Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: DRAZiACH on February 28, 2009, 11:43:35 am
there is a book called "beginning game programming" (by Jonathan S. Harbour) which teaches how to make video games using anim8or for the 3d modeling (for anyone whose interested)
cool! way cool!!
cool. my dream is to make a game but i just dont have ahistory of programming so i feel that if i do ever make a game i will probably be about 50 when i do. :'(
well me, I'm still on a low level of programming so I havn't reached the level of game programming. I'm only just starting in C++!
but for those of you interested in 2d game development, there is always Game Editor; which is where I'm making my start.
Dark Basic is the easiest way to make games. You will need to export the Anim8or images as 3DS, or convert the Obj to 3DS. I make games using Anim8or, have done for years, but the animation frames have to be saved as separate models.
Does that book say anything about other tools required to make the games with anim8or?
just to let ya know that theres a program called Cre8or. it uses Anim8or to make games. you should try that.
when i first saw this post i thought , oh god another " hay lets get together and make a game post" but that book looks cool i mite get it. i dont know nutten about programing but i didnt know nutten about animation before anim8or either.
wait i still dont......
I have that book, so if you have any specific questions about it you can ask me. Provided I have time to check back on the forums, that is ::) .
The modelling in the book is pretty primitive and I don't believe that it uses any sort of bone movement. The focus is more on how to set up a C language program such that you can place game elements in it. It doesn't really go into greater detail than loading simple images and moving them around on screen.
It does have a couple of tips you may find useful such as pointing out how to use the conv3ds.exe program that existed in the DirectX SDK until DirectX 9.0 which converts 3DS files to .X; also the mesh optimizer in the MeshView program located in \DX90SDK\Utilities if you have DirectX 9.0 SDK installed. I can't say I've even tried this myself but I can see how it would be useful.
All in all, not bad but pretty low level. A decent starting point if you are going to use C.