keep anim8ting at the library. Im very limited in what i can do though. Anim8or doesnt seem to like the settings on these computers so it keeps closing all the time. No more materials for me. I dont think i can show wireframes anymore because i cant copy the printscreen to anytyhing. I hope i can upload what i just rendered. But on that note, please give me some cnc on my renders. I need all the help I can.
Im having trouble with the jaw line so i brought it out as much as i can. Its not yet shaped but im on my way. heres a front view render. (Hopefully)
Hey it worked. Well heres another render in a side view.
lol, your pc has issues, very nice at the moment, just a little too long backwards.
well i got 2 renders in b4 it crashed. I hope i saved it with the neck. I now know i cant use antialisis. well heres the 2 i got done.
Heres what I got done today. Its not much and its just a simple structure for the body. Let me know where im going wrong.
mod: heres a new one
Try rounding out his head much more. Currently it's very square, which is inaccurate. Could we see a wireframe as well? Perhaps I could help with some topology
heres the wireframe
Do a bit of study on jawlines now... defining the jawline on the side, and working it so that is is pronounced will give a lot of change for the general head shapt.. Also, where the back of the head meets the neck... a few alterations on those areas and you'll do wonders for shaping the rest of the head. Just don't ask me about ears... Ears are just a pain in the blippittyblip!