Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: themoonglows22 on February 19, 2009, 08:58:57 pm
When I am making a sequence I can only move bones when I'm in side view(left or right) and I can only move them on the the green and blue axes, whats wrong with it?
its wierd like that for some reason. i havent animated a whole lot, but i defenatly remember u have to move with ur whatchammajig (Ctr+r) just slightly and it usually gets what u need 2 get at. i know its wierd but i think thats just how it is.
or your bones have limits on them. its anoying but u have 2 click those check boxes so you can get your bones to move.
sorry if i wasnt much help. gl hf
they don't have limits, they are all on unlimited but only move on the grren colored axis, no blue or purple, but I can right click it and spin the bone around
The green is the 'X' axis.
If you can right click and spin the bone around around, then thats the 'Y' axis working as well.
Double check that you have no tick in the 'Locked' box, for your purple, 'Z' axis.
If you are completely sure that 'Z' isn't locked, then change view slightly, as described by rellik 420.
btw: the 'Ctrl+R thingy' is the 'arc rotate tool'. ;)
None of it is working! a can only move bones forward and back and rotate them, I mant to make them go up and down!!
P.S. I have only found a couple of things to do with it stuck like this, you can see them at
You can tell from my 2 videos that I'm no expert at this, just trying to get the hang of it
I just noticed this but if I turn the X-axis to off, it allows me to move the Y axis, but is there any way to move the Y without locking the X?
Try moving the bone from different views (Arc-Rotate), and also try using different mouse buttons.
Left Mouse Button=X Axis
Middle Mouse Button (Scroll Wheel)=Z Axis
Right Mouse Button=Y Axis