Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: $imon on February 22, 2009, 12:25:09 pm

Title: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 22, 2009, 12:25:09 pm
Latest update!!!                                               Latest update!!!                                               Latest update!!!


Here is a first update, its a lamp that is going to come on front of the locomotive, as you can see I am going to try to subdivision-model everything, as long as anim8or will handle it.
Its a shame that anim8or doesnt want to show the bumpmap correctly, but im sure it wont be too visible in a final render.

Hello all.. I am starting a new WIP here. It will be a fully detailed model of a locomotive. In this project I will go for high detail, but not for realism, just awesomeness ^,^ It will probably take me a while to model everything so stay tuned for updates!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: lizeal93 on February 22, 2009, 12:38:06 pm
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 22, 2009, 02:05:41 pm
lizeal93, I'm glad you like it, even thoguh there wasnt much to see yet..

As I continue I am working on the front plate of the locomotive. It is not completely finish yet but I figured I would post it anyway.

image not available

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: floyd86 on February 22, 2009, 02:24:15 pm
Nice work simon, very clean modeling. Lets hope your computer can handle the poly's, since this are going to be alot of them.
Keep it going!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: lizeal93 on February 22, 2009, 08:14:12 pm

amazijgn detail. keep it up. can't wait for the final render...
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Tanzim on February 23, 2009, 01:25:19 am
Great work $imon, I bet this is going to be better than your bus model.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: kreator on February 23, 2009, 03:29:48 am
$imon I guess this is an American Loco from the look of the Boiler door, do you intend to animate this, or will it just be a static?

Can the Door be opened? I would hate to start undoing all those bolts for maintenance work!

If animated, I look forward to seeing the Walschearts Valve gear in action!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 23, 2009, 06:05:15 am
Floyd; Thanks, I hope it wont be too intensive either. 3ds max can hold a lot more polies before it starts lagging, so I might get a bit overenthousiastic since I am used to that program ;)

Lizeal; I'm glad you like it ^,^

Tanzim; The modeling on my bus model was a bit more on a professional standerd, for this project I won't try to make everything perfect. But I am going to try to improve myself again of course :D

Kreator; You are absolutely right, I still have to add the opening mechanism on the front, it seems like you can undo the screws a little bit and then turn the items under it that keep it in place.
For now I will focus on the modeling, but I might make a static animation with the gear system in action, because it should look fascinating ;)

Thanks for the encouragements all, I will update soon! (if i can find some time between my schoolwork.)
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Indian8or on February 23, 2009, 09:27:47 am
Amazing.  Yes, you are going to need a lot of processor juice to compile the final avatar.  Detailing is fascinating and you get engrossed while modelling, but when it comes to rendering the things get irritating.

Keep it up.  Hope to see the steel monster soon.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 23, 2009, 03:30:36 pm
Hey thanks indian8or, comments are a great motivator ^,^

Finished the front part modeling, am now going to start on the surrounding a bit, the top and the railings on the side.

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Tanzim on February 24, 2009, 03:34:33 am
You must have some great reference models because the models coming out great!
Really love the detail, and chance of a wire?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 24, 2009, 02:19:28 pm
Tanzim, yea I have quite some reference photos but none of too good quality.. so a lot of the details is guesswork..

Another update.. made some detail on the top and some tubing around the edge.

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: thecolclough on February 24, 2009, 02:40:30 pm  *stares speechlessly*  :o
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: spicy on February 24, 2009, 02:49:18 pm  *stares speechlessly*  :o
Let me join you.

Great work keep it up!  :)
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Tanzim on February 25, 2009, 04:09:59 am
The render came out way better than I would have expected from seeing the working-view, when I do something like that I usually end up with weird shading and creases when rendering.
BTW: Did you use the mirror and rotation tools for the nuts and bolts that circle the front of the engine?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on February 25, 2009, 07:48:54 am
Colclough; HEY! no staring! haha.. Glad you like it!

Spicy; yea.. it is hard to keep the detail up haha anim8or is already starting to lag a bit, but i hope ill manage!

Tanzim; Almost everything is subdivided when im rendering so I guess thats what makes it smoother. Its a lot of work keeping it not to crease though.
The bolts I made by uh, drawing a circular spline shape, with the divisions as the amount of bolts i wanted, then i copied one bolt to every 'corner' of the circle, so they would be evenly spaced.

I'm almost done with the top part of the first segment of the locomotive.. jeez.. thats a whole mouth ful, just means i have Very much left to do haha. Here a shaded, wire and a render with materials.



Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Steve on March 03, 2009, 01:35:06 am
You sure don't cut any corners.  Excellent job!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: almost cool on March 03, 2009, 10:16:13 am
This looks sweet!Reminds me of Team Fortress 2 a little.

Nice use of the pipes!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: spicy on March 03, 2009, 11:41:11 am
Its looking very smooth, infact too smooth :)
Really good job. Now just imagine what its going to look like completed. The graphics do remind me of Team Fortress 2 as well, like a little cartoony but not much.

Team Fortress 2? I got the Orange Box on 360 :)
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 03, 2009, 03:37:21 pm
Steve; Thanks for the encouragement! Modeling is going quite good with anim8or ^,^ It is very fun to work on this.

Almost Cool; I must apologize for I dont know that game.. I any case this probably will not be the style it will have in the end, I am going to add different color filters & a AO layer in the end, so it will most probably look a lot different ;) Glad you like it though!

Spicy; Thanks a lot! I am trying to keep all the parts as smooth as possible, mesh deformations are só 2008  ;)

These updates might not look too pretty but its basically just showing which pieces I'm getting done to end up with the whole detailed locomotive.. Ive added the lamp on the front, made a start on the back half of the top. More details to come !



Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: floyd86 on March 03, 2009, 03:45:13 pm
Simon you keep amazing me, the amount of detail is stunning. I hope you will finished this some day: what a nice render that would be!
Keep it up.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: spicy on March 03, 2009, 03:50:21 pm
Agreed. fantastic work. this really is stunning :)
If this was animated once completed it would be ace!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: onespirit5777 on March 04, 2009, 08:17:46 pm
UGH! Wow!

What else could be said!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Indian8or on March 05, 2009, 05:06:24 am
Greaaaaaaaaaaat!!!  $imon, were you sitting inside a locomotive while you modelled this beast?  I guess you have one in your courtyard.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: captaindrewi on March 06, 2009, 09:33:20 am
exemplory, serious, senior, modelling work
could any one write an .an8s script for this.........ho ho!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 07, 2009, 09:07:04 am
Floyd; Thanks for the support! I really hope I will finish it some day, this wip alreayd took 3 hours to render, itll be fun ^,^

Spicy; Heh I wish I could say with certainty i was going to animate it.. But taking the render times into account + my animating experience in anim8or, I dont think it will happen.. but you never know ^^ thanks though!

onespirit6777; Heh thanks a lot ;)

Indian8or; Yea i have a few locomotives in my back yard, uhhh.... no sorry ahah.. I am using some crappy reference images, so a lot of it is guessing =) im glad you like it though!

captaindrewi; For which part would you like an .an8 script? a locomotive? hahaha that would be a hellova script ;) Thanks for the support though!

Ive been modeling quite a few things, but progress is going slow.. So i figured i would show you what got so far, the very front smaller wheels are attached. I will work my way backwards from here :) A Ao render here to show some details ( it took 3 hours to render, probably cuase i had the wrong material for the ground.. )


Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: neodelito on March 07, 2009, 01:46:52 pm
nice renders and work..(you have a lot ram)
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: hihosilver on March 07, 2009, 05:55:20 pm
This model sir, is insane.  In a good way of course!
Wonderful modeling so far.  I haven't found much to critisize, though the crease in that last image (on the left) could perhaps be a bit sharper, though I personally have no idea what it is so perhaps I'm not the best judge.  For a metal object like a train though, I would think it would be a little sharper/inorganic.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Tof on March 07, 2009, 09:03:19 pm

Really wonderfull, how many hours (days, weeks??) to make this superb work??
Good will for the rest!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 09, 2009, 06:48:30 am
neodelito; Heh thanks! I only have 2 GB of RAM at the moment though, thinking of buying and extra GB (i think thats the max that can go in my pc) ... But I'm not complaining, I keep large parts hidden most of the time and the file is very workable that way!

hihosilver; Youre absolutely right, I did that front bumper kindof quick, it has a hard shape to model.. I am going to improve that still , thanks for noticing ^,^ Keep me sharp!

Tof; Thanks! Glad you like it.. I didnt check the time but so far ive spent quite some afternoons.. I'm guessing about 30 hours so far ;-)

While I'm modeling I thought I would show a reference image of what the end result should resemble, The green parts is what i have already modeled so far.. As you can see, most detail is yet to come on the sides.. So stay tuned!

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Indian8or on March 09, 2009, 08:24:13 am
Compare that to my 256 mb ram.  My machine is dying in shame.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: TomiL on March 12, 2009, 08:31:05 am
That is some seriously well done model. I like the renders alot. Cant wait to see this polybeast ready :)
(BTW I was formely know as "rallydriver". Maybe you remmeber me :D )
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 16, 2009, 05:57:09 am
Indian8or; If you play it smart, you can make anything you want (within a range haha) with those 256 mb.. I used to work on a computer with 196 mb until not so long ago!

TomiL; yea, rallydriver! Good to see you agian  ;D Thanks for the compliment. It is starting to get a polybeast though, 100k so far, and about 1/5th of the whole thing done :P

Here another small update, takes a lot of time to add all the detail, and even more time to figure out what is what in the reference images.
Working on the materials too a bit.. starting to get close to how i want it.

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: floyd86 on March 16, 2009, 07:29:14 am
Nice work once again simon. Still that thing up front could use some work, it still looks a bit to organic imo.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: pscheunemann on March 18, 2009, 09:18:07 am
Amazing modelling!!!! congrats! I'm stunned by the level of detail....
how did you do it?! you modelled the parts separatelly then attached them together?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: spicy on March 18, 2009, 12:51:49 pm
Its coming along very, very good. The front ram (Rammer? Front part) is a little too smooth, but everything else looks brill. :)
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: BenCole on March 18, 2009, 06:57:53 pm
Looks pretty good :) keep it up
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 19, 2009, 03:20:53 am
Floyd; Yep, I have decided i am going to remodel the whole front part, it is a very difficult shape to get right, since it consists of both very smooth angles, and very sharp corners.

pscheunemann; I'm glad you like it! In fact, all the little parts are mostly all small meshes, grouped together into bigger parts. I sometimes see people model every part in a different 'object' and then putting it together in scene mode. But i prefer to model everything in one single 'object'.

spicy; thanks, glad you like it. As i mentioned that front part will be remodeled, so dont worry :D

BenCole; Tnx! like the stuff on your website :) though it isnt made with anim8or.. do you use anim8or as well?

Updates will come soon, I am currently working on modeling the Walschaerts valve gear (tnx kreator for teaching me that ;) )
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: kreator on March 19, 2009, 02:44:02 pm
Your welcome!

Big Yank Engines always seem to go over the top with their valve gear !!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: BenCole on March 19, 2009, 11:03:14 pm
BenCole; Tnx! like the stuff on your website Smiley though it isnt made with anim8or.. do you use anim8or as well?

I now use 3ds max. But I started my journey into the world of 3d with anim8or over half a decade ago and that's why I occasionally come back around here to see what is going on with the app :)

My anim8or forum account (way before they had these new forums) was something like "INeedHelpbadly" haha
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on March 22, 2009, 07:24:58 am
kreator; Tnx for that link, it seems like you want me to animate it eh :P Alright I will, when i finish modeling the valve gear Ill bring it into max for an animation!

BenCole; Haha that must have been a while ago than .. youre not too helpless now ;) Sounds like my story though! haha.

I don't think I have ever modeled this slow. Progress is tedious .. The reference images are crappy.. I am too precise... I just shouldnt try to bevel everything sigle little edge on exactly 45 degrees haha.. oh well!

Update took a while.. since it is the 13th wip image, and it was friday the 13th last week!! So you know I couldnt just post it then! lol..

Seriously.. its gonna be a while till i finish this part of the locomotive.. but at least it will be all functional and exact! haha.

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: TomiL on March 22, 2009, 07:34:50 am
Looking sweet. Intense detailing!
 You must have a killer PC :P
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 22, 2009, 09:49:17 am
$imon, this loccy is looking really nice.

If you are wanting to get into serious reference images, look into model railroad forums.  I used to do model railroading as a very "part-time" hobby, and had a big stack of "Model Railroader" and "Railroad Model Craftsman" magazines. These magazines always had features with technical drawings of actual locomotives, rolling stock, etc., for anyone wishing to try and build a model from scratch. I would wager that you could get drawings from a railroad hobbyist if you posted in one of those forums. In fact, two magazines - "Model Railroader" and "Trains" have an active forum where people share their works, plans, etc.  Try these:
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Arik_the_Red on March 23, 2009, 10:30:17 am
$imon, I took the liberty of finding an answer about that locomotive for you at the forum I IMed you about... and got some feedback...
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: falloffalot on March 27, 2009, 06:54:05 pm
Some of the numbers and the word "TAKEN" look raised or sunken, are they modelled or bumped?
Either way that is some awesome modelling.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on November 18, 2009, 09:34:14 am

I know people, it's been a looong time.. But I figured I can't let all this work go to waste before making a good render.. I am therefore picking the project back up. I won't be working on only this, I'll still be doing challenges and stuff, so don't expect me to finish it any time soon. Just showing a little bit of progress here. I'm sorry the wip images from before don't work anymore, I don't have webspace on cg-nation anymore.. I'll upload the pics on imageshack from now on.

Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Arik_the_Red on November 18, 2009, 09:58:38 am
Looking good, nice to see you back on this one...

What happened at CG-Nation? Awhile back I looked into re-establishing an account there, but "The Producer" basically talked me out of it. I thought that was weird, but oh well... don't go where not wanted, right?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: hihosilver on November 19, 2009, 04:19:23 pm
I don't believe anything's happened much different at CG-Nation.  I see no problem with you getting an account.
As for webspace, $imon you should have space, not the same domain most likely, but each user does have webspace automatically when they sign up.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Jdez on November 19, 2009, 04:37:28 pm
Maybe CG-Nation is running out of webspace... so they don't want many new users?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on November 19, 2009, 04:53:59 pm
I shouldnt've said anything to instigate this.. i was merely saying I had an own ftp account before, and it didnt transfer, so that was where the old images were stored & why theyre not visible anymore.. I know I can upload images with cg-nations managing features, but I don't really like the lay-out of it so I'd rather not use it for this project.

I don't think there is trouble with webspace on cg-nation, and new members are very welcomed probably..

Please keep it on-topic, sorry I have no major update yet..
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on January 16, 2010, 05:37:42 pm
Here another update.

I know it's slow progress.. but there is a lot of detail I'm putting into this, there is a lot of small detail that doesnt show up in these renders but it will be good for close-up shots later on.

Thanks Kubajzz so much for your mirroring script, it helps a lot with mirroring a lot of details.

The very front triangle will be remodeled.


Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: TheRetroZombie on January 17, 2010, 04:59:18 am
will it make it more realistic of you soften the shadows?
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Pincho on January 17, 2010, 06:44:39 am
Wow.. what a model!!! It's amazing!
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: 5L1D3R on January 18, 2010, 04:08:06 pm
I'd have to check my books, but it looks like you are modelling a Norfolk Southern Class A.  Consequently, the pilot (the part everyone keeps referring to as the bumper or rammer) was a single cast piece which would explain it's having smooth edges.  A lot of last generation American steam had large single castings like this.  you can easily get lost in the details with something like this.  I am working on a model of a 100 foot motor yacht, and the more I work on it, the more fine detail I add.  right now, I'm trying to decide if I want to go into modelling the interior cabins.  Keep up the good work
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: $imon on January 18, 2010, 05:18:29 pm
Zombie: This render is 100% only for the WIP, everything will change.

Pinco: tnx.

Slider: It is a Norfolk & Western A class 1218. Thanks for pointing out its called a pilot.. wasn't aware of that ;)

I by no means have any kind of knowledge of trains, I just observe images and try to rebuild it from there. The details on the pilot are mostly dents and stuff, so that will be hard to get in as details, I might UVmap it later and add a bumpmap for that.

I am trying to make the details on the outside up to the screws. I will probably want to make (some of) the inside as well, particulary the driver's cabin. I might have to go to a museum in the US where they have it and make some photographs of my own for that though.
Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: headwax on January 19, 2010, 12:02:15 am
You dah Man $imon. Not only do I admire your work... I admire your work.

Keep on posting. More. More.



Title: Re: WIP: Locomotive
Post by: Olias on February 15, 2010, 08:08:47 am
That's incredible work, one of those shots where the details makes the image just leap off the screen and grab you.

Very nicely done.