Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: captaindrewi on February 17, 2009, 10:11:09 am
i once followed an edge looping tutorial/video for anim8or.
and at the time built half a face.
but i cant find it and i have forgotten how to do it.
very grateful for any links. ???
You might try (
and scroll to the bottom.
Or have a look at the links in the tutorials section.
thanks for replying but the links are dead
I just posted this in another thread yesterday.
yeah i have downloaded that info for safe keeping, but i need some instruction on how to begin the process
i seem to remember starting at the mouth and looped sections being generated some how.
There's a great primer explaining a lot about subdivision modeling. (
There are many different ways to model different objects. You can find a lot of tutorials using different programs that will be just as useful for you such as the Joan of Arc ( tutorial.
thanks for those links they are very helpful.
but this is close to what i rembember, the parts being generated semi automatically.
it looks like ur having the same problem i am having with the lips. its close but no cigar. i guess it depends on how u make the rest of ur face but keep workin at it. ull get it eventually.
(it kinda loks like lips on a muppet)
sadly i'm not that far yet, the above mage is made my someone else.
It's MP3D's tutorial. It helped make me the modeler I am now.
I can't find the tut either though. :(
Oh! Rellik, the lips were sopposed to look like that. You'll understand it when you see the full face that was made in the tut.
captaindrewi: that tutorial is not showing every step in the program. All it's demonstrating is how the lips are made up of loops. There is hardly any modeling that is done automatically like that. You can use edge extruding, but you still have to reposition vertices to where you want them.
thanks for replying,i bow to your knowledge hiho.
perhaps edge extruding was used in this fabled demo/tutorial
i once followed.i
so infuriating that i didn't save the information at the time.
i am saving as much anim8or technical tute info as i can nowadays
just in case it fades away.
It was. A lot.
trying to construct face/head using this method......but cant make the lines solid. ???
so can't progress to joining it all to make faces. :-\
The lines you have drawn so far are 'splines'. In anim8or splines are no more than helper lines.
To make a model you will want to make edges instead in the point edit mode (have a look in the manual for all that.)
Once you have made the lines as edges in the edit mode, you can create edges in between those and fill them to make the shape of the face.
Good luck!
drat! it was going well too.
i have read the manual countless times but much to my distress
remain befuddled in this area.
i can make edges off a solid
but cant see how i begin to make a single edge from scratch
that i can buid upon.
;D ;D ;D
hang on....... the shift key!!!!
and joining the solids in object mode first!!!!! ;)
i could be there now.........
aw.......yes......thats $£*%& it!!!! ......only took a few years. 8)
a personal anim8or milestone to grasp this form of modelling
Wow!! and the rush when it all came together.
works so well when you finally nail it.
anim8or is such a joy to work with .
got this lovely sensation of walking down the roads of earlier anim8or travellers
when the work flow clicked in.
i recommend giving it a try to those box modellers amongst us.
Great thanks to all that helped.
especially the animanonners i would mention them but they are strictly to remain anonymous .
The pic is a bit of nostalgia for the veterans...dont get any ideas boys this lady is spoken for.
might want to have a look here drewi!?
started a video .... more to come