Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Indian8or on February 15, 2009, 10:49:12 am
Working on this creature for the last many days. Not yet complete. Just wanted to share the progress with you guys.
This is a crab robot. This is a concept armoured machine.
CRABOT-Command Relay and Advanced Battlefield Operations Technology.
neat concept and great attention to detail.
can't wait to see this thing textured
Looking cool mate.
I though Crabot was just crab and robot put together.
Just an update. Added another arm with a gattling and missile pod.
I think it is ready for final body work and paint.
What do you think buddies?
very cool 8)
no crits atm
wouldn't want to mess with one of those things
great work
Thank you all for the encouragement. I am experimenting with the renders. I want it to look realistic. Trial and error with anim8or ART is too time consuming. Hope to come out with the final version soon.
Perhaps you should finish the model first and then mess around with the render settings.
BTW: You might want to check out Kerkythea, it's a very easy to use and can produce some fine results (although you might have to learn some physics and more on render methods)
Tanzim: Yes, I am definitely trying an alternative rendering software.
By the way, here is an update for the mission station of my crabot.
Hope to finish it soon. The crabot will have its mission controlled through this telemetry station.
I don't really get how the legs are supposed to work. Just bare hydraulics with armor plates attached? I would think there would be some kind of load-supporting structure to it. At first glance (before thinking about it and looking at how it would work), I imagined hinges between the leg sections, maybe with the load-supporting structure part of them.
And just a little thing I thought up: maybe you could call the station "CRUstation" and think up another acronym ;) (like crustacean, get it? lol)
Fine job Indian8or
I especially like the close up of the crab arm.
What I'd like is some dirtying up, oil stains, signs of wear and tear, little hazard signs, made in japan stickers, etc. Good textures will give it a history, will say that the object is used, and help us suspend our disbelief so we can belive more in the crab's actual existence.
I can't wait to see how this looks when it's all done, some glowing lights on the body could help with making it look more alive, and to cover up those cables you could add some kind of fibreglass casing.
looking good, I like the scene you've created for it.
Lately busy with my job.
birdofash: Actually, this machine is conceptualized to be a frontier edge technology prototype with titanium alloy, composite carbon fiber to make it extra strong. Moreever, there are miniature tandem drive motors with secondry hydraulics. Once I post my final render, I hope you will like it.
Headwax: You have almost read my mind!!. Actually, there will be 2 final renders. The first one will be a "SWAT ASSIST" kind of machine. I intend to keep it glossy and sophisticated as it will be restricted to urban conflicts. The second will be a military version (almost ready), which will be a bit rustic machine with scratched steel, stains and what not.
3D Joe Wilstshire: You are right. Actually, I have indeed put some lights on the body. Actually, the concept is it will have 2 glowing neon kind of lights on its antennae. These lights will turn from Blue to Red as the machine moves from friendly environment to hostile territory.
BTW here is a shot of its main arsenal.
Small crits on the arsenal. I was a soldier for 8 years and I still work on a military post so I'm a bit picky about this kind of thing.
Your 7.62 cartridge (the single round) is a bit misshapen. Take a look at these:
The ammo can is actually squared of, not tapered. You also have it opening on the hinge side. This is possible if you take the lid off, but can be a bit confusing visually. <-- this one has the actual marking on it for NATO 7.62 30 CAL rounds
I can't clearly see the linkage between the cartridges, but I found you some ref pics just to help out.