Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: floyd86 on March 05, 2009, 05:37:49 am
I posted this WIP a couple of weeks ago and now it's finally done. I was busy with tweaking the material, that's way it toke so long.
Now I have render out 4 pass: two beauty and two AO passes and merged them in photoshop. The total render times where very long: 36 and 25 hours for the beauty passes and 8 hours for each of the AO passes.
Tell me what you think.
The render time was worth it! Its very good, floyd! I like the different colours, it does look different but it looks cool! It reminds me of Aperture Science form the Orange Box.
Its a nice lab, I like the logo too :)
Oh my goooooodness!!!!Floyd you've really outdone yourself this time(well as usual).That is beautiful! the reflections,the walls,basically the whole scene.Wow, wow wow :) keep it up:............really :)
Hey floyd, awesome work you have there! awesome materials and reflections! The only things that could use some improvement are the textures on the robot and maybe its presence in the scene.
Great anim8or work! you've pushed the boundaries of the program ;)
Thanks for the comments guys!
@spicy: The render time was indeed worth it ;) haha. I got my inspiration for the portal game in the orange box, good spot!
@simon: The robot could use some inprovement since that should be one of the focus points of the scene (+ the oilcan/anvil). I tried giving it some materials and tried many different things with lights but just this flat color still came out the best. Maybe i could edit the scene a bit in photoshop or give it an extra light and re-render (let's hope not ;))
Great environment there Floyd! You've done a wonderful job on completing this project.
I do fully agree with Simon on both his points though.
I think the lack of texturing on the robot may have to do something with the outcome of the image. It's hard to find the character and the anvil in the scene, my guess is because they meld in with all the other gray elements. You have a ton of bright blues and reds and whites, but the robot and anvil are simply gray, nothing to make them stand out.
Wonderful job though, the render is beautiful.
excellent, that this can be made with anim8or by a monkey just stops you in your tracks.
haha! :)
I thought it was from Portal! The doors are simular but given a distinct appearance that makes it stand out. Hey, maybe you'll do more of the lab? ;D
haha! :)
I thought it was from Portal! The doors are simular but given a distinct appearance that makes it stand out. Hey, maybe you'll do more of the lab? ;D
Maybe, no plans yet but time will learn ;).
I have added a DOF blur to the image using photoshop. Just to make sure the focus points come out better.
Tell me what you think.
I think that slight blur works well to your advantage. It's definitely much clearer what's going on since the many details in the back are ever so slightly out of focus. I think it's an improvement.
At the far left, it looks a bit odd that it's unfocused then suddenly it's clear again then blurred once more.
Otherwise good idea of using DOF blur, apart from what hiho said, it also takes away some of the grainy bits of the image, or at least reduces there impact.
Coauld you possibly screenshot your lighting setup here? looks amazing, really... WOW.
One of the best stills i've seen, and you've pulled off the high tech look superbly!
@Tanzim: Ye, i see this as just a test, not really satisfied with the result yet. I still needs some tweaking (ok...alot of tweaking ;)). But i'm glad you guy like it.
@3d joe: Sure i post a screen shot, but there is not much to see on it. I just a very basic lighting setup: only two local lights. The most of the lighting attributes seen on the final are there because of the AO passes.
Well here a screen: two local lights and three emissive blocks for reflections. Beauty was render with project light setup: global: 0,5 and ambient: 3,14
EDIT: I have added DOF blur using a z-depth pass with photoshop.