Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: almost cool on February 28, 2009, 12:29:14 pm
I am really sorry but i would like to announce that i am officially leaving the forum.I will continue to use anim8or but i will no longer post here because i always feel as though everyone is expecting something of me and i don't need the stress.
I bid you all a very fond farewell and i hope someday i will post once more. :)
Too bad to see you go. Where not expecting anything of you it's all just for fun. Sorry that we might make you feel this way. Good Bye and maybe till some day!
You can't leave - and thats the end of that - Now go to your room and post something for us to see!
HA HA HA! - You know that's funny right there boyzzz
Just take a break for 20 years and then come back for Version 2.
LOL! HAHAHAHA Hi Steve - Just poking some fun
I am working on some glass renders and have a few strange things to post. I'll just wait till I have them all together.
So don't laugh and let it be an insparation!
gee, I only just get started on anim8or and I already see members leaving =P
So long almost cool, we will miss you :'( Just remember we'll still be here if you decide to come back :D
DRAZiACH: It is a sad truth, members come and go, and some of them just decide to stick around and stay. I remember when I first joined the forum, there were a few that I became friends with, but as the months went by some of them just "disappeared". But yea it is a common thing, but we still have a good solid member base around here and we still have eager people ready to help others and that is what matters the most :) :)
almost cool: This forum, and others like it, were created to allow users of Anim8or to converse with each other, to share ideas, encouragement and crits, to help create a community of users, and build a positive resource for that community's benefit. It is unfortunate that you feel this community has expectations of you, and I am not sure why you feel this, but I respect your decision. This resource will always be here for you mate, and I encourage you to continue posting your works here, if not for the benefits you will receive then for the education and encouragement of others. Hopefully your absence will be a short sabbatical, rather than a permanent situation, but either way I wish you all the best and I hope you continue animating.
Come on buddy. How come this negative feeling creeped into your "creative mind". I am sorry to know your decision to quit and that too for some imaginary reason. Why dont you look at everything positively. Why dont you take some satisfaction in the fact that there are a number of newbies in this forum that have learned many things from you and will continue to learn if you decide to stay.
What is the use of creating something if you do not have people to show it to.
ok i dont know u dude but after reading Indian8or's comments i was inspired to post too. I think what he say's is quite true and that a positive mind can make a big difference. I know this becos i also ocassionaly suffer from a very negative mind which makes me believe everyone hates me. Sometimes i think i have no friends, then i remember only you have the power to change your mind. I am a buddhist and buddhism has taught me a lot about positive thinking, that doesnt mean im always positive, it just means i live with the negatives and dont let them take over my mind.
It seems to me the only person who has expectations of yourself is you. Dont beat yourself up im sure you are a great person and dont expect too much of yourself too. Things take time and time takes things.
I think that Almost cool (if he's still here to read this) is feeling the same overwhelm-ment that I always feel, there are a lot of anim8or pros that post here, and compared to some of the amazing things they produce, I feel as if my work is slightly sub-par.
Almost cool, if you're reading this, please stay, i'm gonna get lonely if I end up as the only person at my level in this forum!
But if you're really leaving, farewell!
there are a lot of anim8or pros that post here, and compared to some of the amazing things they produce, I feel as if my work is slightly sub-par.
Don't forget how long some of us have been here! Many of the skilled artists have been working long and hard for a while. The art takes work! Even the experts have others they look up to and feel as if their work is sub-par.
I've been ussing anim8or two years this March (happy birthday to me!)
and I am still cwap at it. :)
of course we have expectations - we expect you to enjoy using anim8or! but that's as far as it goes - there's nothing else that we 'expect' or 'require' of anyone.
well, it's been great having you around, and it'll be a shame to see you go :'(
- c
Here's a word of advice, as far as I know, you shouldn't try to achieve or be as good as another artist because then you never reach you full potential, if you go to the CGSociety site you'll be astounded by what the guys there are creating, I haven't let there works keep me frozen in amazement, I appreciated the work and moved on (or forced myself to ;D). Also, you shouldn't let pressure get to you, take some time to relax, no matter how much you think you shouldn't (excluding if you have unfinished work due the next day) and then think about what to do, you'll realize that you might just be overreacting to something or alternately know what you need to do.
Too bad. I remember when you first joined the forum, and that was ages ago (or at least it feels like it). Maybe you could at least pop in time to time? I hope you'll stay, it horrible when people leave this lovely little community (*Sobs* You guys are like my family! *Sobs*).
Well I hope you post onece more. Good luck with life!
Wow guys. I cant believe so many people responded! :o
I always thought that you guys figured me to be someone who sorta posted alot and got a sr membership that way.I cant really remember any projects that turned out to be anything, but i like how you all care and i feel really compelled to stay.I figured that i would do you guys a favor by leaving, but now i see different.
:) okay you have me convinced! I guess i should stay, but i may not post as much as i used to.
Thank you guys.its good to know i dont have to live up to the other sr. members! :)
Great! I am glad that you decided to stay, you shouldn't be suprised at how many people replied. Its because we care.
:) :) :)
Hey as long as you post well thought out C&C, or help out others then it's all good, you don't have to worry about posting too much ;)
Thanks so much guys.really its nice to know you care.i am about to start crying all over my keyboard. :) :'(
WHAT! Go away right now almost cool!
Nah, I'm joking, nice to see you've changed your mind, sr. member means nothing, especially when I see the occasional new member post something really good.
Your right Sr. Member means nothing. Its the help you give, input, determination and practice that matters the most. Just think of it this way almost cool, every master CGI Artist has started how you were. Through practice and determination they have accomplished lots and so can you! :)
i am about to start crying all over my keyboard. :) :'(
be careful! liquid and computers don't mix, ya know :P
- c
"almost cool," you're not the only one who "never seems to finish a project." I have nothing BUT unfinished projects after almost two years. But I keep telling myself "one of these days, I'll do it!" Folks knowing anything about me know well how I start great ideas and then never get much further than some half-finished object.
But you have to understand also, people will always push and prod at you if they see something they like, because they want to see it come to completion. It's just how people are.
It doesn't change the fact that I have still, after almost two years, have nothing finished, of course.
If I posted all my unfinished projects Steve would have purge the system to fit more posts.
to arik the red; you and i are brothers of a kind in another life i may have called you freind.(not that i couldnt call you freind in this life i just like star trek)
Oh c'mon man you do live up to the snr membership, you were one of my inspirations to join this forum.
Don't feel stressed as someone said-"it's just all fun" and by posting alot you show that you have a lot of fun!........some of us are jealous -so keep 'em posts coming ;if you should know some people benefit from them.
Everyone had their saying and it seems like almost cool is staying. This topic will be locked from now, to keep this from becoming a chat room.