Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: BooYah on January 28, 2008, 08:58:03 pm

Title: My creations :)
Post by: BooYah on January 28, 2008, 08:58:03 pm
Hello all, I'm not very new to Anim8or, still learning a lot, but I know some stuff. I think I'm doing pretty good right now as of y finished projects. I used some tutorials for about ... Lets say 2 or 3 projects. Well, tell me what you all think of these. :) (Tutorial) (My own) (My own) (My own) (Tutorial)  (My Own)  (My own) (Seen off a site, made myself) (Tutorial)

Also, I'm trying to work on an animation process using Frosty. I just have one problem, I'm not sure if I should add him legs for the animation, or leave him as he is. Leave your opinion about this, maybe it can help me out :).

Thanks for looking  :D ;D
Title: Re: My creations :)
Post by: thecolclough on January 29, 2008, 04:07:08 am
snowmen don't have legs.  not to mention that adding them would mean a lot more hard work.  frosty's fine as is  :)

you should try doing antialiased renders - they take a bit longer, but look a lot better.

- colclough
Title: Re: My creations :)
Post by: BooYah on January 29, 2008, 08:23:05 am
Lol, I know snowmen don't have legs, but I'm not very good with the bone structures so I wasn't sure.  :P

I'll give it a shot, hopefully all comes out well. ;)
Title: Re: My creations :)
Post by: spicy on March 11, 2008, 07:04:59 am
Good as it is. You don't need the legs. It's just more work!
Title: Re: My creations :)
Post by: spicy on March 11, 2008, 07:29:26 am
good otherwise
Title: Re: My creations :)
Post by: Tanzim on March 17, 2008, 05:33:26 am
why don't you add a bone to control the bottom and in the sequence editor have it move back and forth so it look like it's jumping
i think that would look pretty cool