Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: rellik420 on February 16, 2009, 10:12:59 pm
this isnt going as smoothly as i hoped. i tried to go for edgeloops by memory. not working so well. i dont have to many triangles. but i do have too many. please some1 point me in the right direction.
i think i see something wrong. the wrinkles above his nose should go with his forhead right? and not for his cheekbones.
Great ref site for ya here.
i have a question about the facial features. do you do that manually? or in some programs are there tools to help do that for you? i know anim8or doesnt have anything like that so you would have 2 do it manually and set ur morphs.
Most programs have tools similar to morph targets, some are used slightly differently, whether they be better or worse. Still, most programs don't have any kind of built-in phonemes.
from what ive seen on tv and on the internet... (from what i remember) you select vertecise. you flag them and then slide them to make your facial movements based on how u modeled it. IE make loops for wrinkles on the brow, so when u slide the top of the head forward the wrinkles -><- move together. Im not really sure how that works, only in theory. but if some1 know what im talking about maybe they can elaborate a bit.
Yeah, you have to wrinkle them yourself in most cases.
This tut helped me out a lot when I got started in Anim8or. Thanks again Johnar.