Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Dreadkb on February 14, 2009, 12:15:39 am
I would appreciate any feedback I can get.
well it's intricate, good and has a high believability factor ,still 2 weeks left though.
i am hoping to submit an entry also, at present my model can quite proudly quack like a duck
more beak sync than lip sync.
Great work Dreadkb.
I'm giving this one a miss, but I'll be voting.
Good luck all.
It matches up very nicely. I don't feel that there's enough jaw movement though. That or the lips don't close enough. As it seems that the lips are just moving slightly and not going to the full extent of talking in my opinion. It looks pretty good though, well done.
Well, I already asked on the vid...But what did you use for the timing?
A camera, JLipSync, Windows Movie Maker, Audacity, VirtualDub, Free MP3 WMA WAV Converter.
Short version of my method:
Make a video of myself talking (camera)
Pull the audio out of the video (Windows Movie Maker)
Convert the audio file from WMA to WAV (Free MP3 WMA WAV Converter)
Clean up the audio, like noise reduction (Audacity)
Convert a copy of the audio to 8 bit mono WAV (Free MP3 WMA WAV Converter)
Load copy of audio on JLipSync and decide on the phoneme per frame (JLipSync)
Sequence the phonemes on Anim8or (Anim8or)
Using JLipSync and the video file as a blueprint, add phoneme sequences to Anim8or (Anim8or, JLipSync, original video)
Render video as JPG (Anim8or) <-- Always a good idea
Compile JPGs and audio, high quality WAV, not 8 bit mono, into AVI (VirtualDub)
Convert to WMV and upload final video (Windows Movie Maker)
Thats excellent. After all, it is a robot. :)
Nice one DreadKB
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